99 Days' Love Contract

C263 Matchmaker Mu Qianxuan

C263 Matchmaker Mu Qianxuan

"young master Feng, I think you should go and handle the Siya personally. " Liu Yu was about to cry.    


During this period of time, he had to find a way to prevent people from finding out about his whereabouts in B City and C City. He was like a real underground gang.    


It had caused his date with Peace and Peace to turn yellow a few times.    


An Xin had already warned him. If he continued to turn yellow, she would find someone else to go on a date with.    


According to the information Ang Zizhu had provided, there had indeed been quite a commotion over at An Xin's side recently.    


Mooh Yifeng raised his head and glanced at Liu Yu. What did he mean by asking him to deal with it? This was clearly a sign of dissatisfaction!    


"Liu Yu! Actually, I was planning to give you a secretary. Let me see who is suitable for this secretary department. . . "Mooh Yifeng took out a stack of personnel files seriously, as if he really wanted to pick one.    


"Really?" Liu Yu's eyes lit up.    


He and An Xin had been together for so long, and An Xin relied on their own hard work to get to the position of team leader in the secretary department.    


Liu Yu had always felt a little guilty.    


Ang Zizhu and him were both young master Feng's assistants, and they did not dare to have any selfish motives.    


The secretary department didn't even mention that they had suffered in peace.    


They usually had a lively temper, but they never went overboard.    


Where was young master Feng going to let him lead them to?    


To be honest, Liu Yu really wanted to ask Mooh Yifeng.    


Mooh Yifeng tilted his head and looked at Mooh Yifeng. Liu Yu naturally noticed Liu Yu's excitement.    


For the past three years, he had countless opportunities to bring comfort up from below, but he had never done it.    


Comfort had been honed enough in these three years, so it could not be considered an empty landing.    


Mooh Yifeng glanced at Liu Yu. He was very assured that the Siya would be presided over by the two of them.    


"I will send you out in the name of you going to the Melbourne. At that time, you will transfer from Melbourne to Siya and become the Vice President of Siya. "    


"young master Feng, you. " Hearing the words vice president Pan, Liu Yu raised his head.    


"Liu Yu, how long have you been with me?" Mooh Yifeng looked out the window.    


"young master Feng, nine years. "    


"I have never treated you as an outsider. I will leave the Siya to you. " This was not a compensation for Liu Yu. This was Mooh Yifeng's recognition of Liu Yu.    


"Yes!" Liu Yu stood at attention.    


Usually, he would say that young master Feng gave him full authority over the company. He was not afraid that young master Feng would sell the company.    


Some people thought that Liu Yu was stupid. Mooh Yifeng trusts you so much, so what are you afraid of?    


In Liu Yu's point of view, young master Feng had never mistreated him. Although he didn't have any important position, he was the person with the greatest authority in the Fengxing Group besides Mooh Yifeng.    


If young master Feng wasn't here, he would most likely be the one to do the dirty work.    


He had never had any thoughts about the Fengxing Group.    


However, he didn't expect Mooh Yifeng to hand the Siya over to him today.    


Although he said that he would be in charge of the Siya, in fact, Mooh Yifeng wanted to give the Siya to him.    


"Why aren't you getting out of here? Are you trying to get in my way?" Mooh Yifeng rolled his eyes and stared at Liu Yu.    


In the end, Liu Yu ran away.    


"This stubborn kid. " Mooh Yifeng shook his head. He was helpless about Liu Yu's personality.    


Just like what Tuan Sheng said, Liu Yu and Yang Fan were the same mold.    


After returning from Mooh Yifeng's side, Mu Qianhan had been tidying up the house.    


After she was done with her work, she realized that she had not seen her son and had not found him after searching around. Finally, she pushed open Mu Siyi's door and asked, "Siyi, what are you doing?"    


Hearing his mommy's shout, Mu Siyi's fingertips quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times and then closed the computer.    


"Siyi, you use the computer to play games?" After coming back from North America, Mu Qianhan forbade Mu Siyi from using the computer.    


"Mommy. . . " Mu Siyi looked at Mu Qianhan who walked in from the door.    


She had been caught online. It was terrible.    


Seeing her son looking at her like a mouse seeing a cat, Mu Qianhan, who wanted to scold her, stopped.    


During the time he was back in the country, Siyi rarely used his computer.    


Previously, it was because she was worried about his eyes, but now looking at him like this, Mu Qianhan also did not want to scold him.    


"Siyi, Mommy can let you use the computer, but you must control the time. You must not exceed one hour per day, remember?"    


"Thank you, Mommy. . . "    


At this moment, there was a ringtone outside. Mu Siyi immediately jumped down from the chair. "It must be handsome daddy. "    


However, when he opened the door, Mu Qianxuan and Kang Wen were standing outside.    


"Uncle, Dr. Kang. " Mu Siyi turned around and walked away.    


"Siyi, are you unhappy to see your uncle here?" Mu Qianhan looked at Mu Siyi and said to Kang Wen, "Dr. Kang is here. Please come in. "    


"Miss Mu, I happened to have something to do in the boss's office, so I followed the boss here. Sorry to bother you. " Kang Wen was very polite, but he did not hide his good impression of Mu Qianhan.    


Mu Qianhan looked at Mu Qianxuan. The latter shrugged and looked like he really had nothing to do with her.    


"Qianxuan, come. I have something to say to you. " Mu Qianhan looked over at Mu Qianxuan.    


The alarm in Mu Qianxuan's heart rang. This was not good!    


He looked at Mu Siyi. Siyi, what's wrong with your mommy?    


What else was going on? Mommy found out about your evil plot. Mu Siyi rolled his eyes. It would be strange if Mommy didn't notice such a lousy trick.    


What kind of trick was it? Where? Mu Qianxuan, who was looked down upon by his nephew, became irritable in his heart.    


"Qianxuan. . . " Mu Qianhan's voice came from the kitchen.    


The tendons on Mu Qianxuan's forehead jumped.    


Mu Siyi gave him a look and asked him to go to his mommy first.    


Mu Qianxuan reached an agreement with his nephew and then went to the kitchen.    


In the kitchen, Mu Qianhan was cooking. After Mu Qianxuan went in, he did not care that the high-end suit he was wearing would get dirty. He just rolled up his sleeves and started cutting vegetables beside him.    


Mu Qianhan looked back and did not say anything to stop him. She only said, "Qianxuan, why did you bring Dr. Kang to Huaxia?"    


"Didn't I say that? Kang Wen happened to. . . Have an exchange meeting to attend in Huaxia, and then he came over together with her. " Mu Qianxuan used his previous excuse.    


" Oh! Right, In the future, if you come here, don't bring Doctor Kang Wen here. Maybe he doesn't really like it. " Mu Qianhan did not forget the unpleasant relationship between Mooh Yifeng and her last time because of Kang Wen. She felt that it was better to remind her brother not to casually bring people home.    


Why would he not be willing to come? He would be very happy, alright? Sometimes, Mu Qianxuan really felt that his elder sister's reaction was a little slow.    


Even that Kang Wen had made it so obvious, alright? His sister hadn't even noticed. . .    


"Elder sister, don't you know that Kang Wen is chasing you?" Mu Qianxuan felt that he needed to remind the elder sister.    


"Ah. . . " Unexpectedly Mu Qianhan was shocked and the spatula in her hand flew out. With a sound, it landed on the platform.    


"Elder sister. " Mu Qianxuan's head was full of black lines. Did elder sister need to be so surprised?    


"That Qianxuan, don't tell a joke. Dr. Kang is my saviour, and he didn't mean that at all. " Mu Qianhan smiled awkwardly. She picked up the spatula from the sink and put it under the tap to wash it.    


Mu Qianxuan was speechless at his sister's self-explanation. Plus, he had yet to confess to that Doctor Kang Wen. He gave Mu Qianxuan the feeling that he was a pimp. Both of them did not seem to have that kind of consciousness.    


"Why don't I cook it for you, sister?" Although it had been many years since he went to the kitchen last time, Qianxuan felt that his condition should be a little better than his sister's. At least the spatula wouldn't go out if it was in his hands.    


"Let me do it, you go out. " Mu Qianhan thought about her own matters and chased Mu Qianxuan out of the kitchen.    


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