Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C667 Don't Blow up the Kitchen

C667 Don't Blow up the Kitchen

3After the chefs left, Shi Qian started to cook seriously.    


Previously, she had already watched the video seriously and did not turn on her phone to watch it again. She just started to follow the steps in her memory.    


Outside the kitchen.    


A few chefs and maids stood outside the door with a worried look on their faces.    


A maid asked, "Why did Qian learn from Master Zhan to cook? She has never cooked before. Can we really stand outside?"    


Another person said, "It should... be okay, right?"    


At this moment, Baili Yi came over." Miss Qian is cooking inside? "    


The head chef replied, "Yes, Miss Qian did not let us care. She said that she had to cook the whole thing by herself."    


Baili Yi smiled and walked into the kitchen.    


He had just taken a step forward when a loud bang suddenly came from inside!    


Everyone was shocked!    


Baili Yi: "What's going on?" After saying that, he quickly walked in.    


The others also followed him in.    


When he walked in, he saw Shi Qian standing awkwardly in front of the kitchen table. She was originally looking at the floor when she lifted her eyes to look at the crowd.    


Everyone looked at her, then looked at the wooden chopping board that was split in half on the floor, as well as the raw ribs that fell all over the floor.    


Baili Yi asked, "Qian, what are you doing?"    


Shi Qian's small face was slightly embarrassed. "I cut the ribs, and then... the chopping board also broke..."    


Baili Yi:... "! How much strength did you use?"    


Shi Qian: "I didn't use much strength, just a light chop!"    


As she spoke, she looked down at the broken chopping board on the ground and said, "The quality of this chopping board is too poor."    


The chefs:... ""    


The quality of everything in the kitchen was the best!    


How could it break with a light chop? It was clearly because she was too strong.    


However, no one dared to say it out loud.    


One of the chefs immediately walked over and picked up the chopping board and ribs on the ground.    


He smiled and said, "Yes. The quality of this chopping board is not very good. Miss Qian, I'll get you a new one."    


Shi Qian replied indifferently, "En."    


A moment later, the head chef brought a new dish board and new ribs and placed them on the kitchen table.    


"Miss Qian, you can cook them new. Uh... that... Actually, this knife is quite sharp too. You can use a little strength to cut her open."    


Shi Qian coughed lightly. " Yes, I understand."    


Baili Yi smiled and said, "Qian, take it easy. Don't blow up the kitchen."    


Shi Qian glanced at him and then said," All of you can go out. "    


Everyone stood still and did not move. They were worried that Shi Qian would blow up the kitchen.    


One of the chefs said, "Miss Qian, this is your first time cooking and you are not very familiar with it. Why don't we help you?"    


"No need. I can do it myself."    


Shi Qian's knife was much lighter this time, but everyone still looked a little worried.    


After hesitating for a moment, everyone still obeyed the order and walked out.    


Baili Yi did not leave, "Do you really not need help?"    


Shi Qian said, "No need. Go out. Don't look at me here. It will affect my performance."    


Baili Yi smiled. "Alright, be careful. Even if the kitchen was blown up, it would be fine. Don't hurt yourself. Master Zhan's heart will ache. "    


Shi Qian did not say anything. She focused on cutting the ribs.    


Baili Yi walked out of the kitchen. Everyone standing outside was stunned.    


In an instant, one of the chefs said, "Mr. Baili, why did you come out?"    


"She didn't let me stay inside." After a pause, Baili Yi said with a lazy tone, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."    


Everyone:... ""    


Let's hope so.    


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