President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C969 Childish Mei-jin

C969 Childish Mei-jin

The other female star sitting next to Mei Shujin at the dinner table had been trying to get food for Mei Shujin, even though Mei Shujin had never looked at her from the beginning to the end.    


Qi Xunmann saw this scene and teased Lih Sijin beside him, "Your husband is about to be snatched away by someone else. Don't you want to do something as a proper wife?"    


The two of them were very close to each other's heads and looked very close.    


Mei Shujin was very unhappy. They had already received the evidence, so why were they still so sullen?    


Qi Xunmann felt the unfriendly gaze. In order to avoid getting angry, he wisely sat up straight and kept a safe distance from Lih Sijin.    


It was probably because Qi Xunmann was serious. He could not stand Mei Shujin's penetrating gaze. He pulled Lih Sijin to change positions with him.    


Seeing Lih Sijin sitting beside him, Mei Shujin's expression eased a little.    


When everyone was seated, Mei Shujin waved his hand and the waiter immediately brought the bottom of the hot pot. The bright red hot pot was full of chili.    


Mei Shujin's eyes swept to Hu Fei in the corner. "I've heard that the movie emperor, Hu Fei, likes hot pot. I ordered this dish for you. Remember to eat more later."    


Didn't he like hot pot? Then he could eat it all at once.    


Hu Fei was a little surprised when the president called him by his name, but when he looked at the bottom of the pot that was filled with chili, he wanted to cry but had no tears.    


He really liked hotpot, but it was only limited to the slightly spicy and tomato bottom.    


But the president had already said it himself, so he had no reason to refuse. He could only smile and agree.    


Soon, all the side dishes were served. Hu Fei originally wanted to take advantage of the crowd and the president's gaze was not on him to avoid this disaster.    


However, it was obvious that he was thinking too much. Mei Shujin's gaze did not move from his body at all.    


Hu Fei saw that he could not escape, so he could only make a pot of mutton at the bottom of the pot.    


Just as the lamb entered his mouth, a spicy taste rushed from his lips to his nose. Tears almost flowed out of his eyes.    


He covered his mouth and coughed twice. He quickly picked up the juice beside him and gulped down a big cup of it. Only then did he suppress the spiciness.    


"Why aren't you eating? "Is it because they don't suit the taste? Otherwise, let them do it again."    


He was very dissatisfied. He only took a bite and then put down his chopsticks. One should know that he had personally prepared this big pot for him.    


Hu Fei was once again called out. He instantly felt overwhelmed by the favor.    


"What are you talking about, CEO? It suits my taste very well!"    


Hu Fei made another piece of beef with a smile. The president said it himself. He did not want to save his face. He could only endure the spiciness and eat another piece of beef with his numb lips.    


Then, it was time for another drink.    


The others thought Mei Shujin took special care of the movie king. Only Lih Sijin knew what was going on.    


She silently wiped the sweat off her idol's forehead, but it was hard to say anything. She was afraid that she would make a fool of herself.    


Just as Mei Shujin was about to continue making trouble, Lih Sijin took the lamb that she had made from the slightly spicy bottom of the pot and placed it in Mei Shujin's bowl.    


Because there were a lot of women present, almost all the female artistes had a pot of love placed in front of them. Only Hu Fei, the movie emperor, had a pot of spicy food in front of him.    


At this time, Mei Shujin's expression eased slightly.    


Lih Sijin's actions had only brought her a wave of hatred.    


He did not expect this woman to look gentle and harmonious. Since she was also a seductress who relied on her close proximity to the water pavilion to crazily fawn over her, she was truly shameless.    


Jealousy had already caused them to be beyond recognition.    


"Hu Fei, let me toast you with this cup of wine! A talent like the King of Cinema is what our company lacks. I hope we can work together more in the future."    


Mei Shujin raised his glass and recovered. Soon, Hu Fei did not dare to neglect him. He quickly raised his glass and drank.    


Everyone suddenly realized that the CEO had been paying attention to Hu Fei at the dinner party because he wanted to poach someone. No wonder!    


Everyone understood the CEO's "heart" and also toasted to the film emperor.    


All of a sudden, Hu Fei drank three or four cups of wine.    


After this toast, the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively.    


Only Lih Sijin was silently worried for her idol in her heart.    


Qi Xunmann shook his head at the side. This Mei Shujin probably didn't grow up jealous since he was young, right?    


Just as Mei Shujin turned his gaze to Hu Fei in the corner, a soft little hand grabbed her hand under the table.    


Lih Sijin's other hand was not idle either. She poured all the delicious food into his bowl.    


Mei Shujin's hand under the table held her little hand back. His tone was a bit arrogant, "I want to eat shrimp slither!"    


Clearly, he was such a cynical person. Lih Sijin could clearly hear a trace of a coquettish tone from his tone.    


Lih Sijin could not help but shake her head in her heart. Mr Jin. Mr Jin, you look like a child who has not grown up yet. You need someone to coax you.    


She didn't dare to say this in front of him. She was responsible for silently adding food to him, and Mei Shujin was responsible for eating all the food that she had picked up.    


There were so many people here that it was very lively. Mei Shujin was probably affected by the atmosphere. Thinking about the bitterness of having a wife and not being able to hug, he pulled her into his arms under the table.    


Although Lih Sijin had been looking for an opportunity to escape, every time she left, she would be pulled back by him in the next second.    


Helplessly, she could only compromise and let Mei Shujin hug her.    


The last two people's bodies were almost pressed together.    


Qi Xunmann, who was at the side, felt a little sour in his heart and turned his head away.    


Mei Lulu just felt that these two people in front of her were too shameless. Back then, they kept saying that they wanted to hide their relationship. Then may I ask what are the two of you doing now?    


She wished that everyone in the world knew that the two of you were together. What was the meaning of this?    


When he thought about how he was still single until now, a wave of bitterness welled up in his heart and he silently turned his face away.    


Lih Sijin had always been afraid that people would discover the relationship between the two of them. From time to time, she would look at her surroundings.    


Fortunately, other than those few envious and distorted gazes, no one else investigated the relationship between the two of them.    


Anyway, there were more than one woman who wanted to climb onto Mei Shujin's bed at the dinner table. And this person just happened to be Lih Sijin today. Other than jealousy, there was also envy.    


They were also confident that one day, they would also be able to obtain Mei Shujin's favor.    


After the meal, Mei Shujin was in a very good mood. Even the atmosphere at the dinner table was very good.    


After the meal, everyone wanted to go and play. Mei Shujin agreed with a good temper.    


Lih Sijin was worried that the jealous king would find trouble with her idol again. She took advantage of the time when everyone was not paying attention to her and pulled his arm. She said coquettishly, "Mr Jin. I'm so tired today! I want to go back to the hotel. Can you accompany me back?"    


Mei Shujin did not know what kind of scene appeared in his mind when he heard this. He smiled very happily and pulled her along. He kissed her in front of everyone.    


Lih Sijin knew that Mr Jin must be thinking incorrectly. She was so embarrassed that she stomped her foot and ran away.    


Mei Shujin was in a good mood as he said to Qi Xunmann, "Have fun tonight. Count it all on me!"    


Qi Xunmann looked at the two of them with a wicked smile and then led everyone to have fun.    


In a place where the crowd could not see, Qi Xunmann's eyes darkened.    


On the way back to the hotel, Mei Shujin stuck to her like a piece of dog skin plaster. No matter what she did, she could not get rid of him.    


Thinking that it was dark now, Lih Sijin let him go willfully.    


Tonight, Mei Shujin was especially childish. He was like a child who had gotten a new toy, constantly announcing his sovereignty to others.    


When they reached the entrance of the hotel, Lih Sijin was afraid of being recognized, so she could only push the man on her body to let him in first.    


The man unhappily got some benefits from her, then unwillingly entered the hotel.    


After standing outside for a while, Lih Sijin slowly returned to the hotel.    


As soon as she opened the door, a figure pressed on her. The kiss was so domineering that it could not be rejected. Soon, Lih Sijin was kissed by him until her entire body turned soft. However, Mei Shujin was not satisfied with this little bit of intimacy. Soon, the overbearing kiss turned into a bite with some punishment.    


Lih Sijin only felt a slight pain on her lips, but it was not very painful.    


She knew that this was Mr Jin's expression of jealousy and did not reject him. Instead, she responded to him in her own way.    


Sensing the response from the person under her, Mei Shujin's punishment changed.    


"You are not allowed to eat with men other than me in the future!"    


The tone of his orders showed his master's dissatisfaction.    


"Okay, okay, okay, I promise you everything!"    


Lih Sijin had seen Mr Jin's jealous look, and now she was coaxing him like she was coaxing a child.    


Actually, Mr Jin was really a big fool. She would only love her one person in her life! Eating some useless jealousy every day, wasn't it tiring?    


Mei Shujin was finally willing to let go of her punishment after receiving her promise.    


Lih Sijin did not sleep well the whole night. The key was that someone's physical strength was too good and she could not sleep.    


Early the next morning, Lih Sijin beautifully performed a play where the female lead was late.    


She rushed to the set but found that there was no one.    


She turned around and called Mei Lulu.    


"Senior Mei, why is there no one at the set today?"    


Mei Lulu's tone was extremely ambiguous, "The president said that he had something to do in the morning and pushed it back for half a day."    


Mei Lulu emphasized the word "something." Lih Sijin felt that her ears were about to drip blood.    


After hanging up the phone, Lih Sijin rubbed her aching waist.    


She secretly cursed someone for being a beast.    


However, she still had some gratitude in her heart. If Mr Jin did not delay filming, then her crime of being a big shot would be proven.    


The shooting in the afternoon went on as usual. Lih Sijin suddenly realized that Mr Jin was actually very talented in acting. If he entered the entertainment industry, she believed that he would be able to become a movie king and play around.    


In the next few days, the shooting went very smoothly.    


And the place with the greatest number of people every day was the shooting studio hotel.    


Needless to say, the shooting scene was because there was someone there. The hotel was because Lih Sijin was afraid that the matter between the two would be exposed. So she asked Mei Shujin to get a room by himself.    


From then on, Mei Shujin would be greeted by different women every day. Lih Sijin sometimes even doubted it. Was the door to the hotel going to be broken by these women?    


It was late at night when Mei Shujin sneaked into Lih Sijin's room.    


Because Meng Meng's illness had made new progress, Mei Shujin rushed over as soon as possible to finish shooting his movie as soon as possible.    


Finally, after confirming that there were no kissing scenes in the script, he reluctantly left.    


When sending Mei Shujin to the airport, Lih Sijin held Mr Jin's hand and was extremely reluctant.    


Only when the announcement of boarding sounded from the airport did Lih Sijin stand on her tiptoes and kiss his cheek to show that she was reluctant to part with him.    


In fact, Mei Shujin was the same. Lih Sijin's affection almost made him change his mind and stay.    


He did not know why his daddy liked to stick to his mommy so much. Now he finally had a little experience of his daddy's feelings.    


He was even wondering if he should take Sisi and give birth to a fat kid as soon as possible. When he turned 18, he would throw all the things he had in his hands to him and bring Sisi to the world of the two of them.    


However, even though he wanted to, he heard that giving birth was very painful. Mei Shujin shook his head and gave up on this idea.    


After sending Mei Shujin off, Lih Sijin returned to the set.    


"Pugilistic World" was originally the theme of a movie. It could be completed in a month. Mei Shujin had already finished shooting his movie. They just needed to hurry up and finish it within half a month.    


They thought that they would be able to find Mr Jin in another two weeks. Lih Sijin's body was instantly filled with energy.    


In the next few days of filming, Lih Sijin was more serious and hardworking than ever.    


Qi Xunmann did not understand why she suddenly felt like she was on steroids. However, her explosive power was very good in the movie, so he did not care about it.    


"What are you doing?"    


At night, Lih Sijin was lying on the soft bed. When she heard Mr Jin's voice, she immediately felt satisfied.    


"I just finished bathing."    


Lih Sijin happily rolled around on the bed.    


"Did you take a bath? Let me see."    


While speaking, he even sent a video request to Lih Sijin.    


Lih Sijin was so angry that she rolled her eyes at the screen.    


This beast is hopeless.    


"How is Meng Meng?"    


Lih Sijin cleverly changed the topic.    


"The situation is not good."    


Mei Shujin's voice was a little low.    


The doctor said Mengmeng wanted to forget about this memory. If she remembered it, she might feel more pain than she did now. So now he was a little shaken. He wanted her to remember it. Was this all right?    


"Sisi, do you think Mengmeng is so happy?"    


"Ah? There is nothing wrong with living happily like a child. Furthermore, Ms Gu takes good care of her."    


She remembered that when Mengmeng lived with her, she often showed unhappiness.    


If Mengmeng really thought of everything in the past, perhaps she would not be as happy as she was now.    


"So, I want to give up on continuing the treatment."    


He wanted his sister to live happily and not be full of troubles.    


"Mr Jin, no matter what you do, I will support you!"    


Meng Meng's happiness was more important than anything else.    


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