President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C835 Talk to Gu Xia Luo

C835 Talk to Gu Xia Luo

"Mengmeng, he's here again. Aren't you going to meet him?"    


Lih Sijin said to Mengmeng, who was drinking milk.    


"What does it have to do with me?"    


Mengmeng looked like she did not want to care.    


Lih Sijin sighed and left.    


As soon as Lih Sijin left, Mengmeng slowly touched the window and looked at the car through the thick curtains. There was sadness in her eyes.    


Her hand unconsciously touched her belly, which was already slightly bulging.    


Lih Sijin thought about it and decided to meet some assistants.    


"Miss Lih, why are you out?"    


Seeing Lih Sijin, Gu Xialuo quickly got out of the car.    


She seemed to have thought of something and blushed, "Did you notice?"    


"Yes, yes."    


Gu Xialuo looked up at the tightly drawn curtains and was a little disappointed.    


Did she already know? So all these days the curtains were drawn on purpose?    


"She seems to have gained weight."    


Gu Xialuo looked away and said lightly.    


"There is a coffee shop nearby. Let's talk."    


Lih Sijin did not respond to his words. Instead, she invited him to talk.    


She hoped that the baby in Mengmeng's belly was Ms Gu's, but she did not know what had happened between them that would make Mengmeng treat Ms Gu as if she was her enemy.    


Gu Xialuo looked at the second floor and nodded. She drove Lih Sijin away.    


In the coffee shop.    


"Ms Gu, do you like Mengmeng?"    


Lih Sijin stirred the coffee in front of her with a spoon.    


She wanted to deny it, but when she saw Lih Sijin's sincere eyes, she admitted it.    


"Yes, but I will not cross the boundary. Don't worry about this."    


"What crossing the boundary?"    


"I know I'm not good enough for her, so I will never confess to her in my life."    


Gu Xialuo bit her lips. It was probably impossible for him to be with her in this life.    


"Then don't you and Mengmeng have that?"    


"Which one?"    


[It's just a relationship?]    


Damn, who exactly is the child in Mengmeng's womb?    


"No, if I did such an animal thing, I would definitely be responsible for her to the end."    


Lih Sijin felt a little dizzy hearing it. It seemed that Ms Gu did not know about Mengmeng's pregnancy. But in the end, Mengmeng...    


Coming out of the coffee shop, Lih Sijin was even more confused. An extra child appeared out of thin air. Meng Meng's attitude towards Ms Gu had changed 180 degrees. What exactly did she experience in the middle of this?    


Lih Sijin returned home. Mengmeng's eyes were red. Apparently she had cried.    


Lih Sijin pretended not to see and hugged her. At this time, Mengmeng seemed to have found an outlet to vent her negative emotions that she had accumulated for so many days.    


On this day, the two little girls slept together and talked about their childhood. Only when it was almost dawn did they fall asleep.    


Early in the morning, Lih Sijin was woken up by the urgent ringing of the bell.    


"Hello? Who is it?"    


"Who else? Lih Sijin, I gave you a few days off. Are you floating? Quickly get out of bed. The actors from 'Pugilistic World' have decided. You are here! "I will give you ten minutes to report to Ying City!"    


Mei Lulu was so anxious that her butt was on fire.    


Lih Sijin immediately woke up when she heard that. She jumped up from the bed and lightly went out to wash up.    


The matter of Pugilistic World was finally settled, but it was really a secret this time. Even Senior Mei did not know what role she had gotten.    


By the time they arrived at Ying City, Qi Xunmann had already arrived. His entire body exuded a unique unfriendly atmosphere, causing all the celebrities who wanted to greet him to shrink back.    


The moment Qi Xunmann saw Lih Sijin, his expression eased a little. Lih Sijin also smiled at her as a form of greeting.    


There were many actors chosen this time. Most of them were veteran actors. Only a few of them were newcomers. It could be seen how much importance Qi Xunmann attached to this movie.    


Lih Sijin thought of this and could not help saying to Mei Lulu beside her in frustration, "It's over. I might be acting as a passerby this time."    


"A side character is just a side character. Director Qi's movie is aimed at Hollywood. It's good even if you show your face in Hollywood. There's still a cast list that hasn't been released yet. Don't belittle yourself. Maybe you just got a good role?"    


Anyway, Lih Sijin had a big backer behind her. She did not think that she could only get the role of Passerby A. Furthermore, she heard that the CEO had chatted with Director Qi for the whole morning yesterday.    


However, this time, she did not announce the acting schedule. Instead, she informed everyone to go to A City further away the next day to get the scenery outside. She requested that everyone arrive at 11 o'clock in the afternoon.    


This time, they would have to stay there for half a month. The entire filming would be done there. Therefore, they asked everyone to bring their stuff. After that, the host announced that they were dismissed.    


From the beginning until the end, Qi Xunmann did not say a word. He only looked at Lih Sijin with some sadness.    


Lih Sijin frowned slightly. When the host said that they were dismissed, he pulled Mei Lulu away and ran away.    


Since the plane to A City would take six to seven hours, Mei Lulu booked a 1: 30 p.m. ticket for her. Because he had a criminal record of not being able to accept water and soil, Mei Lulu asked her to go early and rest first.    


Lih Sijin looked at the unfamiliar address Mei Lulu sent to her on WeChat and was somewhat puzzled.    


Why didn't she remember that there was an airport in Ping City?    


But since it was arranged by Mei Lulu, Lih Sijin did not think too much about it.    


Following the address, they reached their destination. Indeed, they saw the airport. The airport was very big but there weren't many people.    


As soon as she appeared, a woman dressed as a stewardess came forward to help her carry her luggage.    


"You are Miss Lih, right? I am more beautiful than the photos."    


Lih Sijin was a little confused and wanted to ask them. Thinking about how she had produced a few promotional films before, she did not ask.    


However, the air stewardess in the airport was not only good-looking, but she also had a good service attitude.    


When Lih Sijin got on the plane, she realized that not only were there few people outside, but there were also a lot of people outside. Furthermore, she was the only one on the plane. There were less than ten seats in the huge cabin.    


"Wait, did I go to the wrong place?"    


This made her suspect that the driver did not know the road and simply left her on the roadside.    


How could this be what an ordinary plane should be like?    


"Miss Lih, don't worry. You did not go the wrong way."    


The air stewardess smiled.    


"Then why is there no one here?"    


Suddenly, her brain began to automatically imagine the scene of the plane flying high into the sky and the group of people cracking themselves.    


The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became. He reached out his hand to grab the flight attendant's luggage.    


"I'm not taking this plane anymore!"    


"Miss Lih, don't! Even if you don't believe us, you still have to believe Mei Lulu, right? I guarantee that this place is really a proper plane."    


"It's just that these regular planes are only working for one person.    


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