Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2283 His Cheeks Bumped into His Chest

C2283 His Cheeks Bumped into His Chest

Gong Suhe was very angry. She had just left the door for Lin Qi and the others, but she did not expect Qin Shanshan to actually come here! She directly came out of the water and was about to snatch Qin Shanshan's phone. "Delete the photo!"    


Qin Shanshan took a photo so easily, how could she delete it?    


She took advantage of the fact that she was wearing shoes and ran out quickly with her phone in hand.    


Gong Suhe did not manage to put on her shoes in time. She watched helplessly as she ran away and felt somewhat vexed.    


"Suhe, I'm sorry."    


Di Xingchen's eyes were also somewhat cold. "But don't worry. I won't let her spread the photos."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed himself out of the water.    


The edge of the pool was quite slippery. This was the first time that Zhai Xingchen had no experience and was about to fall back into the pool.    


Gong Suhe saw this and hurriedly stretched out her hand. "I will pull you."    


However, she completely overestimated her strength and only felt her body lighten. When Gong Suhe reacted, she and Di Xingchen had already fallen into the hot spring together! The deepest part of the pool was 1.5 meters and was surrounded by layers of stairs. When the two of them fell, they directly fell into the deepest part.    


The water above her head was instantly submerged by the water. Gong Suhe felt that she was surrounded by warm water and the arms on her back were very powerful.    


Because she was pulled by Zhai Xingchen, her face bumped into his chest.    


Warm, different from the touch of the pond water, she could hear his strong heartbeat in the silence.    


Gong Suhe suddenly felt a little nervous. She originally wanted to find someone to climb to the fulcrum but because of this, she did not know where to place it.    


Time seemed to have been pressed down at this moment. It was so slow that even every detail was exceptionally clear.    


She felt the hand on her back slide down and land on her legs.    


Then, the pair of arms lifted her up.    


The water pressure became smaller and smaller until she completely came out of the water.    


She opened her eyes and at the same time, both of them... Her legs finally stepped on the bottom of the pool and she stood up.    


Zhai Xingchen, who was in the water, still maintained his previous movement.    


She hurriedly reached out to him, but he found the stairs and went up bit by bit.    


A puddle of water fell at the edge of the pool. Gong Suhe felt a little hot for some reason.    


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward until Zhai Xingchen said, "Suhe, I brought the computer and went back to cut into Qin Shanshan's network."    


Gong Suhe also reacted and hurriedly nodded. "Okay.    


Xingchen, you will break into her network?"    


"Yes, some things are figured out."    


Zhai Xingchen did not explain too much, but quickly wrapped himself up again.    


"Do you want a scar cream?"    


Gong Suhe asked again.    


"No need."    


Zhai Xingchen wiped his hair and went out. " Suhe, there are some things that I don't want it to disappear."    


Outside, Qin Shanshan was on the phone in a hidden place.    


She looked at the time. It was now past 1 PM, and it was also very late in America, but Lu Yu Ze definitely had not slept yet.    


Ten thousand miles away, Lu Yu Ze and his team members were in the laboratory.    


There was a test today, and everyone was doing the final debugging.    


At this moment, his phone screen lit up.    


With a glance, Lu Yu Ze could guess who it was.    


He didn't have any intention of answering, so he turned his phone on the table.    


Qin Shanshan kept holding the phone up. When the ringing ended, she took a deep breath and continued to call.    


It had been a year and a half, and she had gone out with Lu Yuze for a year and a half. But it was ridiculous. He had never even accompanied her to a movie! Every time he ate, he would have countless information regarding his experiments to communicate with his companions. She did not even deserve to have a complete sentence for a meal! She had gotten Gong Suhe's intimate photos with other boys. How could she not let Lu Yu Ze take a look?    




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