Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2461 Too Sensitive

C2461 Too Sensitive

0Chu Xi felt more and more uneasy when she saw that no one had answered her phone. She immediately called Chu Feng's assistant, but the result was the same. No one answered either.    


Could it be... something happened?    


The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. Chu Xi called Chu Feng over and over again. Time passed minute by minute. After an unknown amount of time, a familiar voice finally sounded from the other end of the phone.    


"Hello, Xi."    


Chu Xi's nose twitched when she heard the man's voice. Tears immediately fell down.    


"Sorry, Xi. I had something to do and my phone was not by my side just now."    


"Oh." Chu Xi replied. There was a trace of choking in her voice. She felt wronged and helpless. She seemed to be too sensitive.    


"It will not be like this in the future." Chu Feng said gently.    


"Sorry, I thought something happened to you. I..." Chu Xi suddenly cried. "I didn't mean to call you so many times to urge you. I was just worried..."    


"I know, I know, I know. It's my fault. Be good, don't cry."    


Chu Xi did not want to cry, but she could not control it. She did not know why, although it was not a big deal, she seemed to have suffered a lot.    


"I don't want to cry, but I... I can't control myself... Big brother..."    


Chu Feng said softly, "I'll hang up first, I'll send you a video."    


"No." Chu Xi immediately refused.    


"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked.    


"I... I look too ugly now."    


Chu Feng chuckled. "No, you look good when you cry."    


... "" Chu Xi pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Wait a while, wait a while."    




After a while, Chu Xi finally calmed her emotions and walked to the dressing table to look in the mirror. Other than her eyes being a little red, there was nothing else that was good.    


She then sent a video call to Chu Feng. In the video, Chu Feng seemed to be in the meeting room.    


It should be noon in North America. The time he did not answer the phone should be in the morning. He should be in a meeting.    


Chu Xi looked at the person in the video and felt a little embarrassed. "Did I interrupt your discussion?"    


Chu Feng said, "No, it's over."    


"It looks like this is the meeting room. What are you talking about with them? ___ asked. Is everything going smoothly?"    


"It's fine, it's going smoothly. I should be able to go back soon."    




"When did I ever lie to you?" Wang Yao asked.    


Chu Xi lowered her eyes and said, "Was I embarrassed just now?"    


"No, it was my fault. My phone will not leave my side in the future."    


"I was too sensitive..."    


The two chatted for a long time until Chu Xi fell asleep holding her phone. Chu Feng then hung up the video call.    


North America.    


The man walked into the meeting room and nodded. "Young Master, have you thought about it?"    


Chu Feng's eyes were slightly deep, and he pursed his lips without saying a word.    


The man said again, "Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Miss Chu Xi. It can be seen that she loves you very much. Don't you want to see her as soon as possible?"    


Chu Feng looked sideways and stared sharply at the man. He said coldly, "If you dare to touch a hair of hers, I will definitely tear your bones apart."    


"I dare not." The man paused and said, "But, Young Master, you can only come back to better protect Miss Chu Xi."    


"Heh, come back!" Chu Feng sneered, "How did I leave back then? How did my parents die? Do you think I forgot? "    


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