Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C691 You Are Good You Are Good Everywhere

C691 You Are Good You Are Good Everywhere

2Shaang Sizhan cast a sidelong glance at her. His handsome face suddenly turned evil. "My hearing is good!"    


Shi Qian:... ""    


Looking at the man's charming appearance, she naturally understood what he meant.    


Her ears were dyed red. She swallowed her saliva and said in a low voice, "You... are amazing everywhere."    


What made her prostrate herself on the ground was not his hearing, but his physical strength!    


Shaang Sizhan suddenly reached out his hand and picked her up from the hammock.    


The sudden appearance gave Shi Qian a scare, "You... What are you doing?"    


Shaang Sizhan said, "You have been out for too long. It is time to go back." As he spoke, he carried her and walked back.    


"Go back. Put me down. I'll walk by myself."    


Shaang Sizhan acted as if he did not hear her and continued walking forward.    


Looking at the villa getting closer and closer, Shi Qian's small hand grabbed his shirt in front of his chest and said in a low voice, "Master Zhan, put me down. I... I don't want them to see me like this."    


Shaang Sizhan looked down at her. "This way?"    


Shi Qian muttered, "Being hugged like this, it looks like I am very delicate."    


Shaang Sizhan narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you delicate?"    


Shi Qian,... ""    


She seemed to have understood the deeper meaning behind his words.    


After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly opened her mouth and said, "If I don't compete with you, I won't be weak."    


After a while, Shaang Sizhan put her down.    


Shi Qian secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


She followed beside Shaang Sizhan and said, "Your meeting ended so quickly? Are there any more meetings later?"    


"No more." After a pause, Shaang Sizhan looked at her and asked, "Do you want to go somewhere to play?"    


"Hmm..." Before Shi Qian could say it, Shaang Sizhan said again, "We can go tomorrow."    


"Ah? Why tomorrow? Don't you have a meeting? " Shi Qian asked doubtfully.    


Shaang Sizhan suddenly bent over slightly. His deep eyes were dyed with a touch of heat. He looked at her and said, "Because there are other things to do. After doing it, you might not be able to leave."    


Shi Qian,... ""    


Shi Qian's face turned pink. She lowered her eyes and did not speak. She paused for two seconds." Oh.    


Shaang Sizhan looked at her embarrassed face and his thin lips curled into a faint smile.    


The two of them continued to walk forward and soon returned to the villa.    


In the courtyard.    


The butler led a few maids in a hurry. Each of the maids held a large box in their hands.    


Seeing that the two of them had returned, they all stopped in their tracks and nodded. "Master Zhan, Miss Qian."    


Shi Qian looked at the boxes in everyone's hands and asked, "What are you holding in your hands?"    


The butler replied, "Miss Qian, this is the Kongming Lantern. It will be placed tonight."    


"Kongming Lantern? We will release the Kongming Lantern tonight?"    


The butler smiled. "Yes! Today is the Ninth Continent's Thousand Lantern Festival. Everyone will release the Kongming Lantern to make a wish. The Kongming Lantern will bring people's wishes up to the sky and pass them on to the gods in the sky. "    


Shi Qian suddenly remembered that there was indeed the Thousand Lantern Festival in the Ninth Continent. People would release the Kongming Lantern.    


However, they did not let go of it before.    


"Then why did you put so much?" Shi Qian asked again.    


There seemed to be a lot of boxes in their hands.    


The butler looked at Shaang Sizhan and replied, "This is what master instructed."    


Master ordered!    


Shi Qian looked at Shaang Sizhan.    


Shaang Sizhan said to the crowd, "Alright, you guys go ahead and do your work."    


"Yes." Everyone left one after another.    


"Master Zhan, I don't think we've had the Thousand Lantern Festival before." Shi Qian said.    


"In the past, I didn't believe in these things, and I didn't like to mess with these messy things. I didn't have any wishes to tell the Heavenly God, but now..."    


Shaang Sizhan looked at her and said gently, "I have it."    


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