Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2265 The Secret of the Tree Hole

C2265 The Secret of the Tree Hole

Zhai Xingchen was at the entrance of the washroom. When he heard Gong Suhe's words, he instantly stopped.    


He did not know what his heart felt like. It was as if he had been splashed by icy water. It was also as if he was soaking in a sour and acidic liquid. He felt a little uncomfortable and a little suffocated.    


In the public bathroom sink, the boys did not expect to meet Gong Suhe at all.    


Facing a beauty, Instinctively, they felt ashamed and did not dare to reply. They dispersed in a puff of smoke.    


When Gong Suhe came out, she was still a little angry.    


Although she broke up with Lu Yu Ze, she understood his helplessness.    


If they were in a different place, she felt that she might have the same choice as him.    


This choice was too difficult and painful for him, but he would still be misunderstood and humiliated by the world.    


She couldn't tolerate it! Therefore, when she walked out, her expression was still somewhat strained, and then she saw Zhai Xingchen.    


Zhai Xingchen met Gong Suhe's angry gaze. He tried his best to swallow down a hint of bitterness and pretended that he did not hear anything. "I still have to go to No. 6 High School later. You guys go back to school first. You don't have to wait for me."    


Gong Suhe asked, "Will Uncle Xu send you?"    


"The school will send me there if there is a car."    


"Yes," Gong Suhe said.    


Gong Suhe nodded. "Okay, then we will leave first."    


Zhai Xingchen looked at her departing figure and could not help but think, if it was during normal times, would she say that she would send him there?    


Was it because she thought of Lu Yu Ze?    


They had been separated for half a year, but she still couldn't forget that person in her heart.    


Disappointment filled the sky, but no one could express such emotions.    


In the time after that, Gong Suhe discovered that every time she treated, Zhai Xingchen seemed to be in low spirits.    


She found a private room in an internet cafe across from the school and paid the room fee every time to solve the problem of being too cold during treatment.    


However, she felt that Zhai Xingchen seemed to have something on his mind.    


Although he didn't like to talk in the past, this feeling was very obvious in the past two weeks.    


Gong Suhe was also very busy recently because a while ago, the Shangguan Family found a basement and found a few medical books left behind by the Rong Family.    


Therefore, both mother and daughter had been spending their spare time studying medical books.    


Helian Qing had even specially conducted a few experiments for this and Gong Suhe was also at home helping on the weekend.    


Ever since that small lobster, she did not eat with Zhai Xingchen.    


Every time the treatment ended, she would either go back to school with him or go home.    


A month had passed, and it was almost the end of the semester.    


There was an interesting online store near the school called the 'The Secret of the Hollow'.    


As the name suggested, the decoration inside was quite primitive. There were many hollow trees. Everyone could drink in the shop or write down their secrets and throw them into the hollow.    


Gong Suhe finished treating Zhai Xingchen on this day. It was rare for her to give herself a day off. When she passed by this shop, she suddenly remembered what Wang Xinran said. The Flowing Heart Cheese Milk Tea in this shop was delicious.    


Therefore, she turned her head and asked Zhai Xingchen, "Do you want to drink milk tea?"    


After a month, Zhai Xingchen once again heard Gong Suhe's invitation.    


Like a dried up river flowing into a clear spring, he nodded. "Okay."    


The two of them went to the shop, ordered milk tea, and sat down.    


When the waiter came to serve Milk Tea, he also sent the two of them paper and pen. "If you have anything, you can tell the tree hole. It's absolutely confidential."    


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