Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2582 No Results.

C2582 No Results.

4"There's no need to show off!" The man said coldly, "Then what are you doing now?"    


Chu Xi said, "Of course I'm doing what I should be doing."    


Yin Er looked at Han Jin and said again, "Boss, I've checked again and again, and confirmed that there are no problems. Don't listen to a little girl's nonsense."    


Han Jin ignored him, and turned to Chu Xi, "Xi, quickly deal with the poison."    


Chu Xi nodded, "Yes."    


Yin Er looked at Han Jin: his face turned red and green, and he wanted to continue speaking, but Han Jin glared at him.    


Chu Xi covered her nose and walked into the warehouse once again. After taking some ash, she walked out.    


"Boss, I need to use the laboratory."    


"Faang Zui, take Xi to the laboratory."    


Faang Zui looked at Chu Xi, "Xi, let's go."    


The two of them went to the laboratory together.    


On the way, Chu Xi suddenly said, "Brother Faang Zui, was that Yin Er the person in charge of this place?"    


"Yes, he's in charge of the E Country's headquarters. His man has that kind of bad temper, arrogant, and can't stand others denying him. But he's not bad, don't lower yourself to his level."    


Chu Xi's eyes darkened slightly, and she didn't say anything more.    


The two of them walked into the laboratory. Faang Zui said, "Can you do it alone? Do you need someone to help you?"    


"No need." Chu Xi swept her gaze across the laboratory, "The instruments here are as complete as the ones in the capital. There won't be any problems. I'll analyze it as soon as possible."    


Han Jin and the others were waiting for the results in the rest area.    


Yin Er had an unhappy look on his face.    


Lei Ming glanced at him and suddenly said: "When will you change your bad temper? You always look like you are absolutely right. Do you think you are a god? You never make mistakes. "    


Yin Er glanced at him and said unhappily: "I definitely won't make such a low-level mistake."    


"Xi is Wuchen's disciple. She is indeed sharper than the average person. If she gets slapped in the face, I want to see if you can still be so tough."    


"Even if there is a problem, it definitely won't be a fatal problem. That little girl is just bluffing to show off her abilities!"    


Lei Ming raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you just say that there would definitely be no problem?"    


Yin Er: "... There definitely won't be a big problem!"    


"How big is the problem? Will she be poisoned to death the moment she enters?"    


Yin Er looked angry from embarrassment: "You have been speaking up for her all this time, you two must be in a relationship!"    


"You f * cking …" Just as Lei Ming opened his mouth, Han Jin's voice suddenly sounded from the side: "All of you, shut up! Before the results come out, don't say any more nonsense!"    


The two of them no longer made a sound.    


In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed. There was still no movement from Faang Zui and Chu Xi.    


Han Jin immediately ordered, "Lei Ming, can you go over and take a look?"    


"Alright." Lei Ming stood up and walked towards the laboratory.    


Chu Xi stared at the instrument and frowned slightly, not understanding why the results came out so slowly.    


At this time, Lei Ming pushed open the door and came in: "Xiao Xi, how is it? Is there a result?"    


Chu Xi shook her head: "Not yet, I don't know why it hasn't reacted. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this."    


"Ah? What is the situation? Is there a problem? "    


"I am sure there is a problem, but as for what the problem is, I can't detect it for now."    


"Then what should we do?"    


After thinking for a while, Chu Xi said: "Why don't we not enter the warehouse first?"    


Lei Ming: "That won't do, we have to make a inventory of the losses as soon as possible. If we can make up for it, we have to do so as soon as possible. We also have to go in and investigate the clues."    


Faang Zui: "That's right, currently, we can't find any suspicious people in the surveillance. We can only start from inside."    


Chu Xi said: "Then bring the mask in, just in case."    


"En, that's fine."    


Faang Zui stood up: "Then let's go and talk to the boss first."    


The three of them then walked out.    


"How is it?" Han Jin asked.    


Chu Xi was a little embarrassed and replied: "Boss, I'm sorry, I haven't detected the results yet, I don't know what's going on."    


At the side, Yin Er sneered: "I knew it would be this result, bluffing!"    


Chu Xi said: "But I am sure there is a problem inside. Boss, if you want to go in, you should still wear a gas mask."    


Faang Zui said: "I will send someone to retrieve it."    


Han Jin nodded his head: "Go."    


Yin Er looked at them in disbelief: "You still believe her?"    


Han Jin glanced at him: "It's not a bad thing to be careful."    


Yin Er suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly: "It seems that whatever I say is useless. It's true, I was no longer in your boss's trust range."    


Han Jin had just taken a step forward when he suddenly stopped and turned to look at him. He said coldly: "What did you say?"    


Faang Zui immediately said: "Yin Er, what are you talking about! Boss doesn't trust you, and you still want to stay in the headquarters!"    


"Are you dissatisfied?" Han Jin stared at him and asked.    


"Are you dissatisfied?" Han Jin stared at him and asked.    


"That's right!" The man made up his mind and continued, "Boss, I've wanted to say these words for a long time. Why? Why can Lei Ming, Faang Zui and even Qianmei, who have been missing for two years, be with you, and I can only stay here?    


"And this girl, you trust her so much! I said there was no problem, but you ignored it. Isn't this not trust?"    


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