Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2621 It Went Straight to the Point!

C2621 It Went Straight to the Point!

4Chu Xi stared at the screen and murmured, "Who is this woman?"    


"That woman must like Lin, but she can't get him. That's why she came up with this idea."    


Chu Xi looked at the two photos that they were staring at. Judging from the woman's eyes, she must like Lin Yan. Otherwise, she wouldn't be willing to pretend to be another woman to get close to Lin Yan.    


Chu Xi sighed softly. "There are so many women who like Lin Yan. Who knows? How do we find out?"    


Ling Ke said, "Actually, it's easier to narrow down the scope. To customize this kind of mask, one must be very rich. Secondly, it has to be about the same size as your body. Otherwise, it would be exposed."    


Chu Xi murmured, "Let me think about it. Otherwise, I'll go and tell Lin Yan the truth first. That woman pretended to be me to get close to Lin Yan. Then, she will definitely look for Lin Yan again. At that time, Lin Yan will be able to expose her. We can't keep Lin Yan in the dark."    


"That's fine too. It saves us the trouble of checking one by one." Ling Ke smiled and said, "But, if Lin Yan finds out, he will be very upset, right?"    


Chu Xi looked at him. "Why are you gloating? Do you have a grudge with him?"    




Chu Xi stared at him without blinking. She obviously didn't believe him.    


Ling Ke felt a little guilty when he saw her stare at him. He could only tell her the truth, "He intentionally went against me. He must have seen us together, so he was hostile towards me. He must be crazy. We are brothers, okay?"    


Chu Xi was stunned for a moment. She then asked in confusion, "When did he go against you intentionally? Why didn't I know?"    


"Of course you don't know. You weren't there. It was in a club. He insisted on fighting me for the only room."    




"Let's go and tell him. Let me see how interesting his expression will be in the future."    


Chu Xi's forehead was full of black lines. "… You better not go. If you two fight again."    


"It's fine. I won't be harsh."    


Chu Xi looked at the time and said, "You haven't eaten lunch yet, right? Come, I'll treat you to a meal. There's a hotpot restaurant near our school that is very delicious. It's very popular."    


"Why didn't you tell that Lin guy?"    


"Let's eat first. Also, thank you for coming here to tell me. Otherwise, I wouldn't know anything."    


"You're welcome." Ling Ke put down the computer and held the steering wheel. He asked, "How do we go?"    


"Go straight to the right."    


After eating, Ling Ke left.    


Chu Xi went to find Lin Yan.    


Seeing that she was looking for him again, Lin Yan smiled and said, "Chu Xi."    


Chu Xi looked at him and decided to cut to the chase. "Lin Yan, the person who was with you last night was not me. I didn't come to look for you yesterday."    


Lin Yan's smile froze on his face. He paused for a moment before saying, "Chu Xi... Actually, you don't have to say that. I didn't do anything. I respect your choice."    


Chu Xi saw that he didn't believe her and said, "I'm telling the truth. Lin Yan, think about it. Is that person really the same as me? Even if they look the same, what about their personalities? Do you really not have any doubts?"    


Lin Yan pursed his lips and did not say anything. It was not that he had never doubted her. It was just that he felt that Chu Xi was different last night. However, he only felt that she might have some unspeakable secrets, but he never thought that she was not the real Chu Xi.    


"That really wasn't me. Last night, I was at a bookstore in the Northern City. I only returned home at ten o'clock in the evening. I really didn't understand what you were talking about last night. I only found out about it when I saw some photos at noon. That woman was probably wearing a human mask, but as for who she was, I don't know. But she should be someone you like."    


After a long silence, Lin Yan said in a deep voice, "I know."    


"You... know who she is?" Chu Xi asked.    


"I don't know!" Lin Yan gritted his teeth. "But it's best if you don't let me know who she is!"    


A City.    


Chu Feng returned to the car and immediately picked up his phone to make a call. "How's the investigation going?"    


In the phone, his subordinate replied carefully, "The photo… It is not photoshopped, and there are no traces of it being processed. However, it might not necessarily be Miss Chu Xi. Last night, when Miss Chu Xi returned to the villa, she was not wearing that set of clothes. Uhh… I didn't mean that she had changed her clothes in the middle. I mean, it might be someone who pretended to be Miss Chu Xi."    


Chu Feng's face darkened, and he said coldly, "Of course it's not her. I want you to investigate who is behind this!"    


"Yes, I'll continue to investigate."    


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