Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2598 Waking

C2598 Waking

5Lei Ming continued to call Faang Zui, but there was still no one picking up the phone. Then he called Bai Wuchen.    


"Wuchen, have the alliance chief and the others returned to the capital?"    


Bai Wuchen said: "No, they came back today?"    


"If it's normal, they should have arrived by now."    


"I have been at the headquarters all this time, I didn't see them come back."    


"I know, that's all I can do for now."    


Lei Ming hung up the phone and looked at Han Jin worriedly: "Boss, Wuchen said that the alliance chief and the others haven't returned yet … I will go and kill that bastard, Yin Er."    


As he spoke, he rushed into another car and grabbed Yin Er's collar, then punched him hard.    


"What the hell did you do?"    


The corner of Yin Er's mouth was covered in blood, he smiled and said, "I just did something to the helicopter. Why are you so nervous? You and your beloved boss are not dead yet."    


"You are f * cking courting death!" Lei Ming punched him a few more times.    


Yin Er was already injured, and with these few punches, he fainted.    


At this time, Han Jin walked over and said in a deep voice, "Let's go back first."    


The two of them returned to the car. Lei Ming's hand, which was holding the steering wheel, trembled.    


He did not dare to imagine what would happen to Shi Qian, Faang Zui and Chu Xi if something happened to them …    


Han Jin had already calmed down, "Don't worry, they won't be in trouble. Every time they set off, Zui would check the helicopter. Even if Yin Er did something, it wouldn't be a big problem. That way, they would be discovered.    


If it was a small problem, he should be able to deal with it. Besides, with the alliance master here, there shouldn't be any problems. "    


"But if there's nothing wrong, why can't we get through to their phones?"    


"Maybe there are some small situations. We can't be reckless right now, we have to remain calm." After thinking for a moment, Han Jin picked up his phone and called Murong Jing.    


The call was quickly connected: "Hello, Han Jin."    


"Murong, I need you to do me a favor. Immediately, find her location according to the alliance master's location on her phone, and see if you can find her."    


"Qian?" Murong Jing said: "You want to find her location? Why?"    


"In the afternoon, the alliance master returned from Country E to Country A. Her helicopter was tampered with, and she hasn't returned to Country A yet, and we can't contact her."    


"What! Qian is in trouble!" Murong Jing immediately said: "Wait a moment, I'll find her location right away."    


A few minutes later, Murong Jing's voice sounded again: "I found her, in a forest at the border."    


"Forest at the border, send me the exact location, we'll immediately go over."    




Very quickly, Murong Jing sent the location over.    


"You found the alliance master's location?" Lei Ming asked.    


Han Jin said: "I found it, hurry up and drive, we'll go back to Country A in a while."    


"Alright." Lei Ming immediately sped up.    




After an unknown period of time, Shi Qian slowly opened her eyes and looked at the pitch-black forest in front of her. She frowned slightly, then turned to look at Faang Zui who was beside her.    


Faang Zui also moved slightly. Seeing that he had signs of waking up, Shi Qian immediately shouted, "Faang Zui, wake up … Wake up …"    


Faang Zui slowly opened his eyes. The pain on his forehead made him frown, and then he raised his hand to rub his forehead.    


Looking at the wound on his forehead, Shi Qian said, "You are injured. You have to deal with it as soon as possible."    


Faang Zui said, "I'm fine. Alliance Master, how are you?"    


"I'm fine. It's just that my head is a little dizzy, but it's fine." After pausing for a moment, she immediately undid her seatbelt and turned to look at Chu Xi, "Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi …"    


The girl's eyelids moved, and after a moment, she slowly opened her eyes, "Alliance Master …"    


"How are you? Are you hurt?"    


"No, I'm fine."    


"Try to move a little, see if you can move?"    


Chu Xi's arms and legs moved a little, and there was some pain. It should be a bruise from the impact, but it was not a big deal.    


"I'm fine, I can move."    


"En." Shi Qian looked out the window and said, "We can't stay here forever. We have to go down."    


Faang Zui pushed open the cabin door and looked down. Then he said, "This tree isn't too tall. Alliance Master, we can jump down directly. Xi, you …"    


Chu Xi immediately said, "I don't have any problems, I can also jump down directly."    


"Are you sure?"    




"Alright, then be careful."    


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