Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2394 What Kind of Logic Is This

C2394 What Kind of Logic Is This

2Huo Yan snorted, "I haven't seen the eight characters yet."    


Lin Yan said, "They are getting engaged at the end of the year. It doesn't count as not seeing the eight characters."    


Huo Yan said, "Didn't you just say that there is no absolute in the world?"    


Lin Yan did not say anything else.    


Chu Xi looked at Huo Yan with a question mark on her face.    


Huo Yan explained, "It's just that one of my cousins and one of his cousins might get engaged at the end of the year. It's just a business marriage."    


Chu Xi was surprised, "Huo family wants to get married with Lin family?"    


Huo Yan said, "It's not a marriage alliance between the two families. My cousin can't represent the Huo Family. The only one who can represent the Huo family is my brother. As for the Lin family, the one who is going to marry is not a direct descendant."    


Chu Xi nodded, "So that's how it is. There are many big families, but it is complicated."    


Lin Yan said, "It is not as complicated as you think. Just take care of your own small family, so you don't have to worry."    


Chu Xi said,... "Who's worried? I was just sighing."    


After thinking for a while, Huo Yan said, "Xiao Xi, you can go back to the dormitory later. I have something to do and will go back later."    


"Oh, okay."    


After lunch, Chu Xi went back to the dormitory first.    


Huo Yan called Lin Yan to a corner alone.    


"Lin Yan, you are not allowed to pester Xiao Xi anymore. You are not allowed to ruin the relationship between her and Chu Feng."    


Lin Yan said, "If they are true feelings, how can I destroy them? If they can be destroyed, it means that their relationship is not that stable, right?"    


Huo Yan looked at him in shock. "What kind of logic is this?"    


"What I said is the truth. Huo Yan, if the relationship between the two of them is really that deep, then... No matter what I do, it will be useless. I will give up. But what if their relationship isn't that deep and I destroy it? Chu Xi being with me is also the result of my hard work."    


"You are simply forcing logic!"    


" Miss Huo, if you don't understand the matters of feelings, then don't get involved. "    


"Who says I do not understand!"    


"What? You also have someone you like?" Lin Yan asked.    


"I... Why should I tell you!"    


"If you have someone you like but can't be with him, you should be able to understand me, right? The feeling of not being able to love is really uncomfortable."    


... "Then... then you can't go and destroy others."    


"I've said it before. If they can be destroyed by me, then it won't be true feelings." Lin Yan looked at the time and said, "I still have things to do, I won't tell you anymore."    


Lin Yan turned around and left.    


Huo Yan looked at his back and was speechless.    


Huo Yan angrily returned to the dormitory. Chu Xi saw that her expression was not good and immediately asked, "Yan-er, what happened to you? Why do you look unhappy?"    


Huo Yan pouted and said, "Nothing."    


" Did you go to find Lin Yan alone? "    


"You..." Huo Yan was stunned for a moment. "You guessed it?"    


Chu Xi laughed lightly. "As expected."    


"His brain circuit is really amazing."    


"That's right! Don't be angry anymore. Don't bother about him in the future. Don't worry, he won't affect me and Chu Feng. Also, don't affect the relationship between your two families. "    


"Don't worry. My cousin is not with us. He has been jealous of my brother for a long time."    


"Huh? Then, does he have a motive for the marriage alliance with the Lin family?"    


"Perhaps. However, my brother said that even if they had a marriage alliance, they wouldn't be able to create any waves. "    


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