Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2263 If You Were Her Would You like Me?

C2263 If You Were Her Would You like Me?

Gong Suhe subconsciously looked at Zhai Xingchen.    


And he was also looking at her, his eyes carrying some questions.    


Gong Suhe's doubt only lasted for a second and then disappeared. She waved her phone. "She sent me a message gladly and talked about you."    


Zhai Xingchen's breath tightened and asked, "What did you say about me?"    


"No, she was just spouting nonsense."    


Gong Suhe thought for a while and asked curiously, "Oh right, have you ever liked girls?"    


Zhai Xingchen didn't notice at all when he peeled the prawns. The sharp thorns pierced into the meat.    


He pretended to be casual, "What about high school? Do you have girls you like?"    


Zhai Xingchen pretended to be casual. His brain buzzed. At this moment, he felt that many thoughts had surfaced in his mind.    


Finally, his gaze landed on the beer in front of him.    


He decided to take a gamble.    




His throat was dry, but he said casually, "Yes."    


Gong Suhe was surprised and immediately asked, "Is he your high school classmate?"    


Zhai Xingchen looked at her and continued to nod.    


"Oh, then he must be from your Sixth High School, right?"    


Gong Suhe directly denied the possibility that it was No. 1 High School. After all, Zhai Xingchen and her classmate had only been together for a short period of time and she had never seen him care about anyone.    


Facing this question, Zhai Xingchen did not know how to answer. He just lowered his head and continued to peel the prawns.    


Gong Suhe thought that she guessed correctly and could not help but say, "Then are you still contacting each other now?"    


Zhai Xingchen continued to nod his head.    


"Oh, that's not bad. I'm in university now. I can finally fall in love freely."    


Gong Suhe said.    


When she finished speaking, a trace of sadness surged in her heart.    


Zhai Xingchen was immersed in the same sadness. He said softly, "She doesn't like me."    


"Ah -" Gong Suhe thought for a while and comforted, "It's alright. Wait for me to treat your pair. Her legs, she should like you."    


Zhai Xingchen's heart trembled. He raised his eyes. "You think so too?"    


Gong Suhe nodded. "Of course. If you cure two. Your legs, you don't have any shortcomings."    


After she said that, she immediately added. "I'm more straightforward with my words, don't mind me."    


"I don't mind"    


Zhai Xingchen pulled out the sharp thorn that had pierced into his flesh. He stared into Gong Suhe's eyes and asked, "Suhe, if you were her, would you do the same?"    


Gong Suhe repeated this question in her mind. According to the "A = 1" formula, Zhai Xingchen just wanted that girl to be sure that she liked him.    


She understood. What he wanted was just an encouragement.    


Thus, she nodded her head and said in a serious tone: "Constellation, if I were her, I would too."    


Zhai Xingchen's eyes, on the other hand, were filled with an indescribable feeling, even though they were separated by the white mist.    


He could feel that Gong Suhe was probably comforting him, but he was more willing to lie to himself. She was making a promise.    


A promise was waiting for his double. When his legs recovered, he was willing to like him.    


After that, Gong Suhe insisted on treating Zhai Xingchen three or four times a week.    


The weather gradually became colder and Gong Suhe also began to plan to change the location of the treatment.    


After all, in such an open-air place, it was easy for Zhai Xingchen to receive cold treatment.    


It was just that she had yet to figure out where exactly it was, when she received a call from No.1 High School.    


"Student Gong Suhe, our school invites you to participate in the mobilization meeting of our third-year students..." Gong Suhe hung up the phone and looked at the date. After confirming that there were no problems, she replied to the other party.    


At this moment, she saw Li Chengyi waving at her.    


"Gong Suhe, you also received a call from the school?"    


"Yes, are you going too?"    


Gong Suhe asked.    




Li Chengyi said and smiled, "What's funny is that No.1 High School and No.6 High School both invited Xingchen."    


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