Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C689 Not as Delicious as the Human World

C689 Not as Delicious as the Human World

0Shi Qian and Shaang Sizhan left the forest and everyone returned to the yacht.    


An hour later, they returned to the Qianyue Bay villa.    


Shi Qian and Shaang Sizhan went upstairs to change their clothes, then went downstairs to the kitchen.    


In the kitchen, the fish they caught had been placed separately and processed.    


Shaang Sizhan walked to the cooking table and started to cook the fish.    


Shi Qian stood beside him and looked at him. She asked curiously, "Master Zhan, what kind of taste do you want to make?"    


Shaang Sizhan looked at her and asked, "Do you want to eat steamed or braised?"    


Shi Qian thought for a while and then smiled and said, "Braised."    


"Okay, braised pork." Shaang Sizhan smiled and his voice was very gentle.    


"It shouldn't be troublesome, right?" Shi Qian asked.    


"It's not troublesome." Shaang Sizhan answered. After a pause, he said, "Go outside and wait."    


"No." Shi Qian looked at him. "I want to see you do it."    


The monstrous boss even looked so good when it cooked. Its calm movements did not seem like it was cooking, but like it was making a work of art.    


In the courtyard.    


Yan Yi, Lih Feng, and Baili Yi gathered together.    


The fish they caught were placed on the ground in two buckets.    


Yan Yi looked down at the fish in the bucket. His tone was a little sour. "The harvest is not bad. We caught so many precious species."    


Baili Yi smiled and deliberately said, "Today's luck is indeed not bad. Maybe it's because you are not here. The last time you were here, we did not catch anything."    


Yan Yi,... ""    


Baili Yi looked at Lih Feng and said, "Oh right, how do we eat this fish?"    


Yan Yi said, "Eat it raw! Master Zhan and Miss Qian are in the kitchen."    


Baili Yi said, "Qianyue Bay has more than one kitchen." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the servants passing by and instructed them to bring the fish to the other kitchen to cook.    


Before the fish sat down, the three of them stayed in the pavilion.    


Baili Yi looked in the direction of the villa and muttered, "Master Zhan is cooking for Miss Qian, right? It's too fortunate. "    


A few minutes later.    


Shaang Sizhan placed the braised fish on the table.    


Shi Qian sat at the dining table and smelled the tempting fragrance. She couldn't help but gulp.    


"It smells so good."    


Shaang Sizhan sat down and passed the chopsticks to her. "Try it."    


This was the first time he cooked the braised fish. When he was cooking, he even checked the menu on the internet. He was not sure if it tasted good.    


Shi Qian took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish meat and put it into her mouth.    


"How is it?" Shaang Sizhan asked.    


Shi Qian swallowed the meat and looked at him. "It's too delicious. It doesn't look like a delicacy in the world."    


Shaang Sizhan's thin lips slightly hooked up. "Really? Then eat more."    


Shi Qian smiled lightly. "Okay."    


After lunch.    


Shaang Sizhan had a video conference to attend, so he went to the study room.    


Shi Qian went to the beach again to see the coconut trees she personally planted.    


More than a dozen coconut trees were growing healthily. It could be seen that they were being taken care of very carefully.    


On the other side, there was a mature coconut tree. There was a hammock tied between two of the trees.    


Shi Qian immediately walked over and lazily laid on the hammock. She looked at the coconut grove and the distant coastline.    


Occasionally, there would be a gentle breeze brushing against her skin, comfortable and comfortable.    


Without realizing it, she fell asleep.    


This generation belonged to the Qianyue Bay. No outsiders would come close, and no one would disturb her.    


Shi Qian slept comfortably. When she woke up, her surroundings were still as quiet as a paradise.    


She stretched her body and took out her phone.    


Just as she was about to open the game, Jiang Ci suddenly sent a WeChat video over.    


Shi Qian picked up the video and a handsome face appeared on the screen.    


"What is it?" She asked.    


Jiang Ci looked at her skirt and the scenery behind her and asked, "You are not in the capital?"    


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