Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2558 Did He like Chu Feng

C2558 Did He like Chu Feng

3Not long after, the two of them reached an apartment downstairs.    


Chu Xi got out of the car and looked around. "This place is not bad."    


"Of course. It is not a good place. I can choose it." Ling Ke got out of the car with a smile and said, "Let's go and take a look."    


Chu Xi followed him upstairs. "So you plan to come out and live in the future?"    


"Not necessarily. It depends on the mood."    


"Does your boss agree to let you move out?"    


"What's there to disagree with? I'm not a child anymore. Sooner or later, I have to move out and be independent. Besides, if I have a girlfriend, it would be inconvenient to bring her back to headquarters."    


"You have a girlfriend!"    


......... "I mean what if."    


"Then you have a target?"    


... "No, but there will be one sooner or later."    


Chu Xi smiled. "Then I wish you a good fate as soon as possible."    


Ling Ke smiled and said, "Thank you."    


As soon as she entered the apartment, Chu Xi was stunned by the scene in front of her.    


The apartment was a two-story duplex. It was very large and the renovation style was full of high-tech.    


Immediately after, a robot walked towards the two of them and said, "Welcome home, Master."    


"What would you like to drink?" Ling Ke asked Chu Xi.    


Chu Xi looked at the robot in front of her and asked, "Can he get some drinks?"    


"Yes, he can." Immediately after, Ling Ke ordered the robot, "Go and make two cups of fresh fruit juice."    


"Yes, master." The robot turned around and left.    


"He can still squeeze juice?"    




Chu Xi was a little impressed.    


"Is there anyone else coming over later?"    


"Yes, Mo and the others will come over later. I gave them the address."    


"Why didn't you pick them up by the way?"    


"It's not like they are beauties."    


Chu Xi laughed lightly, "Are you praising me?"    


"Do you need me to praise you? You are a beauty to begin with, and you are not an ordinary beauty. If you have such good looks in the entertainment circle, you might be even more popular than Shen Ruyu."    


"Why don't I give it a try?"    


Ling Ke:... "Are you serious?"    


Chu Xi replied, "No."    


Ling Ke was speechless."    


After a while, Chu Feng suddenly called.    


"Xi, where did you go?"    


"I was at Ling Ke's house. He bought a new apartment and asked us to meet up."    


The other side was silent for a while and then asked, "When will it end?"    


"Uh... It should be in the afternoon or evening."    


"Send me the location. I'll pick you up after it ends."    


"Oh, okay."    


Chu Xi immediately sent the location over.    


Ling Ke raised his eyebrows. "You have seen it very strictly."    


Chu Xi:... "Recently, the situation is special. Brother is worried that something will happen to me."    


"Can he really deal with that father of his?"    


"Of course he can. Chu Feng is omnipotent."    


... ""    


"By the way, how is Yan Er in E Country? Did you go to see her a few days ago?" Ling Ke asked.    


"Yes, she looks not bad, pretty good."    


"Why on earth did she suddenly want to go to E Country alone?"    


"... " She... Didn't she say that she wanted to be independent? She wanted to see the outside world."    


"But why do I feel that this matter isn't that simple?"    


"Otherwise, why else?"    


"Actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question."    


Chu Xi looked at him and had a bad premonition in her heart, "What question?"    


"Does Huo Yan like... Chu Feng?"    


"Chu Xi was speechless. "What logic is this? Why would you have such an idea?"    


"It's because there seems to be something wrong with leaving you two!"    


"Why... Something's wrong?"    


"At the gathering before she left, I could tell that the two of you weren't normal. Furthermore, the way you looked at her seemed to have... some guilt in her eyes."    


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