Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2123 His Ears Turned Red

C2123 His Ears Turned Red

After that, Gong Suhe took out the silver needles again and bent her body.    


She was very close to Zhai Xingchen and her breathing almost landed on his side face.    


After that, she held Zhai Xingchen's chin with one hand and used the other hand to help him pick out the needle.    


"It's done."    


She picked up the needle and finally relaxed. This needle was a little thin. When she picked it up just now, it almost broke inside.    


And just now, she also took the opportunity to look at the wound on Zhai Xingchen's face. Although there were beads of blood on it, it was not deep. As long as it was not wet, there would not be a scar.    


"Oh right, remember not to get wet when you wash up. Otherwise, if the wound on your face is not good, there will be a scar. Your hands are fine, you can get better after sleeping."    


Gong Suhe said.    


Zhai Xingchen did not speak but when he was pushed by Gong Suhe to turn around, his ears turned a little red.    


Gong Suhe did not expect him to respond. She had done her best, so she pushed him out of the woods and walked towards the dormitory area.    


However, at the corner, Zhai Xingchen suddenly grabbed the wheel.    


Gong Suhe was forced to stop. She looked forward and understood what Zhai Xingchen meant.    


He probably did not want others to see him being pushed, so Gong Suhe let go of the wheelchair and waved at him. "I'm leaving. Good night."    


Zhai Xingchen didn't respond. It was only when Gong Suhe was about to turn around that he squeezed out three words, "Sorry."    


The surroundings were very quiet. Although these three words were light, they still drifted into Gong Suhe's ears.    


She knew that Zhai Xingchen was apologizing for pushing her just now.    


She felt that it was funny. It seemed that he also knew that he was wrong! She didn't take today's matter to heart. Because when she was meditating alone earlier, she had already thought of all the formulas and was waiting to experiment on them.    


However, when Gong Suhe arrived at the female dormitory area, she was somewhat dumbfounded.    


The lights had already been turned off and the door was closed. She stood outside the door and was somewhat hesitant.    


At this moment, the instructor walked over and asked, "Student Gong, why did you come back so late?"    


Gong Suhe rarely violated the rules and at this moment she was somewhat nervous. She lowered her eyes and lied, "Reporting to the instructor, I was lost just now!"    


The counselor looked at his watch and said, "If you are ten minutes late, then do ten minutes of tablet support!"    


Gong Suhe immediately agreed, "Okay, instructor."    


So she started to do tablet support on the spot. Fortunately, she had practiced regularly. Ten minutes of tablet support was finally done after splitting into three.    


"Return to the team. Don't be late next time."    


Instructor Zhou actually liked Gong Suhe more. After all, the little girl usually performed very well. It was just one special case today.    


"Okay, Instructor!"    


Gong Suhe opened the dormitory door and quietly returned to her bed.    


The noise she made when she came back was very small, but none of her classmates were sleeping at this time, so when they saw her return, they could not help but gossip softly. "Suhe, where did you go?    


Why did you come back so late?"    


Gong Suhe still said the same thing. "I went out to meditate, but I went in the wrong direction and took a big detour before coming back."    


"Is that so?"    


A girl smiled and said: "We thought you secretly fell in love!"    


Gong Suhe smiled. "I don't plan to fall in love in high school!"    


"Oh, what a pity for the boys in our school!"    


Lin Qi sighed, "Just now, when I was browsing the forum, I even saw a senior in senior high school asking about you!"    


Gong Suhe still wanted to say something, but the sound of a button suddenly came from the door, and then it was Instructor Zhou's voice, "The lights are off. I want to see who else dares to speak, so come out immediately. I will take her to run 20 kilometers with a load!"    


A single sentence was more effective than anything else. The dormitory immediately fell silent.    


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