Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C2377 Do You Have Someone You like

C2377 Do You Have Someone You like

0Chu Feng immediately hung up the phone. Chu Xi stared at the phone in a daze for a few seconds and then called back, "You... How did you... hang up the phone?"    


Chu Feng said, "Wait for me, I will go and pick you up."    


"Oh, then how long will it take for you to... arrive?"    


"Half an hour."    


"Yes, the timing is really on time. "    


"Hang up first, don't drink anymore."    


"Got it."    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Xi picked up a glass of wine and drank it again.    


Huo Yan was also a little drunk and lazily leaned on Chu Xi's shoulder and vaguely said, "Xiao Xi, you are... going back?"    


"En, Chu Feng came to pick me up."    


"Didn't... Didn't we agree... not to be drunk and not to return."    


Chu Xi put down the cup. "I... I think I am already drunk. What about you?"    


"I... I also seem to be drunk, but... I also seem to be very sober."    


On the other side, the three boys were also leaning against the sofa.    


"K, shouldn't we go back too?"    


"Aiya, what's the rush? It's only a few hours, I still want to sing again." As he spoke, K picked up the microphone beside his hand and stood up. He started singing again with the music.    


After a while, Huo Yan's phone also rang. It was Huo Fei.    


She picked up the phone in a daze. " Hello. "    


"It's almost 12 o'clock, aren't you guys done yet?"    


Huo Yan blurted out, "No, I won't be back until I get drunk tonight!"    


Huo Fei:... "I've got what it takes for you! Hurry up and come up."    


"No, get down here!"    


... ""    


" In any case, I'm not going up. " After saying that, Huo Yan hung up the phone.    


A few minutes later, Huo Fei pushed open the door and entered.    


The few of them seemed to have drunk too much. K hugged the microphone and continued to sing in an intoxicated manner.    


Seeing him come in, everyone looked at him.    




"Brother Huo Fei."    


"Brother Huo Fei."    


Huo Fei glanced at the empty bottle on the table. "You guys are pretty good at drinking."    


K smiled and said, "Not bad, right?"    


Huo Yan looked at him and suddenly sighed, "Sigh."    


"What are you sighing about!"    


Huo Yan muttered, "You might as well just be my father."    


... "" Huo Fei went over and pulled her up. "Look at how drunk you are. Go home!"    


Chu Xi said, "Brother Huo Fei, you guys... take care... on the road."    


"Yes." After a pause, Huo Fei said, "Where's Chu Feng? He didn't come to pick you up?"    


"My brother... is on his way. Take Yan'er back first."    


"Okay, I'll be leaving then. Don't play too late."    


"Got it, got it."    


Huo Fei left with Huo Yan. The driver was waiting downstairs. When he saw the two of them, he opened the door.    


"Young Master, Miss."    


"Get in the car!" Huo Fei stuffed the girl into the car.    


Huo Yan leaned against the back of the chair in a daze, her eyes closed as if she was unconscious.    


Huo Fei looked at her and suddenly thought about what his brother had said. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly called out, "Yan Er..."    


"En..." Huo Yan replied in a low voice.    


"Are you in love?"    


... "No."    


"Do you have someone you like?" Huo Fei asked again.    


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