President Daddy, Here is Mommy

C1 Working for a Friend

C1 Working for a Friend

At night, a cruise ship quietly docked on the sparkling surface of the sea. Mei Guanxi held the badge in her hand and waited to board the ship.    


She did not know what the cruise ship was for. She only knew that it was a part-time job with a high salary. It cost 200 yuan an hour. It was no wonder Su Xin did not give up on this part-time job even when she was sick.    


After boarding the ship, the manager gave each of them a bunny girl uniform and asked them to gather at the front desk after they were dressed.    


Mei Guanxi was not familiar with the place and could only follow at the back of the line. When it was her turn, she was all gone.    


She thought that she had to move faster, otherwise she would not be able to catch up to the team.    


But before she could close the door, a person squeezed in. Mei Guanxi was just about to say something when the person hiding in the dark whispered to her.    


Mei Guanxi quickly locked the door. Under such circumstances, she could not help but suspect if he was a thief who snuck into the cruise ship.    


Before she could figure it out, there was a knock on the door.    


"Is there anyone inside?" It was a rough male voice.    


"I'm changing. What's wrong?" Mei Guanxi tried her best to sound normal.    


"Boss, it's a woman."    


It was quiet outside for about two seconds. It sounded like the boss had spoken.    


"Find her somewhere else!"    


Mei Guanxi held her breath the whole time. She only let out a sigh of relief when she heard the distant footsteps.    


Because she was afraid that there would be a camera installed in the changing room, Mei Guanxi did not turn on the lights.    


"Sir, they are gone. You can go out now."    


Her voice was trembling. If she could, she hoped that the person who went out was herself. However, reality did not allow it. She still needed to change her clothes.    


The other party did not answer her. If she had not heard his heavy breathing, she would have doubted it. Did someone just come in?    


"Sir, please leave!"    


Mei Guanxi was a little upset. If she did not move quickly, it would be too late.    


There was still heavy panting.    


Mei Guanxi was completely angry now. She wanted to check what was going on with this man.    


She had already helped him, so there was no need to trick her, right?    


In the darkness, she touched the things in the changing room. Before she could cry out, she fell down.    


The pain she imagined did not come. She was like a human cushion. Just as she wanted to get up, just as she wanted to get up, she was pulled back by that person.    


That person was very strong. She could not struggle away no matter how hard she tried. Just as she wanted to get up, she was pulled back by that person. A plunder swept over from all directions. And all the words that Mei Guanxi wanted to say were swallowed by him. In a daze, the man's low and magnetic voice sounded. "I will come to find you."    


Mei Guanxi was woken up by the cold on the floor. The cold on her back was not as bad as the pain on her body. Just now, she was bitten by the ingrate she saved.    


In the small changing room, only her breathing was left. It seemed that the man had already left.    


Mei Guanxi stood up angrily. The pain on her body almost made her fall back.    


She was afraid that someone might enter the changing room at any time. Mei Guanxi groped in the darkness and endured her tears to help her put on her clothes. Then she snatched the door and ran away.    


Not long after Mei Guanxi left, a man sneaked into the changing room.    


Where was he? When he left, he was still there. Why was there no one in the blink of an eye?    


The light in the locker room had already been turned on. The man noticed the discarded badge in the corner. He walked over and picked it up silently.    


Mei Guanxi looked at the Mei family in front of her and sighed. The dormitory was closed this late and she did not have enough money to stay in the hotel. She could only return here.    


However, she did not know what the mother and daughter would say. Wrapped tightly around her clothes, Mei Guanxi's heart jumped in. Other than this place, she really did not know where else she went.    


Originally, she had guessed that they should all be asleep at this late hour. However, when she opened the door, the lights in the room also lit up. It was as if they were all waiting for the moment she opened the door.    


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