Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2404 Threats

C2404 Threats

5After hanging up the phone, Chu Xi transferred a sum of money to Ling Ke. The Hacker Legion paid for it. Although she was friends with Ling Ke, she could still take advantage of him for free.    


However, the money was refunded not long after it was transferred.    


After that, she transferred the money again, and in the end, it was refunded.    


Then, Ling Ke called again. "Chu Xi, what are you doing?"    


"I'm transferring the money to you. The cost of investigating the information."    


"Who wants your money? You don't treat me as a friend anymore."    


"No, you guys are charging money. I can't take advantage of you in the name of my friend."    


"I don't want it. Don't transfer it to me again. If you transfer again, I will blacklist you. "    


... "" After thinking for a while, Chu Xi said, "Alright then. I will treat you to a drink another day."    


Ling Ke laughed and said, "That's fine."    


After ending the call, Chu Xi opened her phone's email and looked at the information Ling Ke had sent her.    


At this moment, Chu Feng walked into the room. "Xi."    


Chu Xi looked at the information attentively and paused for a few seconds before reacting. She looked up at him. "Ah? You are finished."    


Chu Feng looked down at her phone and asked, "What are you looking at? Why are you so serious?"    


"Er... It's just some gossip news." Chu Xi smiled and closed the email page.    


"Is that so? Then what kind of gossip is there today?"    


Chu Xi:... ""    


How did she know? She did not pay much attention to the gossip.    


"Did you forget when you saw it?" Chu Feng sat down beside her and asked on purpose.    


Chu Xi's small face was embarrassed. "Alright, I am not looking at gossip. I'm reading... The information Ling Ke sent me is about Lin Yan."    


"Lin Yan, you're investigating him?"    


"I'm trying to get some information about him. I want him to stop pestering me and meddling in my affairs."    


"What has he done recently?" Chu Feng asked.    


"He's looking for my family without permission. I don't want to know who they are at all. I don't want to see them." After a pause, Chu Xi held Chu Feng's hand and continued, "Brother, can you let me handle this myself? I have grown up. There are some things that I can take care of myself. I want to settle it by myself. "    


Chu Feng held her in his arms and said gently, "Alright."    


The next day.    


Chu Xi took the initiative to look for Lin Yan for the first time.    


Lin Yan looked at her in shock and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"    


Chu Xi said again, "Let's talk alone."    


Seeing this scene, the surrounding people started to guess.    


"Chu Xi actually took the initiative to look for Lin Yan. What does she mean by this? Didn't she reject him?"    


"Isn't this obvious? Just say that she wants to capture and control. This is clearly to get along well with Lin Yan."    


"Damn! That's too obvious! Can't Lin Yan tell?"    


" So what if I can see it? Lin Yan has been confused by her for a long time. "    


Chu Xi and Lin Yan walked to a place with fewer people.    


Lin Yan smiled and said, "Chu Xi, this is the first time you took the initiative to look for me. I didn't even dare to believe it just now."    


"What happened next might be even more unbelievable to you." Chu Xi said lightly, "Lin Yan, I originally didn't want to do this, but your actions forced me to do this."    


Feeling that the girl did not come with good intentions, Lin Yan's smile gradually disappeared. "Chu Xi, what do you mean?"    


Chu Xi raised her hand and pointed her phone at him. "You are not unfamiliar with these things, right?"    


Lin Yan looked at the screen of the phone. When he saw the content on the screen, his expression changed immediately.    


"Did Chu Feng ask you to do this?"    


"It was my own idea, and it was also me who checked your information. He was very busy, so he didn't have that much free time to think about how to deal with you."    


Lin Yan sneered, "How could you possibly find out about this?"    


Chu Xi said lightly, "I cannot, but the Hacker Legion of R3 can."    


"The Hacker Legion of R3! Chu Xi, do you think I will believe you? "    


"It is up to you whether you believe me or not. I just want to tell you not to disturb my life anymore. Otherwise, you will also cause some trouble. "    


Lin Yan stared at the girl for a long time. "So... you are threatening me."    


Chu Xi replied, "Yes."    


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