Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2543 Gift Him

C2543 Gift Him

0"Is there any loss?" Chu Xi asked again.    


Chu Feng smiled. "There will definitely be losses, but... I will earn them back in the future."    


"Yes." Chu Xi looked at his extremely handsome face and said, "These few days, you always leave early and return late. Are you tired?"    


"Not tired." Chu Feng held her fair little hand and said with a smile, "Even if you are tired and see it, you are not tired."    


Chu Xi curled her lips and said softly, "Then go and rest. It is not early anymore."    


"Okay, let's go back together."    


The two of them returned to the room. As soon as they entered, Chu Feng pulled the girl into his arms. He looked down at her delicate face and asked, "When did you come back?"    


... "I came back early in the afternoon and stayed at home."    


"Oh." The man smiled wickedly. "That's good."    


Chu Xi was speechless."    


What did he mean?    


Before she could react, the man had already beaten her up and carried her towards the big bed.    


"Wait!" Chu Xi finally understood the meaning of his words and immediately said, "No!"    


"What's the matter?"    


"You have been too tired these few days and have been busy with the project. You need to have a good rest. "    


"This is also a way to rest" Chu Feng put her on the bed and was about to kiss her.    




"Don't wait for me!"    




Chu Xi wanted to say that she had a gift for him, but someone did not give her a chance to speak.    


After a long time, she hid in the man's arms and said in a low voice, "I... I wanted to say that I have a gift for you."    


Chu Feng,... "A gift?"    


... "Yes, it's in the bedside cabinet." As she spoke, Chu Xi moved, wanting to go and get something.    


Chu Feng immediately said, "Don't move, I will get it."    


Chu Xi indeed did not have much strength at this time, so she simply did not move.    


Chu Feng pulled open the drawer and took out an exquisite box. He gently opened it.    


"This is a couple's necklace. Does it look good?" Chu Xi asked.    


Chu Feng's thin lips curled up. "It looks good." As he spoke, he took out a necklace with a key and put it on the girl's neck.    


Chu Xi immediately took out another one. It was a lock and then she put it on for him.    


The platinum chain was very compatible with their fair skin. Chu Xi smiled and said, "It looks good."    


Seeing the girl's bright smile, Chu Feng couldn't help but kiss her cheek. His magnetic voice sounded again, "Xi..."    




"Let's do it again."    


... ""    


The next day, in the morning.    


Chu Feng put on his clothes and looked at the girl who was still sleeping. He bent down and kissed her on the corner of her lips. Then he said in a low voice, "Xi, I'm going out."    


The girl slept very soundly and did not respond.    


Chu Feng looked at the time and did not miss it anymore. He walked out of the room.    


Outside the villa, the driver was already waiting. When he saw him come out, he immediately opened the car door.    


Chu Feng sat in the car and ordered, "Go to the auction."    


An hour later.    


Chu Feng walked into the auction hall.    


Normally, many people would go up to greet him, but at this moment, no one went up to him, as if they were deliberately avoiding him.    


The news of him and Sheng Mingyu fighting had already spread in the circle. No one dared to take the risk of offending the Sheng family to get close to him.    


Although they knew that he was strong, without the Sheng family as a big tree, what was the use of being strong?    


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