Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2681 She Met Jiang Ci Again!

C2681 She Met Jiang Ci Again!

0Although she did not know the reason, the nutritionist did not ask any more questions. He only said, "Okay."    


After a long while, Huo Yan felt that Chi Yi should have left, so she said, "Alright, let's go."    




The two of them walked out of the supermarket. There was no longer Chi Yi's figure outside. Huo Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


When they returned to the car, she suddenly realized that Chi Yi was in Country E, and Jiang Ci should have come to Country E as well. It seemed that she had to be more careful when she went out in the future. She must not meet Jiang Ci again.    


"Miss Huo, you should go to the hospital for a regular check tomorrow," the nutritionist reminded.    


Huo Yan was stunned for a moment. "Is tomorrow?"    


"Yes, I'll go with you tomorrow, right?"    


"Alright, make an appointment with the doctor. Try to make it earlier."    




The next morning.    


Huo Yan came to the hospital fully armed.    


The baby was very healthy, and her body was in good condition.    


After thanking the doctor, Huo Yan walked out. Coincidentally, sometimes something that she did not want to happen would happen.    


She never thought that she would meet Chi Yi at the supermarket yesterday, and that she would meet Jiang Ci at the hospital today.    


Seeing the tall and familiar figure getting closer and closer, Huo Yan immediately turned around and went to another corridor. She hid behind the wall and quietly looked at Jiang Ci, wanting to see what he was doing at the hospital. Could it be that he was sick?    


When Jiang Ci got closer, she could clearly see that he was wrapped in gauze, as if his hand was injured.    


Huo Yan was shocked and subconsciously wanted to rush over to ask him what was going on. However, she didn't move when she thought of her own appearance.    


"Miss Huo, why are you here?" The nutritionist's voice suddenly sounded.    


Huo Yan was startled and immediately reached out a finger to cover her mouth, indicating that she should not make a sound. She then pulled the nutritionist and hid inside.    


In a trance, Jiang Ci seemed to have heard someone calling Miss Huo. He subconsciously thought of Huo Yan and unconsciously stopped in his tracks. He looked left and right but did not see the girl.    


Seeing him suddenly stop, Chi Yi asked, "Young Master, what's wrong?"    


Jiang Ci retracted his gaze and said indifferently, "Nothing."    


After hesitating for a moment, Chi Yi carefully said, "Young Master, you should rest well for the next few days. Leave the rest to me."    


Jiang Ci did not speak, but he did plan to rest for a few days, but not because of the injuries on his hand, but to let the other party be overconfident.    


Jiang Ci's hand was injured with a knife, so the wound was not too big. However, he had also sutured it with three stitches.    


During the entire process of cleaning and suturing the wound, his handsome face was cold and solemn, without any expression. The few nurses beside him looked at him curiously, but they were too embarrassed to keep staring at him.    


When Jiang Ci finished cleaning and suturing the wound, he stood up. A bold female nurse suddenly went up to him. "Sir, after you go back, you must not touch water. Otherwise, it will get infected."    


Jiang Ci glanced at her but did not speak.    


The nurse added, "Also, there are some things you need to pay attention to. Um... How about we add each other on WeChat? I'll send you the information."    


Jiang Ci said coldly, "No need."    


After saying that, he continued to walk out. The nurse was unwilling to give up and wanted to chase after him, but Chi Yi suddenly appeared in front of her and said, "Please wait."    


The woman had not noticed Chi Yi waiting outside just now. She thought that Jiang Ci was an ordinary person who was very handsome. Seeing that he actually had a bodyguard, the woman immediately realized that he was not an ordinary person and did not go up.    


After Jiang Ci left, Huo Yan immediately went to the surgical department to inquire about him.    


"Doctor, may I ask what happened to the man who was very handsome just now?"    


The doctor looked at her up and down. His gaze paused on her stomach for two seconds before he asked suspiciously, "Who are you to him?"    


"I am his... friend. Doctor, what happened to him?"    


"There was a scratch on his palm. Three stitches."    


"What?! A scratch, and three stitches?! Isn't that very serious?"    


"It's alright, it's not serious."    


"Oh, thank you, doctor."    


"You are his wife, right?" The doctor suddenly said.    


"... No."    


The doctor obviously did not believe him and said again, "Your mood during pregnancy is easy to be unstable, but it's dangerous to use a knife when the couple is quarrelling."    


"No, you misunderstood. I'm not his wife."    


"Alright, it's not like that, right? Remember to remind him to take care of his health when he goes back. Don't get wet and take your medicine on time. Although the wound is not serious, you still have to pay attention."    


Huo Yan did not want to explain anymore. After saying "Thank you", she left.    


She did not know how Jiang Ci got injured, or if there was any danger. Huo Yan was very worried and wanted to call him to ask about it, but she did not know what excuse she could use.    


Although they had known each other for so many years, she rarely took the initiative to call Jiang Ci. Suddenly calling him to ask about him made her feel strange.    


"Sigh, what should I do?" Huo Yan sighed.    


Jiang Ci had just returned to the villa when Xiao Wenyu rushed over.    


"I heard that you were injured. What happened? … Is it your hand?"    


Jiang Ci said indifferently, "It's just a small injury."    


"What's going on? Who attacked you?"    


"I don't know. I haven't found the person behind it."    


"Did you catch him?" Xiao Wenyu asked again.    


After a few seconds, Jiang Ci said, "No."    


"You didn't catch him either! It seems like the other party is pretty awesome. Do you want me to help you find him?"    


Jiang Ci took a sip of tea. "Sure."    


Xiao Wenyu raised his eyebrows. "You are being too polite."    


"You've already said it, so I can't refuse."    


"How many times have you refused me?"    


Chi Yi came in from outside and said, "Young Master, the person has been caught."    


Jiang Ci looked at him and said, "Bring him back immediately."    


"He's already on the way back."    


Half an hour later.    


The man was brought in with his hands tied up. The bodyguard kicked the man's legs. "Kneel down!"    


The man bent his legs and knelt on the ground.    


Chi Yi walked in front of the man and asked, "Who ordered you to do this?"    


The man sneered and said in disdain, "If you want to kill me, then kill me. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the bodyguard kicked the man's back again. The man groaned and laid on the ground. He turned around and gave the bodyguard a fierce look, but he still didn't say anything.    


Chi Yi said coldly, "It's not that easy to die. You better be honest with me. Otherwise, you will know what it means to be better off dead."    


The man laughed again. "If I say it, will you let me go?"    


"That depends on what you say. How much value do you have, and whether it can be exchanged for your life."    


The man got up from the ground, but he couldn't stand properly and knelt on the ground again. After a moment, he said, "Then forget it. Even if I say those words, those people won't let me go. It's better to die on the left or right. Why should I?"    


Xiao Wenyu looked at Jiang Ci and said leisurely, "He's a tough nut to crack."    


Jiang Ci didn't say anything. He quietly looked at the man who was kneeling on the ground.    


Chi Yi said, "Young Master, your subordinate will bring him out to be interrogated."    


"Bring him out."    


Chi Yi dragged the man out.    


After thinking for a moment, Xiao Wenyu said, "Who do you think it will be?"    


"After I arrived in Country E, I made a lot of money. Anyone can do it," Jiang Ci said.    


"But not everyone has the guts to touch you, Second Young Master Jiang."    


"You'll know soon enough."    


About ten minutes later, Chi Yi walked into the living room. "Young Master, he is willing to speak."    


Jiang Ci stood up and walked into the courtyard. The man was already beaten to the ground, motionless.    


"Who sent you?" Jiang Ci asked.    


The man forced open his swollen eyes and replied, "It's... the Thousand Evil Alliance. They want me to kill you."    


Hearing that, Jiang Ci's eyes turned cold and he said coldly, "Chi Yi."    


Chi Yi stepped on the man's back. "Tell the truth!"    


The man said with difficulty, "What I said... is... the truth. But I don't know... why they want to kill you. I only do things for money."    


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