Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2384 I'm Touched

C2384 I'm Touched

4Chu Xi took the poison and studied it for a while. Suddenly, she looked up at Lei Ming and asked, "Brother Lei Ming, you... How did you get poisoned? Is someone deliberately trying to harm you?"    


Lei Ming said,... "Uh, this is a long story. I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences."    


Faang Zui snorted." You are too ashamed to say it. "    


Lei Ming: "Get lost."    


Chu Xi was speechless."    


Forget it, she would not ask anymore.    


While they were chatting, someone suddenly knocked on the door.    


Bai Wuchen said, "Come in."    


Immediately after, a subordinate pushed the door open and came in. He said, "Mr. Bai, young master Ling Ke is looking for you."    


"Ling Ke?"    


K had just called him and asked where he was. It turned out that he was looking for him.    


"Ask him to come to the laboratory."    




Just as he finished speaking, K walked in by himself. "I'm here. Everyone is here. Xi, you are here too."    


"Yes, I came with Master."    


" That's good. I have something to show the two of you. " K said as he walked.    


"What is it?" Chu Xi asked.    


K walked over and placed his phone on the table. On the screen was a picture of Bai Wuchen and Chu Xi in the same car.    


"Isn't this what we took today? It seems that someone was following us just now. Who took this picture? "Bai Wuchen asked.    


"A private detective. I happen to know him. The two of us met today. He mentioned that he had just received a list recently. I looked at it curiously. I didn't expect it to be the two of you."    


" Who on earth did this to Master and me? " Chu Xi looked up at K and asked again, "Do you know?"    


"I found out that it was a woman called Aileen. She is currently in E Country."    


"Aileen!" Chu Xi furrowed her brows. "It was actually her!"    


"Who is it?" Bai Wuchen asked.    


"It's someone Chu Feng and I know. She... She likes Chu Feng."    


"She likes Chu Feng." Lei Ming had a look of understanding. "Then this woman wants to slander you for having an affair with Wuchen. This is too ridiculous."    


Chu Xi,... ""    


Bai Wuchen: ... ""    


"Eh? Does that woman know Wuchen's identity? She didn't ask the detective to investigate? "Lei Ming asked K.    


K said, "Of course he did, but he didn't find anything. That's why he wanted me to help."    


Lei Ming asked, "Then how did you reply to him?"    


K: "I said, for the sake of his safety, give up on this list. Don't investigate anymore. He can't afford to offend the power behind this person."    


"And then?" Chu Xi asked.    


K: "And then he gave up."    


Lei Ming said, "This friend of yours is too indecisive."    


K smiled and said, "Of course he wouldn't dare to not believe my words. Furthermore, what I said is the truth. How terrifying is your Thousand Evil Alliance? "    


Lei Ming replied, "I didn't see you being afraid."    


K replied," Of course I'm not afraid. I have Ms Qian backing me up. Who am I afraid of? "    


Chu Xi pursed her lips and did not say anything. Her thoughts had already drifted elsewhere.    


"Oh right, Xi, this matter is mainly related to you. How do you want to resolve it?" K asked.    


"Ah?" Chu Xi came back to her senses. "I... I need to think about it."    


"Don't worry, with all of us supporting you, no one can bully you."    


"That's right." Bai Wuchen said, "Xi, you can tell Master anything you encounter."    


Chu Xi said, "Yes, thank you, Master."    


K said again, "Actually, you are quite amazing too. Look, your brother is now the president of Glory World Group. Your master is an alchemist of Thousand Evil Alliance. Your friend, I am one of the most powerful hackers in the R3 Hacker Legion. With us here, anyone who dares to bully you will be courting death. "    


"En." Chu Xi lightly laughed and was very touched in her heart.    


But she knew that she could not always be protected. She also needed to become stronger, protect herself, and protect the people around her.    


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