Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2597 Accident

C2597 Accident

1The helicopter was ready.    


Shi Qian and Chu Xi came out of the house.    


"Alliance Master, are we leaving now?" Faang Zui asked.    


Shi Qian looked at the helicopter in front of her and paused for a moment, then asked, "How is Han Jin and Lei Ming?"    


"We have already found Yin Er's whereabouts and are currently chasing him. Alliance Master, don't worry, we won't let him escape."    


"En, let's go."    


The three of them boarded the helicopter and set off.    


The helicopter flew past the mountain range, crossed the clouds, and gradually approached the border of A Nation.    


Chu Xi looked out the window and said, "Alliance Master, are we almost there?"    


Faang Zui was driving the helicopter, while Shi Qian and Chu Xi sat at the back.    


"We will enter the borders of A Nation soon."    


Chu Xi looked at the sunset in the distance and said, "Then we should be able to reach the Imperial Capital before nightfall, right?"    


Shi Qian replied, "I don't think so, it's going to be dark soon."    


Just as she finished speaking, the helicopter suddenly plummeted.    


Chu Xi was shocked, "What happened?"    


Shi Qian frowned slightly, "Faang Zui, what's going on?"    


Faang Zui's expression darkened slightly, and replied, "It's fine, the airflow is shaking. Alliance Master, Xi, fasten your seat belts."    


Shi Qian was sitting in the helicopter, and vaguely felt that something was wrong, but in order not to distract Faang Zui's attention, she did not say anything else.    


After a while, the helicopter once again plummeted, and it was completely unable to stabilize.    


"What's going on? What's the problem?" Shi Qian asked.    


Faang Zui said in a deep voice, "Something went wrong with the control system. It seems that someone has tampered with it. I'm sorry, Alliance Master. I didn't check properly."    


"I'll do it!" Shi Qian quickly squeezed into the cockpit and tried her best to control the balance of the plane to slow down.    


Chu Xi looked out the window and said, "We're going to crash into the forest below."    


"Don't be afraid. Everything will be fine." Shi Qian stared at the forest below with a fierce gaze.    


Chu Xi's voice trembled, "I'm not afraid."    


Under Shi Qian and Faang Zui's full control, the plane finally slowed down, but it still couldn't be controlled normally.    


Faang Zui said, "Alliance Master, we can't land normally. We can only... fight it out."    


Shi Qian said in a deep voice, "I know."    


In the sky above the mountain, the helicopter was getting lower and lower. It was about to crash into the valley, but after a moment, it suddenly jumped up again, but it only stabilized for a moment before it fell down at a faster speed.    


At the last moment, the helicopter suddenly crashed into a hundred-year-old tree, and the body of the helicopter was stuck in the thick branches of the tree.    


Shi Qian in the helicopter let out a heavy sigh of relief. The plane had not crashed into the ground.    


However, during the process of falling, the three of them were constantly hit. At this time, Chu Xi had already fainted, and Faang Zui's head was injured by the shattered glass. He tried his best to open his eyes, but in the end, he still closed them slowly.    


The sky had already darkened, and the mountain was extremely quiet.    


Shi Qian was not much better off. She was also injured. After struggling for a while, she could not hold on any longer and fell into a coma.    


At the same time.    


In the capital of Country E, Han Jin sat in the car. Seeing that it was about time, he asked Lei Ming, "Has the Alliance Master returned to the Alliance?"    


Lei Ming said, "They should be here, but I just called Faang Zui, but he didn't pick up."    


"Where's Chu Xi?"    


"I'll give her a call and ask." Lei Ming called Chu Xi again, but she turned off the phone.    


"Hmm? She turned off the phone!"    


"Chu Xi turned off the phone?" Han Jin asked.    


"Yeah, what's going on?" After thinking for a moment, Lei Ming called Shi Qian again, but the result was the same, no one picked up.    


"Alliance Master didn't pick up the phone either, is she still not here yet?"    


After thinking for a moment, Han Jin said, "Even if she flew slowly, she should be here soon."    


"Boss, Yin Er has come out. He really is here!"    


"Get out of the car!"    


With that, the two of them immediately rushed out.    


At the same time, four or five people rushed out of a car.    


"Yin Er, stop!" Lei Ming shouted, and Yin Er ran even faster.    


Han Jin narrowed his eyes, and without thinking about anything else, he shot two consecutive shots at Yin Er's legs.    


Yin Er's legs bent and he knelt on the ground.    


Everyone quickly surrounded him.    


Yin Er glared at the crowd fiercely, and finally, his gaze fell on Han Jin's face: "Boss, you are really ruthless to me!"    


Lei Ming said angrily, "You motherf * cker! You want to kill the boss, and you still expect the boss to be merciful to you. Yin Er, have you lost your mind?"    


Yin Er suddenly laughed: "I didn't kill him, right? Oh right, where is Faang Zui? Why isn't he with you? "    


"Why did you need us to come out to capture him? You think you are worthy!"    


"He didn't go back to A Country with your Alliance Leader, right?" Yin Er asked with a sinister smile.    


Lei Ming said coldly: "That has nothing to do with you!"    


"Hahaha … It has nothing to do with me, but I still want to know if they returned successfully. The plane … Didn't go out of control? "    


Hearing that, Han Jin and Lei Ming's expressions changed.    


"What do you mean?" Lei Ming suddenly kicked him.    


Yin Er groaned, but his face was still ferocious: "Guess …"    


Han Jin ordered coldly: "Take him into the car!"    


A few of his subordinates immediately dragged him into the car.    


Yin Er turned around and looked at him, smiling: "Boss, you should thank me. Very soon, you will become the new Alliance Leader of Thousand Evil Alliance. After all, there is no one else who can take this heavy responsibility."    


A trace of uneasiness flashed across Lei Ming: "Boss, he …"    


Han Jin said in a deep voice: "Continue to call Faang Zui, and also Wuchen, ask him if the Alliance Leader and the others have returned."    


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