Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2261 Did I Crush You?

C2261 Did I Crush You?

It was eight o'clock at the end of the needle, and Zhai Xingchen realized that the things he didn't even dare to think about were actually not as embarrassing as he thought.    


All his inferiority was not revealed because of Gong Suhe's attitude. Those hidden thoughts, on the contrary, tasted sweetness because of their interactions and closeness.    


The two of them left the bench. Gong Suhe packed her things and carried her schoolbag out.    


At this moment, a cat's cry broke the silence.    


Gong Suhe's eyes lit up and wanted to go and see.    


However, she did not notice a dry branch under her feet. Her feet slipped and she fell.    


"Ah -" She exclaimed in a low voice. Her hand unconsciously wanted to grab onto something that could be climbed.    


In the next second, an arm suddenly stretched out from her waist and wrapped around Gong Suhe with force.    


In a moment of dizziness, she crashed into a slightly hard embrace.    


Then, because of the inertia, their bodies were pushed back, but because the wheelchair could not withstand the weight and imbalanced impact of the two of them, it hit the side of the flower bed and tilted a little to the side.    


When Gong Suhe reacted, she and Di Xingchen both fell to the ground.    


She was lying on his chest and his arms were still tightly wrapped around her.    


Her forehead hit his chin and it hurt a little, but she was more confused.    


She looked up, and her eyes were full of surprise. "Did you fall?"    


Elsewhere, Cat jumped onto the flower bed and shouted at the two of them. She turned around and disappeared into the night complacently.    


Gong Suhe blinked and then looked back at Zhai Xingchen.    


Realizing that she was lying on his body, she hurriedly wanted to prop herself up. "Did I crush you?    


Are you hurt? "    


Zhai Xingchen shook his head. His tone was gentle. "It's fine, Suhe."    


Gong Suhe held onto the ground and got up, "I'll pull you, Starry."    


The corner of Di Xingchen's mouth twitched slightly but it was more like he was reminiscing about the throbbing just now.    


He sat up and saw Gong Suhe reach out to him, so he also reached out to grab her.    


Actually, it was more difficult for her to help him than to support himself in a wheelchair, especially since he could not use too much strength, as he was afraid that he would hurt the girl's soft hands.    


Zhai Xingchen tried to push himself back into the wheelchair, but Gong Suhe had already approached. "Are you really not hurt?"    




Zhai Xingchen shook his head.    


Gong Suhe heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, you saved me. That's right. Why is your body so fragrant?"    


Zhai Xingchen's heart skipped a beat. Before he came out, he noticed that Li Chengyi was wearing perfume.    


Li Chengyi seemed to have been paying attention to his dressing recently. He heard that he was interested in a senior sister of the student union.    


Zhai Xingchen had smelled good perfume in the morning, so when Li Chengyi went out to spray perfume in the evening, he deliberately turned his wheelchair to Li Chengyi's back.    


He reckoned that he had some perfume on him.    


It was very light, and when it blended into his clothes, it was as if his body had a clean smell.    


Zhai Xingchen suddenly felt that he could also go online to buy one, but he did not know what kind of smell he should buy.    


Gong Suhe was obviously just casually asking. She had already picked up the bag that fell on the ground and said to Zhai Xingchen, "Let's go back."    




The two of them went out together. When they passed by the school gate, a fragrance drifted into their nostrils.    


Gong Suhe looked up and looked at the spicy crayfish signboard. She could not help but purse her lips.    


On the side, Zhai Xingchen took a look at her expression.    


He asked, "Suhe, do you want to eat it?"    


Gong Suhe shook her head, "Mommy won't let you."    


Zhai Xingchen was just about to say that he should go back to school when Gong Suhe swallowed her saliva and said, "I haven't eaten it before, Xingchen. Why don't you accompany me to have a taste?"    


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