Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2624 Admitting and Apologizing to the Public!

C2624 Admitting and Apologizing to the Public!

0Soon, Sun still arrived at the cafe near C University. When she saw Chu Xi, she was slightly startled. She wondered why she was also here.    


Lin Yan and Chu Xi were not in the cafe. They were waiting for her outside.    


Looking at Lin Yan's gloomy face, Sun still suddenly had a bad premonition.    


Lin Yan coldly stared at her. "Sun still, how dare you lie to me!"    


"Lin Yan, what do you mean?"    


"The person who came to school to find me that day was you, and the person who came to the bar with me was you, right?"    


Sun still's eyes flashed with a hint of panic. She pretended to be calm on the surface. "I don't understand what you're talking about. Lin Yan, are you lying to me? You deliberately tricked me into your school because of her? What did she say to you?"    


"Sun still, I will make you regret it!"    


Looking at the woman's face, Lin Yan only felt disgusted.    


At this time, Chu Xi said, "Sun still, I really didn't expect you to be so crazy! I'm really curious. What benefits do I get from this?"    


Of course, Sun still was not willing to admit it. She coldly said, "Chu Xi, what are you trying to slander me for? Why don't you be direct?"    


"I'm slandering you?" Chu Xi couldn't help but laugh angrily. "Aren't masks of human skin quite expensive? Don't you feel heartache losing it?"    


Hearing that, Sun still's face immediately changed. She secretly cursed in her heart. So it was this bitch who stole the mask of human skin.    


To get the mask of human skin, she had spent all her wealth. She had not had the chance to use it properly, and had not had the chance to use it to get close to Chu Feng. Now, it was gone.    


Sun still felt as if her chest was about to explode from anger.    


However, she could only endure it. She could not act out. She would never admit it.    


Sun still looked at Lin Yan and said lightly, "Lin Yan, I don't know what she told you, but I didn't do anything. If you don't believe me… Just go ahead and attack me. But now, I have nothing, only this life."    


Lin Yan walked in front of her and forced out a few words from between his teeth, "How can you be so shameless?"    


Sun's face immediately turned green and red. In the blink of an eye, she looked like she was wronged. "You believe in a woman who has never taken you seriously?"    


"Can't you see? She is using you to deal with me? She just doesn't want me to get close to her man. Lin Yan, you are just a chess piece to her. You should wake up…"    


"The one who should wake up is you! Sun still, apologize to Chu Xi right now and admit that you are pretending to be her. Otherwise… You know what I will do."    


Sun still's face was pale as she looked at him in disbelief. "What did you say?"    


"I don't want to repeat myself!" Lin Yan took out his phone and opened one of the contacts in his contact list. Then, he said, "You choose!"    


"Lin Yan! You are crazy!"    


"I am crazy. I am being disgusted by you! I'll give you five more seconds…"    


Sun still was so angry that her voice was trembling. "Do you really have to do this?"    


Lin Yan pressed the dial button. Sun still panicked and immediately stopped him. "Alright, I admit it. I apologize!"    


At this time, there were already a lot of people surrounding them.    


"Isn't this Sun still? What happened to her?"    


"Why did Lin Yan ask her to apologize to Chu Xi? What did she do?"    


"I don't know, but we'll know soon."    


"Lin Yan is so fierce. I've never seen him like this before. He must have done something very excessive, right?"    


Hearing the surrounding voices, Sun still's face turned red and white. She had never been so humiliated and hated before.    


She looked at Chu Xi and slowly said, "Two days ago, I wore a human skin mask and pretended to come to find Lin Yan. The person who went to the bar with him was also me. Chu Xi, I'm sorry. Please forgive me."    


"Oh my god! Two days ago, it was Sun still who was with Lin Yan? She actually pretended to be Chu Xi!"    


"Damn! Didn't she say that she liked Shengshi Investment's Director Chu? Why did she come here to seduce Lin Yan again? How could she use such a method?"    


"That's right. She pretended to be another woman and seduced a man. This is too much."    


"No wonder Lin Yan was so angry. This woman is too shameless."    


Sun still closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yan. "Is that enough? Young Master Lin?"    


Lin Yan said coldly, "Scram. Don't ever let me see you again!"    


"Wait." Chu Xi suddenly opened her mouth. She took a step forward and walked in front of Sun still. With a voice that only the two of them could hear, she said, "Sun still, this is the last time I will let you go. If there is a next time … I will use the Thousand Evil Alliance's method to deal with you."    


She didn't say what method she would use, but Sun still knew in his heart.    


Sun still quietly watched her for a moment, but did not say anything. Then, he turned around and left.    


However, just as she left the entrance of C University, she was pulled into a black business car by two men.    


Sun still struggled violently, "Who are you people? Let me go!"    


The man grabbed her chin and stuffed a piece of cloth into her mouth. Sun still could not make any sound.    


"Brother, this woman is not bad." The man still grabbed Sun still's chin and said with shining eyes.    


The other man smiled evilly: "Not bad."    


"The employer also didn't say when he would send the person over. Why don't we … Let's have some fun first?"    


"No, let's change to an empty place."    


"Our warehouse, right? It's not far from here."    


"Alright, let's go."    


Hearing the conversation between the two, Sun still shook her head in despair. She wanted to speak, but her mouth was blocked, so she could only make whimpers.    


The man touched her face and said with an evil smile, "Don't worry, I will make you feel good in a while."    


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