Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2269 Go to My House

C2269 Go to My House

Zhai Xingchen's new stage of treatment has officially begun.    


Because Gong Suhe saved the teacher last time, the school specially allocated a treatment room for her in the school hospital. It was her own world.    


At the same time, she also had a consultation in the school hospital because she was a student. So there were only three numbers a day.    


For this, every day, she could make an appointment to catch up to a certain brand's zero yuan instant kill. Every morning at eight o'clock, when her three appointment slots were released, they would instantly be empty.    


Of course, there were quite a number of students who really had problems and had the mentality of giving it a try.    


There were also some boys who were attracted to fame, and they only wanted to get close to the beautiful junior sister.    


Hence, when they knew that Gong Suhe would treat Zhai Xingchen alone, there were even some classmates who posted on the school forum saying that if they broke their legs, Gong Suhe would not treat them.    


Of course, this kind of thread was just for entertainment. Gong Suhe's time was also filled to the brim.    


The time came to a sudden realization. Soon, it was the end of the semester.    


Students from other places were preparing to buy tickets to go home for the New Year, and the local students were also preparing to go on vacation.    


Gong Suhe's entire family would go to J Nation this year. Because Zhai Xingchen's treatment could not be interrupted, she went a few days later than everyone else.    


These two days, she was at home by herself because even Gong Qingmo followed her parents there.    


Gong Suhe's treatment room was very deserted. The school was on holiday, so the other doctors also left.    


When Zhai Xingchen came, he was still wearing the weather outside.    


He held a round thing in his hand and put it down first. He dragged his coat and went to wash his hands before saying, "Suhe, I brought you some food."    


This morning, he used the 'Zero' number to talk to Gong Suhe. Only then did he know that she had stayed in the country for him.    


There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. He was moved and pleasantly surprised.    


"What food?"    


Gong Suhe opened the insulation bucket and could not help but laugh. "Xingxing, are you the one who made the dumplings?"    


Zhai Xingxing was a little embarrassed. "Uncle Xu and I don't know how to make dumplings."    


The two old men were really not good at it. Not only were the dumplings wrapped in weird shapes, half of them were even cooked after they were boiled in the water.    


Uncle Xu could cook vegetables and make soup, but these wheaten foods were also learned in the past half a year.    


The dumpling skin was not very good at rolling and rolling, so when it was wrapped, it was only a few times uglier.    


However, it was the real material inside.    


Seeing that Gong Suhe had already gone to get the chopsticks, Di Xingchen added: "Next is the duck soup. Uncle Xu brought the ducks from the suburbs. They are scattered and raised. The soup is very fragrant."    


Gong Suhe's eyes lit up. "Yes, did you eat it?    


Shall we eat together?"    


"I have already eaten."    


Zhai Xingchen was a little regretful. Why didn't he think of buying another thermos?    


Next time, he would eat with her.    


Gong Suhe didn't stand on ceremony and started work immediately.    


There were a lot of dumplings. After she ate most of them, she could not eat them and drank the hot soup. Hence, her cheeks became redder.    


"I still have some left. I'll bring it home tonight and continue eating."    


Gong Suhe said.    


"At night -" Zhai Xingchen was a little nervous. He stared into Gong Suhe's eyes. "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Suhe, can you come to my house for dinner?"    


After he said that, he added, "Uncle Xu said that we should eat hotpot tonight. It will be more lively this way."    


Gong Suhe thought about it and felt that it was not bad.    


Furthermore, although he did not mention the matter at Zhai Xingchen's house, she could roughly guess what it was.    


He should only have Uncle Xu accompanying him.    




Gong Suhe said, "But if you trouble Uncle Xu, then..." Zhai Xingchen hurriedly interrupted her. "It's alright. Uncle Xu really likes to be lively."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately called Uncle Xu and asked him to prepare the dishes.    


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