President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C840 I Won't Eat It Unless I Have to

C840 I Won't Eat It Unless I Have to

"Get in the car, I don't want to say it again."    


Mei Shujin could tell at a glance that Lih Sijin wanted to run away.    


This was a place with too many people and too many eyes. Moreover, she was at the peak of the storm, so she did not want any negative news to spread.    


Lih Sijin gritted her teeth and unwillingly got into the car.    


Seeing that she was obedient, Mei Shujin saw that she was obedient. Then he looked better.    


Yuen Mengluo came out of the restaurant and happened to see Lih Sijin getting into a luxury car.    


Sure enough, there was someone behind this woman. She wanted to see who the person behind her was.    


She took out her phone and secretly took a picture of the license plate number.    


"Lih Sijin, you have something on me now. I want to see how you are going to compete with me."    


Yuen Mengluo looked at the car that was slowly moving away. She looked like she was going to win for sure.    


Although Lih Sijin obediently got into the car, she did not say a single word to him along the way and used this silent form to express her protest against him.    




Mei Shujin took out a drink from under the seat and handed it to Lih Sijin who was sitting at the back.    


Lih Sijin swallowed her saliva. She was indeed very thirsty right now. Most importantly, the food in the restaurant was not friendly to her. Apart from tomato juice, it was also tomato juice.    


She borrowed the drink from him and took a big gulp.    


Oh, it's so delicious!    


However, there was no way to bribe her with a drink!    


Even if she drank the drink, she would still be angry.    


In the rearview mirror, the corner of the man's lips curled up slightly.    


Along the way, Mei Shujin did not do anything other than give her a drink. This made Lih Sijin very confused.    


It shouldn't be? Mr Jin's attack was so strong. Why did it feel so strange everywhere today?    


Mei Shujin sent her all the way to the hotel where she stayed.    


"I need to go back to Ping City. I can only come back in three days."    


Just as he was about to get off the car, Mei Shujin took the initiative to tell her where he was going.    


Lih Sijin frowned. Where he went, what did it have to do with her? Pulling the car door open, she prepared to get out and run.    


But she sadly discovered a fact. The door was locked.    


In other words, she had to listen to him even if she wanted to. Even if she didn't, she had to listen to him.    


"During the three days I'm not here, you're not allowed to get too close to other men. You're not allowed to return late except for filming. You're not allowed to not eat."    


Mei Shujin mentioned three times in a row, "You are not allowed.    


"May I ask, Mr. Mei Shujin, who are you in charge of me?"    


Lih Sijin was being scolded. After being ignored for a week, he had been holding back his anger for so many days.    


"Because I like you."    


Mei Shujin didn't know what to say. Even Mei Shujin himself was a little surprised that he had said something that was hard to say in the past so smoothly.    


It was undeniable that Lih Sijin's heart skipped a beat in the face of Mei Shujin's sudden confession.    




"You like it? What about Bai Ruoxuan? Did you say the same thing?"    


Right now, Bai Ruoxuan was like a thorn in Lih Sijin's heart, tightly stuck in her chest. The more she thought about it, the deeper it stabbed.    


Mei Shujin turned around and looked at her, "Sisi, My relationship with her is really not what you think..."    


Before he could finish, he was interrupted, "Enough. Mr. Mei Shujin, I'm sorry that you have Bai Ruoxuan in your fish pond. One fish is enough. Please let me out!"    


Lih Sijin's words were very unfamiliar. Mei Shujin could not understand why their relationship had become like this again. It was clearly just a second ago. They were quite harmonious.    


"Sisi, don't get angry with me."    


Mei Shujin suddenly felt very tired. Why didn't she believe him?    


Lih Sijin's eyes widened. He felt that he was throwing a tantrum with him.    


Mei Shujin looked at the time and said lightly, "Relax and wait for me in A City."    


The next second, the car lock was opened.    


Lih Sijin rushed out of the car almost immediately and ran back to her room. She did not even look behind her.    


She powerlessly buried herself on Xi Mengsi's bed and felt even more uncomfortable.    


Why did he care about her? He had already promised to take care of Bai Ruoxuan for the rest of his life. Why did he still care about her?    


Although she knew that he was only responsible for Bai Ruoxuan, she could not control herself from getting angry because of this matter.    


She was probably jealous. Just like what Bai Ruoxuan said, the things Bai Ruoxuan did for Mr Jin was something that she could not compare to in her entire life.    


The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Her eyes were bitter, but no tears flowed out.    


This kind of feeling was a bit like having a boyfriend who needed to take care of the opposite sex for the rest of his life. Even if she knew that he had no feelings for her, she would still be angry and jealous.    


Lying on the big bed, his mood immediately dropped to the lowest point. Even today, he was lucky enough to win the female lead, but he was unable to wash away his negative emotions about this matter.    


Being angry, Lih Sijin was so angry that she fell asleep. Until someone knocked on the door.    


"Lih Sijin, open the door."    


Senior Mei?    


Lih Sijin heard Mei Lulu's voice and jumped up from the bed. She quickly went to open the door.    


"Your calves run pretty fast."    


Mei Lulu looked at her legs jokingly.    


"That's right! How can you neglect Senior Mei when you see him?"    


Lih Sijin said with a smile.    


She still remembered that she was scolded like a dog when she did not open the door for her in time this morning.    


Senior Mei could not afford to offend her.    


"Look at your performance. I'll treat you to a meal!"    


Mei Lulu moved her hand as she spoke. The bag in his hand made a rustling sound.    


Only then did Lih Sijin see that Senior Mei came in in big and small bags.    


"What is it?"    


"There are some small characteristics in A City."    


Mei Lulu placed the same food on her table.    


As soon as the food was opened from the bag, the fragrance of "seducing people to commit crimes" hit her face.    


Lih Sijin originally did not feel hungry, but her appetite was immediately hooked.    


"It smells so good."    


"If it smells good, why don't you do it?"    


Mei Lulu urged.    


Was it easy for a manager like her? Not only did she have to take care of her work arrangements, but she also had to work as her emotional blockers to block all attempts to get close to her opposite sex. In the end, she had to take care of her stomach.    


Lih Sijin was eating when she realized Mei Lulu was fiercely patting her.    


"Senior Mei, what are you shooting? Let me see."    


Just as Lih Sijin was about to move closer, Mei Lulu put her phone away and stood up.    


"Okay, since you have eaten it, I will go back."    


Lih Sijin was speechless. Why was Senior Mei still hiding it?    


Could it be that she had made her appearance into an expression package?    


Thinking of this terrifying possibility, a big "NO" appeared in Lih Sijin's mind.    


"Senior Mei, don't spread these photos!"    


Before leaving, Lih Sijin instructed.    


Mei Lulu agreed and went back to her room.    


Lih Sijin sat in front of the table and the more she thought about it, the more unreliable she felt.    


When she thought about how her expression package would spread out in the future, Wouldn't that ruin my reputation in this life?    


Lih Sijin looked at the snacks on the table and angrily picked them up with her chopsticks.    


"Humph! Forget it, we'll talk after we eat!"    


Soon, all the food on the table was stuffed into her stomach.    


Touching her round belly, Lih Sijin was full and did not want to move on the sofa.    


Suddenly, her phone rang.    


It was Senior Mei who had just left.    


"Burp ~ Senior Mei, what's the matter?"    


Lih Sijin could not help but burp.    


Even without looking at Mei Lulu's expression, Lih Sijin could guess Senior Mei's expression of extreme dislike on the other end of the phone.    


"Can't you just be a lady?"    


"There are times when a lady is full. Burp ~"    


Lih Sijin could not stop burping.    


Mei Lulu could not be bothered to argue with her. She knew, "There is no need to film tomorrow. For some reason," Pugilistic World "has to stop filming for the time being."    


This was the notification she just received.    


"Ah? Why?"    


Wasn't it just announced today? Why did the filming stop just like that?    


"It seems to be some internal matters of the Qi family. It seems to be a copyright issue regarding the remake of 'Pugilistic World'. I'm not too sure about the specifics."    


"Anyway, just treat it as a vacation these few days. If 'Pugilistic World' can't be filmed, then it won't be filmed. If you forcefully filmed it, it won't leave a good impression on you."    


Right now, there was a lot of controversy about her on the Internet. If she was crowned as the female lead of such an important movie, then she would really be finished.    




Lih Sijin was actually also wondering why she became the female lead for no reason.    


At first, she suspected that there was a reason for Mr Jin, but when she thought about the relationship between Mr Jin and Qi Xunmann, she dismissed the thought.    


"Also, it's best not to go out alone these few days. You understand."    


The fact that she got this role had already aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. If she was caught by these people, it was uncertain how she would be bullied.    


"Got it."    


Lih Sijin obediently agreed. She had already seen it at noon today. She would be more careful.    


After giving a few more instructions, Mei Lulu hung up the phone.    


Lih Sijin felt like she had been revived after eating a meal.    


She chatted with Mengmeng for a while and browsed her Weibo in boredom.    


She suddenly felt that something was missing on Weibo.    


Right! It was Luo Qian's update.    


Because on the first day Lih Sijin arrived at the production crew, everyone turned off each other.    


Therefore, Lih Sijin received all kinds of activities from Luo Qian every day to flaunt her wealth. But for some reason, it seemed to have suddenly stopped for a while.    


She went to the main page of her Weibo and saw that there had been no more activity since the previous Seven Nights.    


She casually searched her name and a gossip about Luo Qian came out.    


[Luo Qian's face was disfigured due to alcohol poisoning and she instantly lost everything.]    


Shrimp? Disfigured?    


Lih Sijin clicked on the hottest one.    


Inside was a video of Luo Qian getting drunk. Then, a scratch appeared on her face.    


Lih Sijin thought of the Pi from before and could not help but sympathize with her in her heart.    


A disfigured face was equivalent to directly leaving the entire entertainment industry. It would be difficult for her to make a comeback in the entertainment industry in the future.    


However, sympathy was sympathy, but Lih Sijin felt more that she deserved it.    


There was no gossip at all, so she could only continue to browse through Weibo in boredom.    


After waiting for a long time, no one actually sent her a message. There was not even a greeting from 10086.    


He sighed. Lih Sijin decided not to think so much. She washed and slept well.    


Suddenly, her phone rang.    


It was actually the phone she did not want to answer the most.    


She wanted to hang up, but... Her hand slipped and she unexpectedly pressed the answer button.    


He really wanted to chop off his hand.    


"Have you eaten dinner yet?"    


Mei Shujin's pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Lih Sijin covered her mouth and deliberately did not say a word.    


Lih Sijin felt that she was definitely the smartest person in the world. If she asked, she would say that her phone slipped in her pocket.    




"Hello? Are you there?"    


Mei Shujin called her as soon as he got off the plane, but there was no sound from the other end. He frowned.    


Lih Sijin was secretly delighted. He must have been tricked.    




"Sleep? Or are you angry with me?"    


After saying that, there was no response. The other end of the phone suddenly went silent.    


Lih Sijin would have suspected Mr Jin had hung up the phone if it was not for the fact that the phone was still showing the length of the call.    


"Oh, I saw you eat, but I haven't eaten yet. What should I do? My stomach isn't feeling well."    


Lih Sijin did not have time to find out why Mei Shujin knew she had already eaten. She focused her attention on the second half of his words.    


His stomach was not feeling well? Was he having a stomach problem?    


"Have you taken any medicine?"    


Lih Sijin wanted to bite off her tongue the moment she opened her mouth.    


Didn't they agree not to speak? Why is she so despicable?    


Mei Shujin was obviously happy on the other end of the phone. "When I kissed you, your mouth was so soft. Why are you so stubborn now? You don't want to say a word to me?"    


Lih Sijin blushed. Mr Jin was really good at playing hooligans.    


"Shameless. I'm hanging up."    


"Don't. I'm really uncomfortable."    


For the first time, Mei Shujin showed weakness in front of her.    


Lih Sijin's heart softened. Seeing that he saved her last time, it could be considered as repaying her kindness this time.    


"Where do you feel uncomfortable? Where is the medicine?"    


"I don't want to take any medicine," said Wang Yao.    


Mei Shujin was very willful.    


"Go and take some medicine."    


Lih Sijin frowned. How could she not take her medicine for stomach disease?    


"No, unless..."    


"You don't cherish your own body. You can bargain with me if I let you take medicine. Whether you like it or not, if you don't take it then forget it!"    


Lih Sijin was about to be angered to death by him. Why was it so hard to take a medicine?    


After she roared, there was no sound from the other end of the phone. The silence continued for three minutes.    


Lih Sijin cursed in her heart that she really liked to meddle in other people's business.    


"Unless what?"    


As soon as she said that, there was a reaction from the other side.    


"Unless you sing a song for me."    


Mei Shujin made a request openly.    


... ""    


Could Lih Sijin refuse? Since she was young, she had not been able to complete her five notes. Once she sang, she would go off tune.    


Was he sure he wanted to hear it?    


"Are you sure?"    


"Yes, I am."    


Lih Sijin gritted her teeth. She could not be blamed.    


Lih Sijin chose one of the songs. She thought that she could sing it well. She hummed softly into the phone.    


"It's so unpleasant."    


After Lih Sijin finished singing, Mei Shujin's complaints came as expected.    


... ""    


She did not ask him to listen.    


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