Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2511 I Wanted to Say Something

C2511 I Wanted to Say Something

1Chu Xi thought that she was indeed a bit dark. After hesitating for a while, she said again, "Then I will give you a discount. A discount of 500,000 is fine too. 2.5 million."    


Ji Chuan:... "No need."    


Chu Xi said again, "I do not have it on me now. I will give it to you tomorrow."    


Ji Chuan: "Okay, then how do I contact you tomorrow?"    


Chu Xi said, "Tell me your phone number. I'll call you when I'm ready."    


Ji Chuan said, "Okay."    


Lin Yan looked at the two of them and moved his lips, but did not say anything.    


Chu Xi and Ji Chuan left their contact details, then Ji Chuan asked, "By the way, who is the friend that came with you?"    


"You probably do not know each other." Chu Xi looked at her phone and said, "My friend is looking for me. I will go over first."    


Chu Xi left. Lin Yan and Ji Chuan were curious about who her friend was, so they followed her back to banquet hall.    


Chu Xi walked towards Shen Ruyu and the two started to talk.    


"Her friend is Shen Ruyu?" Ji Chuan asked.    


Lin Yan was also a little surprised. He did not expect Chu Xi to know Shen Ruyu.    


"I'm talking to you. Are you mute?" Ji Chuan said again.    


Lin Yan looked at him and replied, "I don't know. Maybe."    


"Do you... stay in a hotel tonight?" Shen Ruyu asked Chu Xi.    


"No, I am staying at my friend's house."    


"Oh, then wouldn't it be inconvenient? If it's inconvenient, you can come to the hotel and stay with me. There are other rooms in my suite."    


"No need, there's nothing inconvenient."    


Shen Ruyu moved her lips and wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


Chu Xi was a little confused and felt that Shen Ruyu was a little strange. Just now she seemed to be avoiding her and now she came over to take the initiative to talk to her but also looked like she wanted to say something but did not want to.    


After thinking for a while, she said, "Miss Shen, where did I do it? Is there a problem? You can say it directly."    


"No!" Shen Ruyu immediately said,, "It is not your problem, it is my problem. Chu Xi, I am sorry that I did not listen to you and stopped the treatment. I will return to the capital in a few days. I want to continue the treatment. Is it convenient for you to come over?"    


After a pause, Chu Xi said, "Okay."    


"Thank you very much." Shen Ruyu smiled slightly.    


After the mission was completed, Chu Xi did not stay any longer and left the banquet.    


Looking at the back of the girl leaving, Shen Ruyu finally made up her mind. She could not continue to doubt and torture herself like this. She wanted to confirm whether Chu Xi was her daughter or not.    


Perhaps it was just that she thought too much, she was not...    


Chu Xi returned to the car. After a while, Qianmei returned.    


"Sister Qianmei, did you go and teach that man a lesson?"    


"Yes, I haven't done anything for a long time. That was great."    


"Yes! It was fun! Did that man also know kung fu? You started a fight with him? "    


Qianmei squeezed her hands and said," No, I hit him unilateral. "    


Chu Xi was speechless."    


Qianmei smiled and said, "Don't you think that the other party has no strength to fight back and let you kill him to your heart's content?"    


Chu Xi laughed, "I think so."    


An hour later, the two of them returned to the villa.    


"Master, I'm back. The mission has been completed."    


"How did you get in touch with him? He didn't doubt it, did he? "Bai Wuchen asked.    


"No." Chu Xi replied," He happened to be my classmate's cousin, so he naturally spoke. "    


"Oh." Bai Wuchen laughed and said, "What a coincidence."    


Chu Xi nodded. " Yes, it was such a coincidence. "    


"That's good. Oh right, how much did you ask him for?"    


"Uh... ... Three million... isn't that a little too much? He said... I'm blacker than you."    


Bai Wuchen said," It's fine, not much. "    


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