Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2585 Another Explosion Occurred.

C2585 Another Explosion Occurred.

5Chu Feng said goodbye to Shi Qian.    


When he returned to the car, his face turned slightly dark, and his eyes could not hide the worry in his heart.    


He suddenly began to doubt whether it was right or wrong for him to agree to Chu Xi joining the Thousand Evil Alliance.    


He did not want to restrict her with love. He wanted her to be free and do what she liked.    


So, when Chu Xi asked to join the Thousand Evil Alliance, he did not stop her and only respected her choice.    


But now that danger was approaching, he began to doubt whether he was wrong.    


"Director Chu, where are we going?" The driver asked.    


Chu Feng slightly recovered his senses and said, "Return to the company."    


Along the way, Chu Feng was worried about Chu Xi. He was worried that she would encounter danger in Country E again.    


He even wanted to call her back immediately.    


Half an hour later, Chu Feng returned to Shengshi Investment. As soon as he entered the company, his assistant came over and said, "Director Chu, there's a guest looking for you."    


"Who?" At this time, Chu Feng's expression was not good.    


"Shen Ruyu, Miss Shen."    


"... Where is she?"    


"In the reception room."    


Chu Feng immediately walked towards the reception room.    


Shen Ruyu finally waited for him. She smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Director Chu."    


"Is there anything wrong, Miss Shen?"    


After a few seconds, Shen Ruyu slowly opened her mouth and said, "I… can't contact Xi. Where is she?"    


"She is no longer in the country."    


Shen Ruyu was stunned for a moment. "What do you mean? You sent her abroad?"    


Chu Feng looked at her and said coldly, "Miss Shen, are you concerned about Xi? Since you are concerned about her, why did you throw her at the orphanage entrance back then? Do you have any difficulties?"    


Shen Ruyu took a deep breath. "I didn't have any difficulties. I didn't want her at that time."    


"Then what do you mean now?"    


What did she mean?    


Shen Ruyu herself did not know. She seemed to be very conflicted. She knew that her actions could not be forgiven, and she did not expect Chu Xi to forgive her.    


However, she couldn't help but want Chu Xi to forgive her and make some reparations for her.    


But what could she make reparations for?    


Chu Xi was no longer a child. She no longer needed the role of mother in her life.    


Money? She did not seem to lack it.    


Shen Ruyu had never been so confused and confused before.    


Chu Feng said in a deep voice, "You still refuse to admit to her even now. You don't apologize to her at all. What is the point of looking for her?"    


"I came to apologize to her," Shen Ruyu said, "I have let her down."    


"Then let's wait for her to come back."    


"When will she come back?"    


"I don't know."    


"Chu Feng…" Shen Ruyu looked at him and asked, "If… if your father apologizes to you, will you forgive him?"    


"Apologize?" Chu Feng sneered, "Do you have these two words in your mind? You know very well what kind of person he is and how cold-blooded he is."    


"In your eyes, I am also cold-blooded, right?"    


Chu Feng did not say anything, but he obviously agreed.    


If he was not cold-blooded, how could he personally throw away his own child?    


Shen Ruyu suddenly laughed. "I am indeed cold-blooded." After a pause, she said, "Sorry for disturbing you."    


After Shen Ruyu left, Sheng Mingyu walked in.    


"Why did Shen Ruyu come to find you? Is there something else going on in North America? What do they want?"    


"No." Chu Feng said, "It's not related to them."    


"Then why did she come to find you?"    


"She came to find Xi. She couldn't contact her, so she came here."    


"Oh, I see. I thought she came to find trouble. That's good."    




The sky gradually darkened.    


Faang Zui and Yin Er returned to the meeting hall with a stack of documents.    


"Boss, all the information is here." Faang Zui placed the documents on the table.    


Han Jin lowered his eyes and looked at it, then asked, "Did you find anything abnormal?"    


Faang Zui glanced at Yin Er and said, "...Yes, it's…"    


Before he could finish, Yin Er interrupted him, "Boss, it's my subordinate. Can you let me go and find him personally?"    


"Where is he?" Han Jin asked.    


"He's not in the headquarters. I can find him. If you are worried, you can let Faang Zui go with me."    


"No need. Go by yourself. Hurry up and return."    




After Yin Er left, Han Jin handed the documents to Lei Ming, "Check the list with the list you found."    




Lei Ming took the list and carefully checked it. Chu Xi helped him.    


At this time, Faang Zui's phone suddenly rang. He immediately picked up the phone and his expression changed. He said in a deep voice, "Got it."    


After hanging up the phone, he looked at Han Jin and said carefully: "Boss, the warehouse in the capital... was also bombed."    


"What!" Lei Ming suddenly raised his head: "The capital was also bombed!"    


Faang Zui said: "Boss, should I go over?"    


Chu Xi said: "I'll go with you."    


After a moment of silence, Han Jin said: "Don't do it yet. Let them deal with it first."    


"Then … what about the Alliance Master?" Faang Zui asked: "Do we tell her now?"    


Lei Ming: "Why don't we not talk about it first? I'm worried that the Alliance Master will be angry."    


Faang Zui: "If she doesn't say it, she won't be angry?"    


Lei Ming: "... Then you say!"    


Faang Zui: "Why should I say it?"    


Chu Xi said: "... Right now, this doesn't seem to be the main point, right? The main point is that the warehouse in the capital was bombed again, right? It should be a group of people, right?"    


Faang Zui said in a deep voice: "It must be a group of people. They are simply courting death!"    


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