President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C873 Baby I'm Sorry

C873 Baby I'm Sorry

Under the director's personal leadership, Lih Sijin performed perfectly for the second time.    


The director looked at the young Lih Sijin and could not help but admire her.    


This girl was simply born for acting. Every action, every look, and every emotion was perfectly understood.    


Even if there were some areas that were biased, he would casually give a few pointers. She was able to perform even better. As expected of tomorrow's star.    


After Lih Sijin left the stage, the director found Mei Lulu who was waiting at the side.    


"Lulu, it's been so many years since we last met. You're still as beautiful as always!"    


Mei Lulu looked at the smiling director and immediately put on a professional smile. Naturally, she did not take his Rainbow Fart seriously.    


"Director Li, you flatter me."    


She shook hands with Li Xin and replied very politely.    


Li Xin did not get angry at Mei Lulu's indifferent attitude, "Lulu, this year's new batch is not bad! Comprehension!"    


"Director Li, you flatter me. She's still a newcomer and still needs some training. If not for your guidance, I believe she wouldn't have performed so well. "The success of this advertisement can't be without Director Li's Dundun teachings."    


Mei Lulu naturally knew how deep Lih Sijin's acting skills were.    


However, Lih Sijin's experience in shooting advertisements is still very little. If she did not have Li Xin's tutelage, she would not have achieved her current results, so she did not dare to take credit for it.    


When Li Xin heard Mei Lulu's affirmation of him, he was also happy in his heart.    


"Then when will I have the chance to cooperate with you guys again?"    


Actually, he was already preparing for a new play. Previously, he wanted to invite the national goddess Bai Ruoxuan to be the female lead, but he had visited her several times. Bai Ruoxuan's attitude towards him was also erratic, neither agreeing nor rejecting.    


He had originally planned to be a bad person. Now, Lih Sijin jumped out midway. Not only was the heat rising, it also almost surpassed Bai Ruoxuan's momentum.    


If he could poach this person, then his movie would definitely be as popular as City-Toppling Beauty.    


"I'm not too embarrassed. Sijin's schedule for next year is already full. This year, she can only accept some small advertisements and movies, so it's a pity..."    


Mei Lulu said apologetically.    


Li Xin also felt a wave of regret.    


"That's really too regretful. It's fine. Even if we don't succeed this time, there will still be a next time! Lih Sijin is an excellent actress. I look forward to working with her next time."    


Li Xin reached out and shook hands with Mei Lulu again.    


Mei Lulu smiled," I will. "    


Mei Lulu did not expect Li Xin to have such a high evaluation of Lih Sijin and was happy for Lih Sijin in her heart.    


She could already imagine that if Lih Sijin knew that Li Xin praised her like this, she would definitely be so smug that her little tail would be lifted into the sky.    


She could not help but laugh out loud. With such a relaxed artiste, her manager's face also became much brighter.    


When Lih Sijin came out of the changing room, she saw Mei Lulu's face was full of smiles.    


"Senior Mei, what made you so happy?"    




Mei Lulu was in a good mood.    


"Did you pick up the money?"    


Lih Sijin scratched her head. Other than picking up the money, she really could not think of any other reason.    


Mei Lulu rolled her eyes at her snappily, "Do you think that everyone has lost money like you?"    


Lih Sijin giggled and refuted her in her heart. "She actually wants to lose money.    


"Senior Mei, you can't be lucky, can you?"    


Lih Sijin looked at Mei Lulu with fear.    


"What are you thinking? Do you believe that I will smash your head?"    


Mei Lulu was almost angered to death by her. She did not know what she was thinking every day.    


Hearing Senior Mei deny it, Lih Sijin's expression returned to normal.    


That's right. Senior Mei was such a powerful woman. If he wanted to bump into her, he would have done so long ago. Why wait until now?    


Suddenly, she said with a bitter face, "Senior Mei, just tell me what's good for you. I can't figure it out."    


Senior Mei was making things difficult for her.    


"I've decided not to tell you."    


Mei Lulu suddenly did not want to say what Li Xin praised her.    


Lih Sijin's bitter face became even more obvious. Senior Mei was too much? He did not want to be so unappetizing!    


When Lih Sijin returned home, she did not find Mengmeng. She was a little confused.    


According to Mengmeng's routine, she should be in the house right now, right?    


She wanted to call her but unexpectedly found that her phone was switched off. She turned around and went back to her room. She found a cable to charge the phone.    


At the same time, on the other side.    


When Meng Meng woke up again, she found herself lying on the cold operating table. A man in a white coat and a blue mask was facing her with his back facing her.    


Mengmeng suddenly realized something and quickly reached out to touch her stomach. When she felt the little life in her stomach, she could not help but let out a sigh of relief.    


Her movement woke up the man who was preparing the anesthetics. The man turned his head and looked at her.    


With just one look, Meng Meng's nerves, which were about to collapse completely, tensed up again.    


It was Gu Xialuo! What was he going to do?    


As if sensing the fear in her eyes, Gu Xialuo put down the syringe in her hand and comforted her gently. "Mengmeng, don't worry. It won't hurt. I will be very light."    


"Gu Xialuo, you madman!"    


She struggled and wanted to jump off the operating table.    


She knew that if she stayed here, her child would lose his life.    


She always knew that Gu Xialuo was very scary, but she never thought that he was actually this scary. He didn't even let an innocent child go.    


How could Gu Xialuo let her leave so easily? The bastard in her womb had not been removed yet!    


Before she could take two steps, Lih Sijin felt her abdomen swell. Very quickly, she could not walk anymore with much difficulty. She leaned against the wall with difficulty and exhaled with her mouth.    


"Gu Xialuo, what did you do to my child?"    


Mengmeng almost shouted out with a roar but she did not have much strength to begin with. After a roar, she felt dizzy and her feet felt like they were stepping on cotton. It was not real.    


She stared fiercely at Gu Xialuo, but she did not hear her explanation.    


Gu Xialuo injected the anesthetics she prepared into her body. Soon, Mengmeng's body became limp.    


Gu Xialuo clearly did such a cruel thing but her actions of hugging her were so gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting her.    


Mengmeng realized that she actually had such thoughts and could not help but sneer in her heart.    


Her misconception was too absurd. Gu Xialuo was simply a cold-blooded animal.    


When her body came into contact with the cold operating table again, Mengmeng wanted to use her hands to protect her abdomen. However, the anesthetics had already been applied and she could not lift her arms no matter how hard she tried.    


Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy can't protect you anymore.    


Tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes and slowly flowed into her ears.    


Before he completely lost consciousness, he seemed to have heard the phone's voice.    


Gu Xialuo looked at the call reminder on the phone beside her and pressed the answer button.    


"Ms Gu, not good! Mengmeng is in trouble!"    


Lih Sijin's anxious voice came over the phone.    


She had just turned on her phone when she saw Mengmeng's distress message. Mr Jin was overseas at this time, so he could only call Gu Xialuo for help.    


"Don't worry, she is with me."    


Gu Xialuo's tone was indifferent as she glanced at Mengmeng's stomach.    


"Huh? That's good, that's good!"    


The person on the other end of the phone heaved a sigh of relief.    


Lih Sijin automatically imagined it. Meng Meng encountered some danger and then helped the hero save the beauty, so it was only natural that she thought Meng Meng was safe now.    


"I'll hang up first if there's no expression on my face. There's still such a thing here."    


Gu Xialuo's tone did not fluctuate during the entire process of speaking. Lih Sijin felt that it was a little strange.    


But she did not think too much about it. After all, Ms Gu had always liked Mengmeng. This time when the matter of Mengmeng's pregnancy was exposed, it was more or less a blow to him.    


"Alright then. Ms Gu, you go ahead and do what you need to do first."    


After hanging up the phone, Lih Sijin's heart was a little flustered but she did not know what she was panicking about.    


She patted her face. She muttered to herself, "Lih Sijin, Lih Sijin. What are you worrying about here? Mengmeng would definitely be the safest when she was with Ms Gu. You must have been too tired recently, that's why you became so strange! "    


With this thought in mind, Lih Sijin walked to the bathroom and prepared to take a bath and then sleep.    


But what she did not expect was that at this moment, the most terrifying person was Gu Xialuo.    


Gu Xialuo hung up the phone and coldly picked up the uterus scraper from the operating table.    


He had already given her an abortion medicine when Mengmeng was unconscious. Now, he just needed to get rid of this bastard.    


Gu Xialuo looked at Meng Meng's stomach. Her eyes were almost stubborn.    


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