President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C881 Did You Die When You Were a Man?

C881 Did You Die When You Were a Man?

Mei Shujin's heart skipped a beat when he saw her shy expression.    


Seeing her somewhat suspicious pink ears, Mei Shujin lowered his head wickedly. The sudden action made Lih Sijin tremble all over.    


Mei Shujin seemed to be very satisfied with her reaction. He was in a good mood.    


Lih Sijin suddenly regretted. She should not have agreed to Mr Jin. She felt like she was a piece of meat in a wolf's mouth.    


"Let's go home."    


Lih Sijin felt that her current situation was too embarrassing. She hurriedly opened her mouth to change the topic, but as soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted to bite off her own tongue.    


With the current atmosphere and saying such words, was she sure that she was not hinting at something?    


Mei Shujin's eyes also lit up.    


He knew what he had misunderstood. Lih Sijin quickly explained, "I meant to go home. It's a little late."    


"I know."    


Mei Shujin nodded. The smile on his face did not diminish.    


Lih Sijin always felt that something was strange. But she could not tell.    


Coming out of the restaurant, Lih Sijin gently pushed Mr Jin who was hugging her waist away and kept a distance from him. Then she looked around and confirmed that there was no one. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief.    


Mei Lulu had finally washed her image clean with great difficulty. She could not be filmed at this time.    


Seeing her cautious appearance, Mei Shujin did not care at all and went over to take her into his arms.    


"What are you afraid of? If you get it, just say that we are filming a show."    


If she wants to do anything, just do it. Anyway, she had him behind her back.    


Lih Sijin really wanted to refute him, but she could not find any reason.    


On the way back, Mei Shujin did not know what he saw. He suddenly asked, "Who did you think your blind date would be today?"    


Thinking about how she saw his expression, Mei Shujin still felt a little sour in his heart.    


"Qin Yang!"    


Lih Sijin knew that he was jealous, but she decided to tease him. Every time she was teased, this time she had to turn it around.    


Sure enough, when Mei Shujin heard Lih Sijin say the name "Qin Yang," his face turned black.    


Then, a certain reckless woman, as if she could not see his unhappy expression, continued to say, "How nice is Qin Yang! He is handsome and good-looking when he smiles. He treats people politely and is considerate. He is simply..."    


The ideal type in my heart... "Before she could say those words, she felt the man's body suddenly approach her.    


"Hmm? What do you want to say?"    


The car had stopped long ago when the lights had turned red.    


Mei Shujin put one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her waist. His body was leaning toward him.    


Lih Sijin swallowed her saliva in fear.    


"What did you want to say just now?"    


Mei Shujin gritted his teeth. This girl really didn't know what to say.    


"No, I didn't want to say anything."    


Lih Sijin quickly denied it.    


"Do you think your man is dead?"    


She actually praised another man in front of him. She really wanted to beat her up and let her remember.    


"I didn't know you would come."    


Lih Sijin pouted and explained for herself.    


"You're still trying to argue."    


Mei Shujin's hand, which was still on his waist, scratched her.    


The co-pilot seat was narrow to begin with. Lih Sijin wanted to dodge, but she could not.    


She could only let her scratch while begging for mercy.    


"Mr Jin, I was wrong. Hurry up and drive properly."    


It was already green, but Mr Jin had no intention of driving at all.    


Fortunately, it was already past the late peak, so there were not many cars on the road. Otherwise, they would be scolded to death.    


"Wrong? What's wrong?"    


Mei Shujin kept asking.    


"Everything is wrong."    


Lih Sijin laughed so hard that tears almost came out of her eyes.    


"Then who is your man?"    


"You, you, you..."    


When Mei Shujin heard the answer he wanted, he let go of Lih Sijin, who was laughing until her stomach was twitching.    


"If you dare to go on blind dates behind my back in the future, I won't let you go so easily."    


Mei Shujin looked at her and started the car.    


Lih Sijin wiped the tears from her smile.    


Mr Jin's eyes were so scary just now. Why did it feel like he was going to eat her?    


Lih Sijin blushed when she thought of the word "eat.    


On the contrary, Mei Shujin was more calm.    


However, calmness was all on the surface. The moment he decided to send Lih Sijin home, he was calculating how to eat her.    


The car quickly arrived at Lih Sijin's current residence.    


"Mr Jin, I'm leaving."    


Lih Sijin wanted to get out of the car after she greeted Mr Jin, but her hand was grabbed by someone.    


"Why are you so cruel?" Mr Jin asked. You are going to leave and you don't want to give me a farewell kiss?"    


Lih Sijin found it funny. This was the first time she had heard this from Mr Jin. It was a little strange.    


She smiled and touched his lips. Just as Mei Shujin was about to get closer, Lih Sijin quickly left.    


"Looks like you still don't know what a farewell kiss is."    


After saying this, without waiting for Lih Sijin to react, Mei Shujin's big hand had already grabbed the back of her head. Male hormones assaulted her face.    


Very soon, Lih Sijin's head was in a mess.    


After the kiss, Lih Sijin did not even have time to react before she was caught again.    


"Didn't they say it was a parting kiss?"    


Once she was released, Lih Sijin could not help but ask.    


"Yes! The first person to kiss her goodbye and the second person to kiss her goodnight."    


Mei Shujin's face was not red, and his heart was not beating fast. He was talking nonsense.    


Lih Sijin was speechless.    


Every time Mr Jin acted like a hooligan, he would find such a suitable reason that no one could refute.    


"Then I will go back first."    


Lih Sijin deeply knew that she could not stay in front of the big bad wolf for too long.    


"Don't you want to invite me up to sit?"    


Mei Shujin raised his eyebrows and started to lure her into the trap.    


However, she did not seem to be as easy to deceive as he had imagined. "No, it's already so late. We'll meet very soon tomorrow."    


This was not something Lih Sijin casually said. Because "Celebrity Battle" was a program that would continue filming for many days. It would not end until it helped her confirm her relationship.    


"You're not cute at all."    


Mei Shujin did not expect her to reject it so directly.    


Lih Sijin smiled and winked at him. "Don't you like me like this?"    


However, under Mei Shujin's care, Lih Sijin still let him into the house.    


The main reason was that just when Lih Sijin was about to leave, her stomach growled.    


Actually, she could not be blamed for this. She did not have a good meal all day and faced Mr Jin at dinner. Although she kept feeding herself, she didn't eat anything.    


Therefore, someone who knew that his opportunity had come must grab this opportunity and make her a meal.    


Lih Sijin knew that she could not persuade him and could only let him follow her home.    


Moreover, Mr Jin himself also promised that he would only cook a meal for her and leave after finishing it.    


However, Lih Sijin only felt it more accurately after the incident. What did it mean to be a man's mouth?    


Because no one in the family knew how to cook, plus Lih Sijin was usually busy as well. So the refrigerator was their place to store all kinds of fruits.    


So if Mei Shujin wanted to cook, he had to go out to buy vegetables.    


"Eat some fruits first. I'll be back in a moment."    


Lih Sijin looked at the fruit platter in front of her and immediately had a great appetite.    


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