President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C886 Cute to the Point of Foul Play

C886 Cute to the Point of Foul Play

Bai Ruoxuan was here to seek comfort. Who knew that she would not be able to ask for comfort? Instead, she would be taught a lesson. Her heart felt even worse.    


When she thought of Lih Sijin who was here today, she felt even worse. I'm afraid it's another scene.    


Jealousy surged up from the depths of his heart like a tide.    


"Did you film that program just now for Lih Sijin?"    


He asked, knowing the answer.    


Mei Shujin did not try to hide it and nodded.    


"That's right."    


"But why did you participate in this event with her?"    


Seeing how calm he was, Bai Ruoxuan started to scream.    


"Bai Ruoxuan, the reason why I agreed to take care of you is because of my gratitude for what happened back then and my guilt for the dead. There is not a single bit of love in it. You can feel it yourself, right? " But I am different to Lih Sijin. I love her. So if my previous actions had any misconception of you, I will apologize."    


Mei Shujin looked straight at her and took this opportunity to cut off all of Bai Ruoxuan's thoughts.    


"No, it's impossible... You love me, it's just that you don't know."    


Bai Ruoxuan could indeed feel it, especially after she knew of Lih Sijin's existence. This feeling became more and more obvious, but she was unwilling to admit it and was unwilling to accept it.    


Imagine a person who had always regarded himself as the mistress of the Lih family, Mei Shujin's girlfriend, but was suddenly told everything. It was just a fantasy, no one could accept it.    


Bai Ruoxuan was currently in a state of crazy denial.    


Seeing her like this, Mei Shujin did not know what to say. He could only say, "Sorry.    


He turned around and left, feeling relieved.    


But how could Bai Ruoxuan let him go so easily?    


She rushed up and hugged his waist from behind, deceiving herself, "Shujin, are you joking with me? But it's not funny at all..."    


"Bai Ruoxuan, accept the reality. I do not love you. The person I love is Lih Sijin."    


Mei Shujin's back was stiff. When he spoke, he did not even turn his head.    


"What about me? What should I do? You promised me that you would take care of me for the rest of my life. Is that a lie?"    


Bai Ruoxuan slowly tightened her embrace, as if she was afraid that someone would run away. She asked in a somewhat hysterical voice.    


"You can get everything you want except for my love. I will make it up to you elsewhere."    


Mei Shujin pushed her fingers away one by one.    


Bai Ruoxuan saw his determination and knew that there was no chance for her to do so. She could not help but cry.    


"No, I don't want your compensation. I don't want it!"    


Bai Ruoxuan seemed to have been provoked and turned to run.    


Mei Shujin sighed. Finally, out of pity, he said to the two secretaries who had been watching the show, "The two of you follow and watch. Don't let anything happen to them."    


Chen Qingqing and Li Ying were initially stunned when they heard the president's confession. Now that they heard the president's words, they quickly nodded and chased Bai Ruoxuan.    


After work in the afternoon, Mei Shujin drove the car directly to Lih Sijin's house.    


Lih Sijin had taken an interview in the morning and basically had nothing to do in the afternoon. Naturally, she stayed at home as well.    


Looking at the people waiting for him at home, Mei Shujin felt a sense of peace and happiness that he had never felt before.    


"I bought it downstairs today. Change it and see if it fits your feet."    


Seeing him come back, Lih Sijin quickly took out the slippers that she had bought in advance.    


There was only her and Mengmeng in the house. Naturally, there were no slippers that he had changed into.    


Therefore, he wasn't always naked. The feet are in cute clothes. Those slippers, which were obviously a few sizes smaller, looked quite funny.    


Mei Shujin looked at Lih Sijin's yellow slippers in his hand. The corner of his mouth rose slightly. He took the slippers from her hands and put them on.    


"How is it? Is it suitable?"    


Lih Sijin was a little nervous. This was the first time she had bought something for someone. She did not know if it was appropriate.    


Moreover, he originally thought that Mr Jin would not be able to accept Little Yellow's slippers, but he did not expect Mr Jin to accept it so quickly.    


This was probably the news that was spreading online. It looked like a straight man made of steel. In fact, it was pretty quick to accept such a cute thing.    


"It's alright."    


Mei Shujin looked at Lih Sijin's eyes which were getting stranger and stranger. He felt a chill on his back.    


If he knew that Lih Sijin had made such a big decision in his heart today, he would definitely throw the pair of yellow slippers far away.    


Lih Sijin was just about to say something when her waist was hugged by someone and her kiss fell.    


Lih Sijin's heart beat faster and her brain was not working very well in an instant.    


"When you come back, you act like a hooligan..."    


Lih Sijin pursed her lips.    


Mei Shujin took advantage of the opportunity to kiss her pouted lips.    


Lih Sijin shouted, "Brawler!"    


She glared at him and ran away shyly.    


Mei Shujin took off his suit jacket and looked at the person whose face was still red. He pressed his sleeves and asked, "What do you want to eat today?"    




Lih Sijin was still ashamed. She just wanted to quickly send away a certain stinky hooligan.    


Mei Shujin did not continue to ask her opinion. He went straight to the kitchen and took out some food from the fridge to cook.    


There was another table that she liked to eat.    


After dinner, Mei Shujin sat on the sofa to take care of his work while Lih Sijin played with her phone and scrolled through Weibo.    


It had been a while since she last visited Weibo. Today, when she opened Weibo, there were a lot of people who @ her.    


Because Mei Shujin had been showing up at the theatre to show off his warmth, he had become a lot of fans. His fans were also calling him 'husband' behind his back.    


[@ Lih Sijin, sob, sob, sob. Give me back my husband!]    


[@ Lih Sijin, the hatred of stealing my husband is irreconcilable!]    


[@ Lih Sijin, please take good care of my husband for me. Although I don't like you, my husband likes me.] So I can only wish you happiness.]    


[@ That guy upstairs, the production team is just acting for the viewership ratings. Don't take it seriously. Disperse!]    




Further down, it was Mei Shujin's flowery confession of "3000 harem beauties.    


Lih Sijin was getting more and more uncomfortable.    


Looking at Mei Shujin who was completely focused on his work and did not listen to anything outside the window, Lih Sijin flipped the tablet over and showed him the content. Her tone was strange as she said, "You have so many wives."    


"Are you jealous?"    


Mei Shujin felt that Lih Sijin was so cute that she was breaking the rules.    


"You sleep on the couch tonight!"    


Lih Sijin put on a fake smile.    


Mei Shujin's smile faded.    


Suddenly, a message on the tablet entered his eyes.    


[@ Lih Sijin, did you show your fox tail?] Just now, you helped me wash my face. Now you have broken yourself, right? Actually, you relied on a man's vase!]    


[@ Upstairs, does my goddess need to rely on a man? You probably grew up in an orphanage, right?]    




In an instant, the first floor turned into a huge tearing building.    


The fans of both sides were tearing each other apart.    


"I'll use the tablet."    


Mei Shujin took the tablet from her hand. He didn't know how to do it. With two simple strokes, the people who had been fighting madly disappeared.    


The comments section became much quieter and more peaceful.    


Lih Sijin's eyes lit up when she saw this scene.    


Of course, Mei Shujin interpreted this gaze as worship.    


Who would have thought that Lih Sijin would suddenly ask, "On Valentine's Day, was Qin Yang's Weibo hacked by you?"    




Mei Shujin quickly denied it.    




"No, not really!"    


Mei Shujin did not want to admit it.    


How could he admit it? Wasn't this too childish? If he found out, wouldn't his image be ruined?    


Lih Sijin had a look of doubt on her face. She really could not think of anything. Who else had such a reason and ability to hack other people's accounts?    


However, Lih Sijin's attention was quickly attracted by the Weibo content.    


The official Weibo post of the production team of "Celebrity Battle" also edited the interview today and released it at noon. It was now sent by Mei Shujin.    


In the video, Mei Shujin was so handsome! On the circular sofa, he had a cool temperament, but his face was so handsome that it was filled with anger and misery! Every move he made aroused the hearts of thousands of young girls.    


He participated in the program at the same time as them. There were a few other pairs that participated in the program at the same time, but the amount of attention they paid was like a drop in the bucket compared to theirs.    


And because of this matter, Lih Sijin also went on a double search.    


Of course, Mei Shujin's "old wife group" was everywhere.    


Lih Sijin felt very uncomfortable looking at it.    


"Director Mei, your wife called 'sleeping person only sleeps Mei Shujin' asked me to tell you that you will always be his husband!"    


Lih Sijin pointed to one of the comments and read it out.    


"And your little wife, she asked me to tell you..."    


Lih Sijin pointed to the various comments in the comments section. One by one, she came out for Mei Shujin to hear.    


Facing this, Mei Shujin felt like laughing.    


How could she be so cute even when she was jealous?    


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