Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C562 Madam Mu Youming

C562 Madam Mu Youming

1Shi Qian stared at the screen of her phone and felt the gaze coming from the monstrous boss. Immediately, she turned her head to look at him.    


Seeing that he was staring at her, she asked, "What's wrong?"    


"What marriage contract?" Shaang Sizhan asked.    


"Oh, it's a marriage contract in the game. It was definitely at its peak not long ago. Didn't it become a couple? If you want to be a couple in the game, you have to sign the marriage contract. I have never experienced this couple game since it was released. So I asked Murong Jing to marry me to experience it. "    


Shaang Sizhan frowned. "So, you want to marry her!"    


Shi Qian was speechless."    


She forced a smile and said, "Isn't this a game? I just want to experience the couple mode. After all, this is a game that I designed. I need to understand all the functions."    


Shaang Sizhan put down the document and looked at her from the corner of his eye. He asked again, "Why didn't you look for me?"    


Shi Qian:... "You don't want to play this game either!"    


"Isn't it enough to register an account now?"    


"But I have a male account." As she spoke, Shi Qian smiled lightly. "Master Zhan, you can't possibly register a female account, right?"    


After a pause for two seconds, Shaang Sizhan suddenly said, "I can."    


Shi Qian was speechless."    


Immediately after, Shaang Sizhan picked up the phone beside him and immediately downloaded the absolute pinnacle app.    


Shi Qian looked at his actions and suddenly smiled.    


She turned off the voice message. "Then I'll help you register." As she spoke, she took Shaang Sizhan's phone over.    


The app had been downloaded. Shi Qian clicked into the game and started registering.    


First, she filled in her nickname.    


She thought for a while and a hint of slyness flashed through the beautiful eyes. She smiled at Shaang Sizhan and said, "Then let's call her 'Lady Muh Yuvming', okay?"    


Shaang Sizhan's black phoenix eyes stared at her sly little face and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Yes."    


Shi Qian immediately entered 'Madam Muh Yuvming' in the username column and filled in all the other information.    


Registration successful!    


"Alright, registration successful. Now you are Madam Muh Yuvming." As she spoke, Shi Qian searched her account and added her as a friend.    


After she finished, she returned the phone to Shaang Sizhan.    


Shaang Sizhan looked down at the screen of the phone and asked, "How do you send the marriage certificate?"    


Shi Qian stretched out her finger and tapped a few times. "Here, the marriage proposal letter. You can send the marriage certificate to the player you like to propose. If the other party accepts, you can become a couple.    


Oh right, you can also hold a wedding. However, it's fine if you're not familiar with these procedures. Just send me the marriage certificate and I'll accept it. Just leave the rest to me."    


Shaang Sizhan pressed on the screen with his finger and did not immediately send the marriage certificate to Shi Qian.    


Shi Qian saw that he did not make any movements, so she asked, "Master Zhan, why haven't you sent it yet?"    


Shaang Sizhan looked up at her and his thin lips slightly hooked up. "Wait for me to study it. Tomorrow, I will formally propose to you and hold a wedding."    


Shi Qian said, "You want to study games?"    


Shaang Sizhan asked, "Why, not?"    


Shi Qian smiled. "Alright then." After a pause, she continued, "Oh right, if you want to fight monsters to level up and meet those people who say you are weak... No, those who say you are not good at fighting.    


Just tell me, I will help you beat them up! Don't sulk on your own. Also, don't let Zhuiying check their IDs to beat them up. After all, it's just a game."    


Shaang Sizhan:..." "    


His slender fingers suddenly hooked onto her chin and looked at her. "I just want to marry you. I don't want to play anything else."    


Shi Qian curled her lips and smiled. " Yes."    


After a while, Shaang Sizhan let her go and started to study the absolute pinnacle of couples and wedding.    


Shi Qian picked up her phone and continued playing the game. Suddenly, a friend sent a voice message.    


Shi Qian immediately clicked on it.    


Immediately after, a male voice sounded, "Muh Yuvming. Guess what I found? A newbie who had just registered actually had a nickname called Muh Yuvming's wife. It must be some infatuated little girl, hahahahaha!"    


Shi Qian,... ""    


Shaang Sizhan was speechless."    


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