Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C510 To Send Flowers to Master Zhan

C510 To Send Flowers to Master Zhan

1Zhuang Shuyu called Shi Muxue because she wanted to seek comfort and also because she wanted to tell her about Second Young Master Jiang and Shi Qian.    


But Shi Muxue did not answer her phone.    


Actually, after Shi Muxue met Jiang Zhao, she had noticed Shi Muxue's ambition and hypocrisy. It was just that she was unwilling to admit that she had misjudged him again.    


Thus, she had been lying to herself.    


Shi Qian had humiliated Shi Muxue in public many times. How could Shi Muxue not bear a grudge in her heart.    


She was just pretending to be kind.    


Zhuang Shuyu suddenly sneered. Since that was the case, she would not talk about Shi Qian and Jiang Ci anymore.    


She would let Shi Muxue and Shi Qian fight. These two were not easy to deal with and it would be best if both sides suffered.    


However, it was very likely that Shi Muxue would end up tragically.    


In the afternoon.    


Shi Qian left school early and went to the business center.    


After getting off the car, she was about to walk towards the JE building when she suddenly noticed a flower shop opposite the street.    


Shi Qian thought for a while and then walked towards the flower shop on the opposite side of the street.    


A few minutes later, Shi Qian carried a large bouquet of roses out of the flower shop and once again returned to the JE Corporation building.    


The receptionist on the first floor and a few male employees who just came out of the building looked at Shi Qian who was holding the flowers.    


Shi Qian did not mind and calmly walked in.    


The receptionist had already seen Shi Qian several times and did not stop her.    


A few male employees behind discussed in a low voice.    


"Who is that girl? Is she an employee of the company? She's so beautiful. "    


" I don't know. She doesn't seem to be an employee at such a young age. I really want to get to know her. "    


"She's probably looking for a boyfriend with roses in her hand. I wonder which man is so happy!"    


"So what? Beauty is a resource for the entire society. Everyone has a chance."    


The receptionist looked at the male employee.    


Fortunately, the CEO didn't hear this. Otherwise, this guy would be finished!    


Shi Qian passed the door restriction and entered the elevator. The elevator slowly went up and soon arrived at the main disarmament area of the higher ups, Shaang Sizhan.    


Shi Qian had just left the elevator with 99 roses in her hands.    


Shaang Sizhan, Beiming Yue and another stranger were walking towards them.    


Shi Qian stopped when she saw the three of them.    


She didn't expect Beiming Yue to be here. There was also a stranger she had never seen before.    


The three of them also looked at her.    


Shaang Sizhan's long and narrow eyes looked at the girl who was holding the flowers. A gentle smile appeared on his lips. He strode to her and asked, "Why are you here?"    


Shi Qian smiled. "I came to find you." As she spoke, she looked at Beiming Yue and the strange man behind Shaang Sizhan and asked, "Do you have something to do?"    


Shaang Sizhan said seriously, "No, I just sent the two of them to the elevator."    


Beiming Yue,... ""    


Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you said that?    


"Is that so?" Shi Qian seemed to believe it, but she didn't.    


In her impression, Shaang Sizhan did not seem to be so polite. He even sent guests to the elevator.    


"Of course." After saying that, Shaang Sizhan turned around and looked at Beiming Yue and Beiming Yue. He then said, "The elevator is here. You two can leave first. I will not see you off."    


Beiming Yue,... ""    


He looked at Shaang Sizhan with a face full of disdain. Shaang Sizhan clearly wanted to go out with them.    


But when Shi Qian, this little girl, arrived, this guy immediately changed his mind.    


And Shi Qian actually came to find Shaang Sizhan with flowers. It seemed that the two of them really had a good relationship.    


This wave of dog food really caught them off guard.    


The man beside him laughed lightly and replied, "Okay, then we'll leave first."    


Beiming Yue walked to Shi Qian's side and smiled, "Xiaoqian is shallow, she is quite romantic."    


Shi Qian smiled indifferently, "Still alright."    


After that, Beiming Yue and the man entered the elevator and left.    


Shi Qian held the rose and handed it to Shaang Sizhan. She smiled and said, "Master Zhan, this is a flower for you."    


Shaang Sizhan did not take the flower. Instead, he held her hand and walked towards the office.    


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