President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C882 Having Nightmares

C882 Having Nightmares

After buying the groceries, Mei Shujin busied himself in the kitchen.    


Lih Sijin finished eating the fruit platter and listened to the sounds coming from the kitchen. She walked over in a strange manner.    


In the kitchen, Mr Jin was 1.8 meters tall and did not fit in with the kitchen. However, he handled the meat on the chopping board very skillfully.    


This was the first time Lih Sijin found out that cooking alone was so good. Previously, when she saw some gourmet bloggers cooking live, she even scoffed at them.    


What was there to watch when cooking? It was only when she saw Mr Jin cook with her own eyes that she understood what it meant to be good-looking and to be able to do anything.    


Because no one cared what he did. Their eyes followed the human face.    


Soon, the food in the kitchen was fragrant and it made Lih Sijin's gluttony gurgle.    


In order to prevent herself from stealing, Lih Sijin quickly went back to the sofa to watch TV.    


Not long after, Mei Shujin came out of the kitchen naked with the shirt he had just taken off in his hand.    


His eight abdominal muscles were partially visible. His good figure made people want to scream.    


However, Lih Sijin could not help frowning when she saw the scar on his abdomen.    


"Sisi, where is the bathroom?"    




Mei Shujin threw his shirt on the floor of the sofa and said to her, "The food is in the kitchen. Go get it yourself." Then he went upstairs.    


Seeing Mei Shujin's shirt on the side, Lih Sijin clearly saw a large stain on the shirt.    


She nodded in understanding. Mr Jin had always liked cleanliness since he was young. He did not think much about it and went to the kitchen.    


However, she would not admit that he was blinded by food.    


Mei Shujin seemed to have grasped the timing. He only went downstairs calmly after Lih Sijin had eaten and drank her fill.    


When Lih Sijin saw Mei Shujin, she almost spat out the food she had just eaten.    


Mr Jin actually came down with only a towel around him!    


Did he have a tendency to expose himself?    


"My clothes are dirty, I don't have any clothes to change, that's all I can do."    


As if he had seen through her thoughts, Mei Shujin explained.    


Lih Sijin rolled her eyes and tried her best not to look at Mr Jin's good figure that made people want to cough up blood.    


"Are you hungry? I will serve you rice!"    


Mei Shujin looked at the almost finished dishes on the table and felt satisfied.    


"I don't want to eat this."    


His voice was very soft when he said this so Lih Sijin did not hear him.    




"I said I am not hungry."    


"Oh, oh, oh."    


Lih Sijin realized that Mr Jin was standing in front of her in this state. It would affect her IQ and slow her reaction down by half a beat.    


She put away the leftovers and put them away. When she came out again, Mr Jin had naturally sat on the sofa and looked at the financial channel as if there was no one else around.    


His long legs crossed each other. The towel on his body was originally Lih Sijin's. It was obviously a little small tied to his body. But this person did not seem to care about walking out.    


Lih Sijin's heart was beating extremely fast and then some inappropriate scenes appeared in her head.    


She was so scared that she quickly ran upstairs herself.    


Seeing that her physical body had a big impact on her, Mei Shujin hooked his lips.    


"Bunny, you won't be able to escape tonight."    


Lih Sijin buried herself on the bed like an ostrich, but what she could not forget was Mr Jin's muscular body.    


"Aaaah! Lih Sijin, you are indeed a big pervert!"    


Slapping her head hard, Lih Sijin could not help but curse.    


She originally wanted to go downstairs and chase Mr Jin away, but she was afraid that she would accidentally expose her true nature in front of Mr Jin, so she did not choose to continue with the ostrich.    


Since the house was so big, he could find a random place to sleep when the time came.    


Mei Shujin saw that Bunny didn't intend to come down for a long time, so he was puzzled, so he turned off the TV and prepared to take the initiative to attack.    


He had already touched Bunny's room while she was taking a bath.    


He came to the door with ease and stood at the door to listen. Just as he was about to open his mouth and sneak in, he suddenly realized something and his face froze.    


Bunny actually locked the door?    


He had no choice but to knock on the door.    


"Sisi, I squeezed some juice. Do you want to try some?"    


"No, no."    


Just listening to Mr Jin's voice, Lih Sijin felt her heart start to beat faster.    


She quickly rejected his invitation.    


"Your favorite strawberry juice, don't you want to try it?"    


Outside the door, Mei Shujin still refused to give up.    


"I'm going to sleep. I'll drink it tomorrow."    


Lih Sijin still refused.    


Outside the door, Mei Shujin was so angry that he wanted to smash the door.    


He had even taken off his pants, but he was actually rejected outside the door?    


No one would believe him if he told anyone.    


For the sake of his future life, Mei Shujin decided to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. He could not scare Bunny away first, or else it would be difficult to eat meat in the future.    


Looking at the locked door, Mei Shujin sighed.    


It seemed like he would have to take a cold bath again tonight.    


Was it necessary? To guard against him as if he was guarding against a thief?    


When he left, Mei Shujin's eyes were filled with resentment.    


Lih Sijin only heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of the door leaving.    


Oh my god! Just now, his heart was beating so fast that you almost had a heart attack.    


Perhaps it was more suitable to sleep after eating and drinking. Lih Sijin did not feel sleepy for a while as she lay on the bed.    


On the contrary, downstairs, Mei Shujin could not sleep no matter what. The more he thought about it, the more sullen he felt.    


After watching television for an hour, the host on the television opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Mei Shujin did not listen to what she was saying.    


"No, don't come over!"    


Suddenly, Sisi's scream came from upstairs.    


He flipped over and jumped down from the sofa, rushing straight to the second floor.    


"Zhou Sisi, what's wrong?"    


Mei Shujin went upstairs. The door was still closed. Lih Sijin's helpless voice came from the door.    


Mei Shujin frowned. Could it be that what happened last time was not done yet?    


Lih Sijin woke up from her dream when she heard Mei Shujin's voice. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.    


She had just dreamt about that day. She knew it was a dream. She wanted to wake up, but she could not.    


Outside the door, the man's voice was anxious.    


"Sisi, wake up, I'm here!"    


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