Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2584 Perhaps It Was a Combination of External and Internal Forces.

C2584 Perhaps It Was a Combination of External and Internal Forces.

2Han Jin and the others left.    


Chu Xi looked at the ruins in front of her and the people who were trying to put out the fire, her eyes slightly darkened.    


This explosion seemed to have been caused by outsiders, but on careful thought, there were many parts that could not be explained.    


Especially the instruments in the laboratory, which had also been touched by someone. This was obviously done by someone inside. If the whole thing was not done by someone inside, then there must be someone inside and outsiders working together.    


The fire was finally extinguished, and after confirming that there was no problem, Chu Xi left.    


Halfway there, she suddenly ran into Yin Er, who had already tidied up the place. Yin Er stared at her, his expression not friendly at all.    


Chu Xi brushed past him, and after walking two steps, she suddenly stopped and said, "Can I ask you a question?"    


As she spoke, she turned around.    


"What question?" Yin Er said coldly.    


"Do you know that the instruments in the laboratory have been tampered with?"    


Yin Er was first stunned, then he said, "How is that possible?"    


"Maybe! I am sure that the instrument has been tampered with!" Chu Xi's tone was firm, her bright eyes stared at the man in front of her, staring at the minute expression on his face.    


The man appeared to be a little angry: "What do you mean? You want to say that this matter was done by someone inside?"    


Chu Xi said indifferently: "I don't know, I still don't have any evidence, it's not easy to make a conclusion."    


The man snorted coldly, "You better find evidence!" After saying that, he strode away.    


Chu Xi did not say anything more and turned around to find Han Jin and the others in the meeting hall.    


As he leaned against his seat, Lei Ming became more and more angry, "Damn it! Who is it? The purpose of the second explosion was clearly to wait for us to come and die! Boss, we must investigate this matter to the end. "    


Han Jin sat in front of the meeting table and pursed his lips without saying a word.    


Faang Zui muttered, "Could it be that guy who fought with us for the territory?"    


Lei Ming looked at him, "Want to rob our mine?"    


"That's right, he has always hated us."    


"It's possible."    


At this moment, Chu Xi walked in.    


Seeing her come in, Han Jin immediately asked, "Xiao Xi, what did you find in the laboratory?"    


Chu Xi replied, "The reason why I couldn't get any results before was because there was a problem with the instrument. Someone had tampered with it."    


Lei Ming: "The instrument was tampered with! Could it be that the other party has entered our laboratory?"    


Faang Zui: "It's very difficult for outsiders to enter the laboratory, but it's also possible that... our internal people colluded with outsiders."    


Chu Xi nodded, "It's possible."    


Lei Ming: "Then it's not easy to investigate. We are not sure when the tampering happened, and we can't suspect those who entered the laboratory, right?"    


"Where is Yin Er?" Han Jin asked.    


Lei Ming: "I don't know. When I came out, I didn't see him."    


Chu Xi said, "When I came back from the warehouse, I saw him going to the warehouse."    


Han Jin: "Leiming, call him over."    


"Okay." Lei Ming immediately called Yin Er to ask him to come back.    


Ten minutes later, Yin Er walked into the meeting hall.    


"Boss, you are looking for me?"    


"Where have you been?" Han Jin asked.    


"I'm going to check the situation at the warehouse."    


"Who has entered the laboratory in the past month? Give me all their information."    


Yin Er looked at Chu Xi, then nodded, "Yes. I'll go check the surveillance and prepare."    


"Faang Zui, you two go together. Bring all the information over as soon as possible."    


"Yes, boss." Faang Zui stood up and looked at Yin Er, "Let's go."    


After the two of them left.    


Han Jin then said: "Leiming, check the surveillance of the people you have found. Drop all the names on the list."    


Lei Ming understood what he meant, and immediately said: "Alright, I'll contact them immediately."    


At this moment, Han Jin's phone rang. It was a call from Shi Qian.    


He immediately answered it: "Hello, Alliance Master."    


"Han Jin, how is the situation over there?"    


"More than half of our warehouse was destroyed by the explosion, and all the goods inside were destroyed. There was a second explosion just now, and it was probably directed at us."    


"Second explosion! Are you guys alright? Are you hurt? "    


"We're fine, we managed to escape in time."    


"Do you have any leads?"    


"Not yet, but it might be someone from our internal department. I'll investigate it as soon as possible."    


"Alright, you guys be careful. Safety is the most important thing."    


"I know."    


Not long after Han Jin hung up, Chu Xi's phone rang.    


She took out her phone from her pocket and saw that it was Chu Feng. She immediately picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Chu Feng."    


Chu Feng's voice was filled with worry, "Xi'er, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine."    


"I heard that there was a second explosion at the headquarters of the E Nation."    


"Yeah, but I was not at the warehouse at that time. I was in the laboratory." After a pause, Chu Xi asked again, "Who told you that? Isn't this news too fast?"    


Chu Feng said, "I heard it from Director Shi. I'm at their company right now."    


"Oh, no wonder."    


"Xi, can't you be injured?"    


"I know. Don't worry, I'll be careful."    


The two of them hung up the phone not long after.    


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