Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2649 Search for a Way!

C2649 Search for a Way!

0"Mr. Bai..." The First Prince stood up and said, "If Mr. Bai has any requests, you must tell me. I will do my best to help Mr. Bai."    


"Prince, take good care of the princess. I'll be going back first."    


"I'll send someone to send you back."    


"No need. Faang Zui is waiting outside. We can go back ourselves."    


"That's good." The First Prince took a box from his subordinate and handed it to Bai Wuchen. "Mr. Bai, please accept this medal. This medal can allow you to exercise special privileges in the E Nation."    


"Prince, you are too polite. I am only following the orders of the Alliance Master and Master Zhan. Prince, you don't have to do this."    


"I know. I will thank Sizhan and Qian. But this is for Mr. Bai. Please accept it."    


After thinking for a moment, Bai Wuchen took the box and said, "Alright, thank you, Your Highness."    


Faang Zui was waiting for the two of them outside. When he saw Bai Wuchen walking out with a haggard look on his face, he asked, "What happened to Wuchen?"    


Chu Xi glanced at Bai Wuchen and did not say anything.    


Bai Wuchen said, "It's nothing. I suddenly felt unwell. Let's go back."    


"Isn't he fine when he came?"    


"Let's go back first."    


"Then what about the little princess? How is she?"    


"It's fine."    


The three of them said goodbye to the prince and left.    


When they returned to the villa, Faang Zui still felt that something was wrong. He called Chu Xi to the side and said, "Xi, what's wrong with your master? Why did he treat the princess like this?"    


"Uh... I don't know either."    


"Didn't you always stay by his side?"    


"Yeah, but I really don't know what's going on. I just suddenly lost it."    


"Just like that?" Faang Zui muttered, "He didn't do this before either."    


"Brother Faang Zui, I'll go see Master first. Don't you have something to do? You can go. I'll just watch over Master."    


After saying that, Chu Xi ran to Bai Wuchen's room.    


"Master, how are you? Are you feeling better?"    


Bai Wuchen had taken the medicine, and his face was a little better. He slowly said, "I never told you about the Gu poison before. I thought I wouldn't meet it, but I actually met it in Country E."    


"Master, is there really no other way to get rid of this Gu insect other than using someone else?"    


"There is nothing in this world that is absolute. Perhaps there is, but we just don't know."    


Chu Xi rolled her eyes and muttered, "That's right. Everything in this world is a mutual existence. Any living creature has its own natural enemy, so there must be something that counters this Gu insect. Master, I'll go and look up related books and information now."    


"If you're interested, go and check it out. I will be fine. It's just that I have to stay in Country E for a period of time. I have to get rid of it before I go back."    




Chu Xi came to the oldest and largest library in the capital. She took out all the books related to the Gu poison and flipped through them one by one.    


She stayed in the library until nine o'clock in the morning before leaving with a few ancient books.    


When she returned to the villa, it was already ten o'clock.    


Seeing that she had returned so late, Bai Wuchen carried a few books in his hands and asked, "Xi, you have been staying in the library all this time?"    


"Yes, I was reading books related to Gu Poison. There were too many of them, so I took some back before I finished reading them."    


"There's no need to do that. Even if I can't find anything that can counter it, I still have ways to force it out or kill it."    


"But if that's the case, Master, you still have to wait for a while and be tortured by it. I want to force it out as soon as possible."    


Bai Wuchen laughed, "It won't be too long, at most... half a month. We can return to celebrate the new year."    


"Half a month is also quite long. I think I should find a way as soon as possible. Master, I'll go back to my room first."    


"Rest early. Don't keep reading."    


"Yes, I know." Chu Xi returned to her room and continued to read the books. She had to find a way as soon as possible.    


The next day, early in the morning.    


Chu Xi went downstairs to eat breakfast with two black eyeballs on her head.    


Faang Zui saw her jump and asked, "Xi, what did you do last night? Didn't you go to Chu Feng's place? Why did you become like this?"    


"..." Three black lines appeared on Chu Xi's forehead. "I have insomnia."    


"Innate insomnia? It's not that serious, right? If you can't do it, then go to Chu Feng's place. It's perfectly normal for you two to live together. We won't laugh at you."    


Chu Xi said, "It's not because of that."    


"Then why?"    


"It's because I have insomnia. Have you never had insomnia before?"    


"That's not true. When I have something to worry about, I will also have insomnia. But what about you?"    


"I … I have something to worry about too, but it has nothing to do with Chu Feng. Don't think too much about it."    


Faang Zui rolled his black eyes and suddenly asked, "It can't be related to Wuchen, right?"    


Before Chu Xi could answer, Bai Wuchen walked over from the side. He looked very good, and he no longer looked as weak and pale as yesterday.    


"Master, you're awake."    


Bai Wuchen looked at the dark circles on the girl's face and frowned slightly, "Didn't I tell you to rest early?"    


Chu Xi smiled, "I laid down to rest a long time ago, but … I couldn't sleep, so I fell asleep."    


"Let's go to sleep later."    


"Uh … I still have something to do. Let's go eat. I'm so hungry."    


The three of them then walked towards the restaurant.    


After breakfast, Chu Xi returned to her room and put the book into her bag, then left the villa.    


As the car was driving on the road, Chu Xi inadvertently glanced at a figure on the side of the road. It seemed to be Sun still.    


When she looked out the window again to confirm, the figure had already disappeared.    


Chu Xi shook her head. She thought that she might have seen wrongly. Sun still should not be here.    


Not long after, she arrived at Huo Yan's apartment and entered through the password.    


"Yan'er, are you awake? I brought breakfast for you."    


In the bedroom, Huo Yan was still sleeping. After hearing the sound, she opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the time. It was already past nine o'clock.    


She actually slept for so long again.    


She got up, walked out of the room, and saw Chu Xi taking out a pile of books from her bag. She asked curiously, "What books did you take this time?"    


Chu Xi smiled, "Don't worry, it's not related to pregnancy. These are all the books I want to read."    


Huo Yan walked over and was stunned for a moment. Then she said in surprise, "Gu poison! Why are you reading this?"    


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