Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C383 A Woman Chasing a Man with a Layer of Veil Covering Her Face

C383 A Woman Chasing a Man with a Layer of Veil Covering Her Face

Aa Mian furrowed his brows. He had never been interested in any kind of performance.    


However, after a few steps, his phone rang. It was the same person. This time, it was a phone call. "Mr Mian, have you received my message?"    


Hearing the other party's sweet and harmless voice, Aa Mian felt that he should not treat the other party as a brother and speak like that. Therefore, her tone was obviously gentler than usual. "Got it."    


However, Wei Qianran could still hear his indifference. She was a little sad, but she immediately became spirited again. "I just arrived at Ningcheng. I have nothing to do now. I will send you the tickets!"    


Aa Mian had to say, "I don't like to watch performances."    


"Ballet dance. I have learned this since I was young and won many awards!" Wei Qianran was afraid that he would refuse again, so her voice became softer. "Mr Mian, I am not familiar with this place, and I don't know anyone else. Can you be an audience for me? Okay? "    


Aa Mian was in a dilemma. He held his phone and did not speak.    


Wei Qianran's voice was pitiful. "I'm so sad that no one came to support me! Mr Mian, you're the best! " When I fell into the water that day, you were the only one who saved me... Can you save me again? "    


Aa Mian only felt a headache. Thinking that he really had nothing to do today, he reluctantly agreed," Sure. "    


The girl who looked like she was about to cry a second ago immediately jumped up when she heard him agree. "Great, Mr Mian, you are so good! Then send me the address. I'll go and find you!"    


Out of instinct, Aa Mian said, "Give me the address, and I will go over."    


Hence, Wei Qianran happily shared the location.    


Half an hour later, Aa Mian arrived at the agreed location.    


"Mr Mian, there are two more hours. I'm about to enter. " Shall we eat something nearby? " Wei Qianran thought for a while and said," It is my treat! What do you like to eat?"    


Aa Mian did not care much about food. He casually pointed to the restaurant next to him and said, "That one!"    


Thus, the two of them sat down and ate the food.    


Wei Qianran had always been lively. She was the one who talked the whole time. Every time she smiled, he only lightly nodded his head and responded with a sentence or two, indicating that he knew.    


At the neighboring table, the two girls would pay attention to this side from time to time and whisper in low voices. "Look, that little beauty and her boyfriend are so sweet!"    


"Yeah, her boyfriend is so cool! His figure is super good!"    


"Yeah, although his clothes are loose, it feels like his figure is really great! Furthermore, he has a kind of temperament. It feels like he is very good at fighting!"    


"That person's temperament is called Iron-Blood. You don't understand, do you?"    


"Wuwuwu, no matter what it is, it feels so manly! "I like wild wolves like that. I don't like little milk dogs!"    


As the two of them were talking, Aa Mian suddenly turned his head and looked over. His tone did not carry a trace of warmth. "Next time when you talk about others, don't use this kind of volume!"    


"Ah?" The two girls looked embarrassed and quickly apologized.    


When Aa Mian turned around, one of the girls could not stand it anymore. "Ah, even a fierce man is so manly!"    


"Next time when you talk about other people, don't use this kind of volume!" The other girl imitated Aa Mian's tone and repeated it again. She had starlike eyes. "So cool! So cool! I envy his girlfriend!"    


The two of them really lowered their voices this time, but Aa Mian's ears were too good, so he listened to them all.    


On the other side, Wei Qianran did not hear clearly, so she asked, "Mr Mian, what did they say?"    


"They said they envy my girlfriend." He calmly narrated once. On the other side, Wei Qianran's cheeks were already burning.    


When she finished eating and called the waiter to pay, the waiter said: "This gentleman has already paid."    


Wei Qianran's heart rate sped up. "Mr Mian, I promised to treat you -"    


Aa Mian was the first to stand up. "No need."    


There was no reason for a girl to treat him.    


Half an hour later, he sat in the auditorium.    


This was the first time in his life that he had come to such a place. He always felt that if it was a martial arts performance on stage, perhaps it would be more suitable for him.    


The audience gradually filled up the seats and the performance began. The audience gradually quieted down.    


In the stadium, only the dance floor had lights. Aa Mian sat in the front seat and saw Wei Qianran on the stage at a glance.    


She had two programs today. One was a ballet with more than ten people, and the other was her solo dance.    


The white light fell on the stage. He looked at the completely unfamiliar world. At first, he felt uncomfortable everywhere, but later, he gradually calmed down. Aa Mian realized... This was a rare calm and slow that he had experienced in all these years.    


However, he still maintained his professional vigilance at all times. Although he was looking at the stage, he still paid attention to every direction.    


He could not understand the ballet at all. He just felt that the little girl who had acted rashly in front of him suddenly wore a white ballet skirt. It reminded him of the little swan washing machine when he was young. There was a white goose on it.    


This feeling, it was really... wonderful.    


As he looked at it, His phone vibrated. He picked it up and lowered his voice, "Special assistant Pei."    


"Aa Mian, where are you?" Pei Jun obviously heard the music around him.    


"It's in the big theater of Ningcheng." Aa Mian answered truthfully.    


Pei Jun thought he had misheard him. "The task assigned to you by the CEO?" Why hadn't he heard of it?    


"No." Aa Mian felt a little uncomfortable, but then he felt that his heart was open and honest, so he said, "It was Wei Qianran who came to perform and invited me to see her ballet."    


Pei Jun was stunned for two seconds and felt a little sour. "Aa Mian, you also know how to embroidery!" Why did a rough man like Aa Mian have a date?    


"Why are you looking for me?" Obviously, Aa Mian did not understand Pei Jun's feelings.    


"Have you found the video of the bar?" Pei Jun asked.    


"Yes, I have." Aa Mian looked at Wei Qianran on the stage and said, "Wait a minute, I will go out and tell you."    


Pei Jun heard that Aa Mian was about to come out and quickly said, "No need, you go on a date first!"    


Aa Mian was already walking out. "It's fine, I'm out."    


Pei Jun was speechless. He hoped Wei Qianran did not know that he had ruined their date.    


Aa Mian had already walked outside and said in a low voice, "That thing was when Beiming Mo and Beiming Xiao drank. Someone passed by and put it on Beiming Mo's ear nail. Beiming Mo did not notice anything in the video because it was very light and attracted people. The person who put the thing on wore a hat. His figure was very ordinary and could not be verified. "    


"So, it was not Beiming Xiao who put it on? Are you sure? " Pei Jun asked.    


Yes. " Aa Mian said, "But we can't deny that the person who put the tracker has nothing to do with Beiming Xiao."    


"Okay, I got it." Pei Jun said, "That person hasn't confessed yet?"    


"Probably in these two days." As Aa Mian spoke, his phone rang again.    


When he saw that it was his subordinate who called, he hurriedly said something to Pei Jun and immediately switched to his phone.    


He heard his subordinate say: "Brother Chu, that person is willing to confess..."    


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