Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2529 The Two Bosses Quarreled

C2529 The Two Bosses Quarreled

2After a few seconds, Chu Feng said again, "So it's not that simple. He won't let me go easily."    


Sheng Mingyu nodded in understanding. "I roughly understand, but Chu Feng still insists on what I think. I don't agree with you leaving. If Glory World wants to be bigger in the future, it will face more difficulties. This isn't necessarily the most difficult time. We still have to think of a way to solve this problem. We don't have to sacrifice anyone. "    


Chu Feng suddenly laughed. "Why does it involve sacrifice? It's not that serious. I just need some time to deal with these things. During this period of time, I don't want Glory World to be attacked because of me."    


"I understand what you mean, but I don't think this is the best way. Let's think about it."    


Chu Xi suddenly said, "Chu Feng, I also think this matter should be considered."    


Looking at the two of them and thinking for a moment, Chu Feng said, "Alright, let me think about it again."    


Sheng Mingyu said, "It is not you thinking about it again. It is us thinking about it together."    


"Then... you can accompany me in acting." Chu Feng said.    




"Dispute, there's a conflict."    


Sheng Mingyu instantly understood and smiled. "No problem, then tomorrow?"    


Chu Feng's thin lips slightly hooked up. "Okay."    


Chu Xi suddenly raised her hand. "Then can I make a scene?"    


"Yes." Chu Feng said gently.    


The next day, in the morning.    


For the first time in Glory World's history, two big bosses quarreled.    


The employees were shocked and confused...    


"What's the situation with these two bosses? It's never been like this before?"    


"Recently, Director Chu had a few problems with several projects. Director Sheng was unhappy, so the two of them started quarreling."    


"Director Chu has always been strict with his work. Recently, for some unknown reason, his projects have been frequently problematic."    


"I heard that he was sabotaged by his opponent's evil intentions."    


In the office.    


Chu Feng said in a deep voice, "Sheng Mingyu, what do you mean?"    


Sheng Mingyu's attitude was cold. "What do I mean? I want to ask you, recently you went missing without saying a word. The reason is not clear. There are problems with the project again and again. Don't you think you have been too willful recently?"    


"I have said it before. I had no choice but to leave."    


"What was the reason? Why can't I say it?"    


"Indeed not." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said indifferently," Mingyu, you said you would always believe me, but now... are you questioning me? "    


Sheng Mingyu pursed his lips and did not say anything, as if he tacitly agreed.    


After a pause, he said, "Do you believe me? Disappearing for no reason, no matter what, don't tell me the reason. Do you believe me?"    


It was Chu Feng's turn to be silent.    


The two of them were silent for a long time. Suddenly, Sheng Mingyu turned around and left. When he closed the door, there was a loud bang.    


Everyone in the office was shocked. They did not even dare to breathe loudly.    


Sheng Mingyu left the company with a solemn face.    


Not long after, Chu Feng and Chu Xi came out of the office and left the company as well.    


Everyone looked at each other. Their expressions were not very good. Was the company going to change?    


They would not lose their jobs, right?    


The news of Chu Feng and Sheng Mingyu quarreling quickly reached some people's ears.    


Sun was still one of them. When she heard this news, she was first shocked, then she laughed.    


She didn't like Sheng Mingyu to begin with, and thought that he had an unbreakable relationship with Chu Feng. It seemed like this was all he had.    


It might not be a bad thing if Chu Feng could separate from Sheng Mingyu.    


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