President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C816 Bai Ruxuan will Always be Your First

C816 Bai Ruxuan will Always be Your First

Mei Shujin pulled her along and walked very fast. She almost fell down several times because she couldn't keep up with his pace.    


Lih Sijin held her breath until they left the building. "Mei Shujin, let go of me!"    


She thought it would be hard to break free, but she did not expect Mei Shujin to let go of her easily.    


Mei Shujin's unusual actions made her not know how to react.    


"Do you like this movie very much?"    


Mei Shujin looked at her and asked seriously.    


"It has nothing to do with you."    


Lih Sijin thought of the day when he and Bai Ruoxuan were together. She could not take a breath in her heart.    


"Why do you like it?"    


Mei Shujin ignored her rejection.    


"If you want to continue to say something that has nothing to do with me, I don't mind creating something that concerns us."    


Lih Sijin had not even finished her sentence when she was immediately stopped.    


"If you like it, then you like it. There is no reason for that."    


She really believed that Lih Sijin would do what she said, but she did not want to tell him the truth easily.    


Mei Shujin just looked at her indifferently and did not say anything to her words.    


Just when Lih Sijin was about to find a reason to leave, he spoke again.    


"You went to find me that day?"    


"What do you mean by looking for you? Aren't you too narcissistic? I'm looking for Ms Gu."    


Lih Sijin denied it.    


"Then why did I hear that someone said my name?"    


Although Mei Shujin was still expressionless, there was a trace of a smile in his eyes.    


"You must be deaf!"    


Anyway, she would never admit it.    


"Bai Ruoxuan came to find me that day for the role of 'Pugilistic World'."    


Lih Sijin did not understand what was going on but she quickly reacted - he was explaining.    


She awkwardly turned her head away, "What does it have to do with me?"    


"Don't you want to know what happened in our office? Is this man and woman in the same room?"    


Mei Shujin's eyes were fixed on him.    


Lih Sijin quickly fell in love with him. "Enough. I don't want to hear about the two of you."    


She pushed Mei Shujin away, who was already very close to her.    




Suddenly, Mei Shujin coughed dryly.    


Lih Sijin originally wanted to leave, but after hearing his cough, she frowned slightly.    


It has been a few days, but his wounds have not recovered yet?    


"It hurts..."    


Mei Shujin's soft cry of pain came from behind him.    


Lih Sijin sighed. If his wound were to split open, she would have to pay 80% of the responsibility. So she had the responsibility to care about him.    


"Let me take a look at your wound."    


However, Mei Shujin changed his attitude. He held his collar and took a step back, his face full of pride.    


"It has nothing to do with you."    


Lih Sijin's mouth twitched. Why did these four words sound so familiar to him?    


"Do you think I want to care about you? No matter what, I was the one who pushed you first. " That's why I have the responsibility to care about your injuries. "    


As Lih Sijin spoke, another voice echoed in her heart, Yes! That's right. Even if it was someone else today, she would definitely turn back.    


"Don't worry about it."    


Mei Shujin clutched his chest. There was a painful look on his face.    


"You said it yourself! I, I don't care about you anymore!"    


After saying that, she couldn't help but glance at him.    


Mr Jin, I will stay as long as you say one word.    


She looked at him for three seconds, but Mei Shujin had no intention of paying attention to her.    


"Are you still not leaving?"    


It was his order to leave that woke her up.    


"Let's go, let's go!"    


Lih Sijin got angry and turned her head to leave. However, she had already scolded Mei Shujin 200 times in her heart.    




Suddenly, a muffled sound came from behind.    


Lih Sijin gritted her teeth and told herself not to turn around.    


But what was that sound just now? Could it be that something happened to him?    


What does it have to do with you if something happened to him? Leave quickly!    


In his heart, there were two little people fighting, and his steps could not help but slow down a lot.    


Finally, she turned her head, and the little white person won.    


When she turned her head, she saw Mei Shujin lying on the ground. His brows were tightly knitted. One hand was still on his chest, and the other hand was dangling on the ground.    


"Mr Jin, what's wrong?"    


It was almost an instinctive reaction of her body. Lih Sijin did not expect anything and ran to his side.    


She turned him over and laid him in her arms. When she was so close to him, she could smell the thick smell of blood on his body.    


She reached out and touched his chest. It was wet.    


Because he was wearing a black suit jacket, even if there was blood seeping out, it was still integrated with the color of the suit, so it was not easy to notice.    


"Mr Jin, don't scare me!"    


Lih Sijin panicked this time. She was at a loss of what to do as she unbuttoned his shirt, wanting to see how his wound was.    


At this moment, a pair of large hands covered his hands. A magnetic and languid voice sounded, "What is it? You can't wait to push me?"    


Mei Shujin lay in her arms with a smile on his face. He did not look like he had just suffered a serious injury.    


He realized that he had been fooled. Lih Sijin flew into a rage out of humiliation and stood up all of a sudden. Mei Shujin was originally leaning on her body, but she suddenly left and made him fall down without any preparation. The back of his head hit the ground with a loud sound.    


Lih Sijin was also shocked. She... She was just angry. She did not think that this would be the result.    


But the person on the ground did not move at all. This frightened him. But with what happened just now, Lih Sijin was not in a hurry to go up.    


"Hey, Mei Shujin, I saw through you. Stop pretending. Hurry up and get up!"    


However, two seconds and three seconds passed. The person on the ground did not have any intention of getting up.    


"You're still pretending?"    


Although he said so, he was still worried when he thought about the loud sound of Mei Shujin's head hitting the ground.    


Even when she got closer, Mei Shujin still had no intention of waking up.    


"Why are you scaring me again?"    


Lih Sijin's tone was already filled with panic and tears. She quickly took out her phone from her pocket and dialed the emergency number.    


"Hello, 120? Someone here is injured... Ah..."    


Before she could finish her sentence, her hand was pulled by someone and she lost her balance before she fell into a firm embrace.    


Mei Shujin frowned slightly. It was difficult for him to speak. "You are too heavy, aren't you?"    


"You lied to me again!"    


Lih Sijin was angry and tears flowed out of her eyes.    


"Hey... hey! ... May I ask if you still need help? Where are you..."    


The voice of the medical staff came from the phone not far away.    


Mei Shujin immediately turned off the phone.    


He originally thought that the person in his arms would be fine after crying for a while. However, the more Lih Sijin cried, the more fierce she became. She did not have any intention of stopping at all.    


"Sisi, can you cry again after a while?"    


"I don't want to, but I want to cry now!"    


The person who had been cheated had a big temper now, so he directly shouted back at him.    


"But if you continue to cry, your husband will lose blood and die."    


Hearing his words, Lih Sijin only thought of his injuries. She quickly got up from the ground and scolded, "Who said you are my husband? Shameless!"    


"I've already slept. What's there to be shy about? "    


Mei Shujin said casually.    


... ""    


Lih Sijin was speechless in her heart. Although she cared a lot about things between men and women, this was already the 21st century. She did not insist on giving her first time to her husband.    


"It hurts!"    


Mei Shujin lay on the ground, one hand on the back of his head and the other on his chest.    


Lih Sijin felt like he was acting like a spoiled child just now.    


"It really hurts."    


Seeing that she did not react, Mei Shujin said it again.    


"What does it have to do with me?"    


"I was pushed down by you. The back of my head was hit because of you. It has nothing to do with you. Who does it have to do with?"    


Lih Sijin was speechless in her heart. Mr Jin just said that he did not want her to take responsibility. His attitude changed too quickly.    


"I really didn't lie to you this time. Touch it if you don't believe me."    


Mei Shujin saw that she didn't react. He sat up from the ground and held her hand to touch the back of his head.    


Sure enough, there was a small fist and a big bag.    


"Does it hurt?"    


Lih Sijin's heart softened again.    


"It hurts! It hurts!"    


Mei Shujin kept nodding.    


"Who told you to lie to me?"    


Although he said so, his hands couldn't help but soften a little.    


"Right, what's with your wound? Why is there so much blood?"    


He glanced at his wound indifferently. It shouldn't be! She had clearly stopped the blood at that time. Furthermore, he still had Bai Ruoxuan to take care of him. It shouldn't be getting more and more serious no matter what!    


"Don't blame you for this matter? You said that you would change my medication but you stood me up.    


Thinking about how he avoided him like a poisonous snake that day, Mei Shujin didn't have any good temper.    


"Isn't that because..."    


However, before she could finish, he was overwhelmed.    


Mei Shujin fell on top of him.    


"Hey, let go of me!"    


She did not understand why he was acting so shamelessly.    


Fortunately, there was no one here. Otherwise, how could he go out and meet someone like this?    


Lih Sijin only realized that something was not right when she did not see the meaning of him getting up after pushing him for half a day.    


Half an hour later, at the street hospital.    


"Doctor, what's wrong with him?" Lih Sijin asked.    


Seeing the doctor come out of the ward, Lih Sijin quickly followed him and asked worriedly.    


"Are you the patient's family? Why are you so careless? "He lost so much blood and sent him to the hospital? Then why didn't you wait for him to die before sending him to the hospital? "    


The doctor had a violent temper. He covered his face and scolded her.    


Lih Sijin also knew that she was in the wrong. If she could find out, she would have sent him to the hospital earlier. There would not be so many problems.    


The doctor originally wanted to say a few words, but he did not know that the young lady in front of him was crying. Her tears were glistening in her eyes.    


"Alright, just treat her better in the future! Nowadays, husband and wife only focus on their own matters. They often neglect the people around them."    


The doctor waved his hand and said earnestly.    


Lih Sijin originally wanted to explain, but the doctor did not give him a chance.    


"The patient is currently in a low blood capacity shock state. He needs to be continuously infusion in the hospital for a week. Once his condition stabilizes a little, he will be able to transfer out of the ICU."    


Lih Sijin nodded and thanked him. She completely forgot to explain what had happened.    


Before she left, the doctor specially instructed her, "Stay with him. What a loving couple!"    


Lih Sijin's face turned red and she left.    


The ICU did not allow visitors. Lih Sijin sat on the chair outside, looking forward to Mr Jin's condition stabilizing.    


"Lih Sijin, what did you do to Shujin?"    


Bai Ruoxuan's annoying voice was heard even before she saw him.    


Lih Sijin did not want to bother with her and picked up her bag, preparing to leave.    


Looks like Mr Jin will not wake up today. She would come back to see him tomorrow.    


Bai Ruoxuan could not stand it to begin with. Lih Sijin still looked down on her now. She did not think that she would go up and slap her.    


"Let me tell you, Shujin is mine. You will never get it! This slap is a warning. If you appear beside him again, it will not be as simple as a slap!"    


Bai Ruoxuan's slap was very forceful. Lih Sijin could only hear the buzzing sound in her head.    


After recovering a little, Lih Sijin also raised her hand that should not be said. He slapped Bai Ruoxuan's face.    


She did not dare to resist in school in the past. Now, she had nothing to worry about.    


Bai Ruoxuan was beaten until she was a little dazed. Her eyes were wide open as she looked at Lih Sijin.    


"You... you dare to hit me?"    


"I hit you! May I ask what qualifications you have to teach me a lesson here?"    


Lih Sijin looked at her without fear.    


"Of course it is Shujin's true girlfriend identity!"    


Bai Ruoxuan was arrogant.    


"Ha! A real girlfriend? Then why hasn't the wounds on his body healed after so many days? "Why is he in the hospital? Aren't you the first person to appear beside her?"    


I... I didn't know he was injured. "    


Bai Ruoxuan suddenly had a feeling that there was no way to defend herself.    


"Don't know he was hurt? Then Miss Bai, this girlfriend of yours is also not that good?"    


Lih Sijin looked at her with contempt.    


Oh, no. To be exact, your girlfriend is not as good as an ordinary friend. Then what's the use of having a girlfriend like you?"    


Bai Ruoxuan was told by her. There was no answer.    


Lih Sijin did not stop after saying these words. Her back was straight as she left the scene.    


Until she left the hospital. All the strength in her body seemed to have been sucked out and she collapsed on the stool in front of the hospital.    


Mr Jin, do you love her so much? Do you love her so much that you don't even tell her about your injury so that she doesn't worry?    


It seems that Bai Ruoxuan will always be the first in your eyes. You think of everything for her and won't let her know anything.    


It was as if there were ten thousand ants gnawing at his heart. It was so painful that she could not say anything.    


Mr Jin, please don't come to me again! You have your Bai Ruoxuan, and I will have my other half. Let's part ways here. No one can disturb other people's lives anymore. Okay?    


Finally, she looked at the hospital behind her and turned to leave.    


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