Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2615 Dirty Old Man

C2615 Dirty Old Man

3Chu Xi's little face immediately turned red. After a moment, she asked, "Who is she? Why is she able to enter your office? Logically speaking, if she wants to obtain cooperation through her beauty, shouldn't she look for Director Sheng? Why would she look for you?"    


At this time, Sheng Mingyu suddenly pushed open the door and came in: "Ah, Xi, what you're saying is wrong. I'm not stupid, and I'm not a fool."    


"…" Chu Xi's little face became embarrassed, and she turned to look at him: "Why are you eavesdropping on other people's conversation!"    


"You are even saying bad things about me behind my back."    


"The truth that I said, using beauty to seduce you is definitely more likely to succeed than seducing Chu Feng, right?"    


"You are wrong. In serious matters, I cannot tolerate sand in my eyes."    


Chu Xi laughed dryly: "Is that so? Then I have really wrongly blamed you."    


"Of course you have wrongly blamed me." Sheng Mingyu walked to the sofa at the side and lazily sat down. Then, he said, "Sorry, I have to disturb the two of you in your two-person world. Chu Feng, I have something to tell you."    


"What is it?"    


"Arrange for the next two days. We have to go to A City."    


"Did you settle it?"    


"Yes, I arranged for them to sign the contract at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow morning. So, we will be arriving at A City tomorrow afternoon."    


"Alright, I'll prepare."    


"En, leave the company matters to Old He first."    


"I know."    


Hearing that, Chu Xi immediately asked, "Are you going for a long time?"    


Before Chu Feng could say anything, Sheng Mingyu answered first, "That's right, at least two months. And during this period of time, you will be very busy. So, you will have to temporarily separate for two months."    


"Two months! Isn't that almost the New Year?"    


"That's right." Sheng Mingyu smiled and said, "Why don't you come with us? That way, you won't have to separate for so long."    


Chu Xi raised her eyes and looked at Chu Feng. Chu Feng immediately said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. It won't be that long, at most two weeks."    




Sheng Mingyu started laughing.    


Chu Xi glanced at him and suddenly said, "You're so old."    


Sheng Mingyu's smile instantly froze. "What did you say? Old? Who's old?"    


Chu Xi coughed lightly, "You!"    


Sheng Mingyu turned his head to look at Chu Feng. "Is there something wrong with your sister's eyes? I'm so young and handsome. She said I'm old!"    


Chu Feng said, "You are indeed a few years older than her."    


Sheng Mingyu snorted and said again, "Let me tell you, this business trip won't end so quickly. You two have to be mentally prepared."    


"Alright, go and prepare. We will be leaving tomorrow. We have to make arrangements for this matter in advance."    


Sheng Mingyu stood up and said as he walked, "The two of you don't have to be so indecent in the office. The soundproofing is not particularly good."    


The door opened and closed, and the office immediately returned to silence.    


Chu Xi asked again, "Really, you only need two weeks to come back?"    


"Yes." Chu Feng said softly, "I promise you."    


"Will there be another woman who will throw herself at you? Or... Will there be someone who will give you a beauty? I heard from Qianmei that it is very common to give beauties to people in the business world. There were people who gave it to Master Zhan before, and there were also people who gave it to Faang Zui and Lei Ming."    


"... Then did they accept it?"    


"Of course not, but... If you encounter such a thing, it will still make you very unhappy!"    


"Don't worry, no one will give it to me."    




"Because they know I don't want it."    


Chu Xi rolled her obsidian-like eyes and suddenly asked, "Then how did they know? Did someone give it to you before? You didn't tell me?"    


"Uhh..." Chu Feng looked at the girl and said honestly, "There was one time when I went to A City for the first time, but it never happened again."    


"There really was one time!" Chu Xi thought for a while and said, "When you first went to A City, we didn't seem to be together. Then you... You didn't do anything, did you?"    


"What nonsense are you talking about! Of course not."    


"Then you..." Chu Xi wanted to say something but stopped.    


"What do you want to say?"    


"At that time, you… you were quite experienced."    


Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh, "Men should be able to do this without any guidance."    


Chu Xi's face turned red. Actually, she did not really doubt Chu Feng. She believed that Chu Feng's mental fortitude was very bad.    


"Then when you go to A City, you must always keep your phone on. I need to investigate."    


"Why don't you come with me? Watch me every day."    


"No, the Thousand Evil Alliance still has things to do for me."    


Chu Feng rubbed her hair and warned, "Be good during these days when I'm not around. You can't participate in too dangerous things. You are an alchemist, so just do your job."    


Chu Xi nodded, "I know."    


"I'll deal with some documents first. Let's go home early today."    




Chu Feng returned to his desk to deal with the documents that were piled up, and Chu Xi accompanied him.    


Very soon, the documents were all dealt with. Chu Feng turned off the computer and pulled her hand, "Let's go home."    


"Aren't you going to tell me about other things?" Chu Xi said.    


"It's not too late to talk about it tomorrow morning."    


The two of them had just walked out of the company.    


Gu Ziluo suddenly appeared and looked at the two of them, "Where are you going?"    


"Going home," Chu Feng said.    


Gu Ziluo raised his wrist and looked at the time, "It's so early! Are you two going on a date? Chu Feng, I realized that you're not very dedicated."    


"Why are you here?" Chu Feng asked.    


"It's been a long time since we met. Let's have dinner together tonight. I've already booked a restaurant."    


"I'm afraid I can't tonight."    


Gu Ziluo raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"    


"Tomorrow, I will go to A City with Mingyu. There are some things I need to deal with today."    


"Then why are you leaving so early?"    


"I can deal with it when I go back."    


Gu Ziluo snorted and looked at Chu Xi, who was beside him, and said, "I think you have other intentions?"    


Chu Feng said, "I'm leaving. You can find fault with Mingyu, but he might not have the time."    


"He definitely won't be as heavy hearted as you!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Sheng Mingyu came out of the car and said with a cynical expression, "Baby, wait for me. I'll be there soon."    


Gu Ziluo, "..........."    


Chu Feng coughed lightly and said, "Let's go." Then, he pulled Chu Xi and left.    


Only then did Sheng Mingyu notice Gu Ziluo. "Why are you here? To look for Chu Feng?"    


Gu Ziluo said gloomily, "It's fine. No one is looking for me."    


"Then why are you here?"    


"I'm free…"    


In the car.    


"What do you want to eat tonight?" Chu Feng asked gently.    


"Hmm…" Chu Xi thought for a while and then said playfully, "What you make… can do anything."    


Chu Feng's thin lips curled up slightly and he said with a doting expression, "Alright."    


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