Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2517 Escape

C2517 Escape

5Chu Xi stayed in her room and looked out the window. She looked at the many bodyguards with yellow hair and white skin in the yard and roughly guessed her situation.    


This should be North America.    


The person who caught her must be an organization in North America. The most likely one was the mysterious organization that they had met not long ago, which Huo Fanrou had joined.    


They did not know how Chu Feng had handled this matter at that time, but it was obvious that they did not know about this matter. The reason they had captured her must have been to threaten Chu Feng.    


Thinking of this, Chu Xi could not stay quietly any longer. She could not let Chu Feng be threatened because of her.    


She looked out the window. The room she was in was on the third floor. If she jumped down from here, she might be slightly injured, but it was better than waiting for death.    


After making up her mind, Chu Xi took a deep breath, then opened the window and jumped down.    


Because there were many patrolling bodyguards, she was discovered as soon as she landed and bodyguards immediately chased after her.    


When she was upstairs, Chu Xi had already planned the route. She quickly stood up and endured the pain in her feet as she ran towards the garden.    


The garden was filled with plants that were taller than humans. After passing through the garden, she could climb over the wall and go out.    


Chu Xi quickly reached the corner of the wall. At this time, the two bodyguards also caught up. She had to deal with the two of them before she had the chance to go out.    


So when the two of them rushed over, she suddenly counterattacked. With the fastest speed, she knocked down the two of them and took away one of their guns. She quickly flipped out of the wall.    


At this time, a large group of bodyguards chased over. Seeing that Chu Xi had already escaped, some of them jumped over the wall and went out, while others went back to drive to chase after her.    


The castle was in a forest. Chu Xi quickly ran into the forest and ran in the same direction all the way until the sky gradually darkened and there was no more sound behind her.    


Chu Xi, who had stopped, fell to the ground and finally let out a sigh of relief. At this time, she noticed that her feet were swollen and did not look like they were there. After the nervousness, she felt waves of pain.    


The wind blew across the forest and rustled.    


Chu Xi looked at the surrounding trees and curled herself up.    


It had been a long time since she had stayed in such an empty place. She immediately felt a trace of fear.    


She immediately took out her phone and called Chu Feng, but the call did not go through.    


Seeing that the phone was about to run out of battery, Chu Xi did not continue to call. Instead, she quickly sent her location to Chu Feng, Qianmei, and Ling Ke.    


She had been missing for so long, Chu Feng must have already known. She could not hide it from him, so she just sent her location to him to let him know that she was fine.    


After thinking for a while, she sent another message. Chu Feng, I'm fine. Don't worry, don't be impulsive. ]    


In the castle.    


Boss Chu was extremely generous as he asked, "Did you find him?"    


The butler carefully replied, "Not... not yet. I've sent another hundred people out to find them."    


"Chu Feng must find them before he arrives!"    


"Yes, yes."    


After sending the message, Chu Xi's phone ran out of battery. The sky was getting darker and darker. She did not dare to move around and hide in the grass.    


At the same time, Chu Feng's private plane landed. He opened his phone and saw the message sent by Chu Xi. He knew that place was a jungle. She was actually alone in the jungle.    


At this time, the sky was already dark.    


Chu Feng's heart ached. He quickly rushed out of the plane and a few men immediately went to receive him.    


Chu Feng said directly, "I know where Xi is." As he spoke, he quickly got into the off-road vehicle behind them and flew away.    


They immediately got into another car and followed.    


On the other side, Shi Qian also received Chu Xi's position and immediately got Murong Jing to instruct the North Net Sect's people to search for Chu Xi according to the location.    


The previously calm forest was exceptionally lively tonight and people swarmed in wave after wave.    


Chu Xi hid in the grass and vigilantly listened to the movements around her. She felt that someone was approaching but the other party spoke in English and was obviously a member of the mysterious organization.    


She held her breath and did not move. Fortunately, the few people did not notice her and left very quickly.    


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