Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2672 When We Meet Again,

C2672 When We Meet Again,

5"Lei Ming, Xi is indeed fine," Bai Wuchen said.    


Lei Ming looked at the two of them and thought for a moment. Then, he said, "Alright, as long as you are sure."    


After a while, Lei Ming walked out of the laboratory.    


Chu Xi immediately sent a message to Ling Ke.    


[Ling Ke, how is it? Is there any news about the spiritual grass?]    


Very quickly, Ling Ke's message came back.    


[Not yet. The spiritual grass is relatively rare. It's not the season for it to mature yet, so it's not easy to find.]    


Chu Xi frowned slightly: [I understand.]    


Seeing that, Bai Wuchen asked, "You are sending a message to Ling Ke? How is it?"    


Chu Xi shook her head: "There is still no news."    


Bai Wuchen sighed lightly, "The spiritual grass is indeed hard to find. If we really can't find it, then we can only wait for the season when the spiritual grass matures in half a year. Then, we will go to the Ninth Continent to pick it. It's just that this half a year will be hard on you."    


Chu Xi smiled bitterly: "Then there's no other way. But it's fine. Half a year is very fast. It's just that …"    


"Just what?"    


"Chu Feng said that … he wants to hold a wedding this summer. He hopes that we can resolve it before the wedding."    


"It will happen. It doesn't have to wait for half a year. Perhaps there will be news in a few days."    


"I hope so."    


After thinking for a moment, Bai Wuchen said again, "Are you really planning to keep it a secret from Chu Feng?"    


"Yes." Chu Xi nodded her head: "When he knows, he will definitely be worried. He will definitely have to work hard for me. If he wants to take revenge, then wouldn't that cause a lot of trouble? So, let's just forget about it."    


In the evening, Chu Xi returned home.    


Chu Feng was sitting on the sofa and waiting for her. "You're back."    


Chu Xi was startled. "Why are you so early today?"    


"Didn't I tell you to come back earlier yesterday?"    


"Oh, right."    


Chu Xi smiled. In an instant, she felt unwell again. She immediately said, "Brother, I … will go to the washroom."    


After saying that, she quickly walked into the washroom. She took out a pill from her bag and swallowed it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The unwell feeling was slowly suppressed.    


Chu Xi was puzzled. Bai Wuchen had clearly helped her suppress the Gu bug's sleeping time. Why would such a situation occur?    


Furthermore, the last few times, it was when she saw Chu Feng.    


Thinking of this, Chu Xi's small face immediately changed. Could it be that … Could it be that this Gu bug still carried a poisonous love?    


If that was the case, as long as she saw the person she loved, as long as she was moved, she would stimulate the Gu bug to bite her.    


Thinking about the last few times, it seemed to be true. When she was outside, she was fine. When she came back and saw Chu Feng, or when she looked at him, she would suddenly feel very painful.    


Seeing that she did not come out for a long time, Chu Feng lightly knocked on the door outside. "Xi'er, is it still not done?"    


"Ah." Chu Xi was startled for a moment, then said, "It's done."    


She walked to the toilet and pressed on the flushing water, then left.    


Looking at her, Chu Feng's eyes slightly changed, and he suddenly asked, "Why is your face so bad? Are you not feeling well?"    


"Ah?" Chu Xi touched her own face. "Really? Uh … Maybe I didn't sleep well last night. I'll just have a good night's sleep tonight."    


"You didn't behave like this just now. You stayed in the washroom for so long, weren't you uncomfortable?" Chu Feng asked.    


"No, I didn't feel anything."    


After staring at the girl for a moment, Chu Feng said, "Xi, did you hide something from me?"    


Chu Xi smiled. "I really didn't."    


"Xi, don't lie to me."    


"I don't feel uncomfortable. I just … I just suddenly have a bad mood. I met Shen Ruyu again two days ago."    


"What did she say to you?"    


"Brother, I want to give her a chance to forgive her. What do you think …?"    


"If you want to forgive her, I will support you. As long as you are happy."    


Chu Xi threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly without saying a word.    


Chu Feng said softly, "Xi, I can give you all my love, but I can't replace kinship. If you want a mother, then give Miss Shen a chance. I think she really knows that she was wrong and sincerely wants you to forgive her."    


Chu Xi closed her eyes and did not speak. This was the decision she made in that one minute. Only this kind of explanation could stop Chu Feng from asking any more questions. Only this kind of explanation could prevent him from discovering her.    


Chu Feng rubbed her hair and said dotingly, "Tomorrow, I'll accompany you to see her, okay?"    


Chu Xi opened her eyes and raised her eyes to look at him. "No need, I want to talk to her alone."    


"Do you really not want me to accompany you?"    


"Wait until I have thought it through, thought it through, and then you can accompany me, okay?"    


"… Alright."    


The next day, Chu Xi arranged a meeting with Shen Ruyu in the clubhouse.    


Shen Ruyu was surprised and pleasantly surprised. "Xi Er, I really didn't expect you to take the initiative to meet me."    


After a moment of silence, Chu Xi slowly said, "I want to ask you for a favor."    


"Tell me, no matter what, I will do my best to help you."    


"I will tell Chu Feng … I want to try to forgive you. If he sees you or contacts you, I hope that he can tell him that I did say that to you."    


Shen Ruyu was slightly startled, as if she did not dare to believe her ears. "Xi Er, is what you said true? You want to try to forgive me?"    


Chu Xi pursed her lips and did not say anything. After a long while, she only hummed.    


Shen Ruyu was a bit excited, and she did not know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she said, "Xi Er, I will definitely compensate you."    


"How do I compensate?" Chu Xi suddenly asked.    


Shen Ruyu was stunned. She seemed to be a bit confused, not knowing how to treat her daughter who had suddenly returned to her side.    


After thinking for a while, she said, "You … What do you want? I will satisfy you."    


Chu Xi smiled bitterly, "It's a pity that you won't be able to give me what I want."    




"Do you know how to cook?" Chu Xi suddenly asked, "Can you go to my house for dinner tonight?"    


"I can learn. Let's go back now. I'll definitely make you a sumptuous dinner. What do you... like to eat?"    




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