Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2715 Was She Laughing at Her?

C2715 Was She Laughing at Her?

2Huo Yan dragged her tired body downstairs. Because she had yet to catch Huo Fanrou, she did not sleep well the entire night.    


"Miss, you don't look too good. Are you not feeling well?" The maid asked with concern.    


Huo Yan touched her face. "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well."    


"Are you going out later? Do you want the driver to prepare a car?"    


After thinking for a moment, Huo Yan said indifferently, "No need, I won't be going out today. I'll stay at home with Xin Xin and Mu Mu."    


At this moment, the bodyguard suddenly walked in: "Miss, Second Young Master Jiang is here."    


Huo Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard that. "Who... who did you say... who is here?"    


"Second Young Master Jiang, he said he wants to see you."    


Huo Yan looked out the window, and her face lost all color in an instant.    


Why would Jiang Ci come to find her so early in the morning?    


This action was too abnormal. Huo Yan stood there uneasily, without any response.    


The bodyguard said again, "Miss, do you want to invite Second Young Master Jiang in?"    


"He... Did he say anything?" Huo Yan asked.    


"No, Second Young Master Jiang only said he wants to see you. "    


Huo Yan swallowed her saliva, and her voice trembled slightly. "Please... Please invite him in."    


"Yes." The bodyguard turned around and went out to invite Jiang Ci.    


Huo Yan stood there, trying her best to keep herself calm. Jiang Ci might not know anything, or maybe he just came to see her. She couldn't afford to panic.    


After a while, the bodyguard brought Jiang Ci in.    


Huo Yan smiled faintly, "Jiang Ci, why are you here?"    


Jiang Ci stared at the girl for a moment, then said slowly, "Yan Er, I didn't take good care of you in Country E. It's my fault."    


Huo Yan was slightly startled, then said, "No, you are already very good to me. This matter … is my own problem."    


"When I was living with you, … did you get pregnant? So you always sleep, and didn't let the doctor check your body. "    


Huo Yan nodded, "Yes. I didn't think about what to do at that time, so I didn't want you to know." After pausing for a moment, she continued, "Mr. Ci, what happened in Country E is my own fault, and has nothing to do with anyone else."    


"Is it really in Country E?" Jiang Ci asked softly.    


"It's in Country E. … Mr. Ci, you have been very good to me in Country E. The fault I committed is not related to you, so you don't need to blame yourself. My brother can't even control me, it's my own fault."    


After a moment of silence, Jiang Ci said, "Can I take a look at the babies?"    


"They … are still sleeping upstairs."    


"I won't wake them up if I lighten my voice."    


Huo Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Then come upstairs with me."    


The two of them went upstairs.    


Huo Yan pushed open the door to the baby room and walked in with Jiang Ci.    


"Miss." The maid was holding the baby and feeding him. When she saw the two of them come in, she immediately greeted them.    


"Mu Mu has woken up!" Huo Yan immediately walked over.    


"Yes, Little Young Master just woke up. He cried twice just now. He must be hungry."    


Huo Yan looked at her daughter in the baby's bed and whispered, "Xinxin is sleeping so soundly …"    


"Miss has always slept better than Little Young Master."    


Jiang Ci looked at the two babies in the womb with a complicated expression.    


Huo Yan glanced at him, feeling a little uneasy, but she still introduced them, "Jiang Ci, this is my brother Mu Mu, and this is my sister Xin Xin."    


Jiang Ci looked at the boy in the maid's arms and asked softly, "Can I hug him?"    


"… Sure."    


Huo Yan glanced at the maid, and the maid immediately handed the child to Jiang Ci and gave him the bottle of milk.    


Jiang Ci carefully held the baby and gently fed the little guy with the pacifier.    


The little guy didn't eat it. He suddenly smiled when he saw him.    


At this moment, Jiang Ci was unable to describe his feelings. He was slightly startled and asked, "Why isn't he eating?"    


"He should be full," Huo Yan said.    


At this moment, the crying of the baby girl suddenly sounded from the bed. Huo Yan immediately picked up her daughter and said, "Baby, be good. Mommy is here. Go and get another bottle of milk."    


"Alright, I'll be right there."    


The maid brought over a bottle of milk and handed it to Huo Yan. Huo Yan immediately fed the little guy. The little guy who was still sobbing immediately started to eat obediently.    


Her watery eyes stared at her mother. Seeing her like this, Huo Yan suddenly smiled.    


The maid looked at the two of them and suddenly laughed, saying, "Miss, Young Master Jiang, you two really look like a family of four."    


Huo Yan, "..."    


Jiang Ci, "..."    


Realizing that this was not good, the maid immediately said, "Sorry, I just... said it casually. Don't mind me."    


Jiang Ci said indifferently, "It's okay."    


"Mr. Ci, have you eaten breakfast?" Huo Yan suddenly asked.    


Jiang Ci had come so early, so he felt that he had not eaten breakfast.    


"I'm not hungry," Jiang Ci said, "Are you still not eating breakfast? Go and eat. I'll help you look after the child."    


"Ah! No need." The baby seemed to be full. Huo Yan handed the bottle of milk to the maid and said, "It's enough with them around."    


"Are you worried?" Jiang Ci asked.    


"No, that's not what I meant." After hesitating for a moment, Huo Yan still asked, "Mr. Ci, why did you come so early in the morning?"    


"Yan Er..." Jiang Ci looked at her and suddenly said, "Sorry, it's my fault."    


Huo Yan's expression changed slightly as she stared at him in a daze. After a while, she said, "This... This has nothing to do with you. I said it, it's my own problem. I was the one who messed around in Country E. It's my own..."    


"That night, it was you, right?" Without waiting for Huo Yan to finish her sentence, Jiang Ci suddenly interrupted her.    


"What … What? I don't understand what you mean. " Huo Yan's heart was trembling.    


"That night, I was drugged, and you were the one who walked into my room." This time, it was not a question, but an affirmative answer.    


"No." Huo Yan shook her head and tried her best to deny it, "I don't know what you're talking about. Mr. Ci, I didn't … I didn't …"    


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