A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C247 This Was Unexpected and Reasonable

C247 This Was Unexpected and Reasonable



The eight men placed the beads on the altar at the same time. Toms smiled happily. "Director Hee, can you cooperate?"    


Hee Yining suddenly smiled very happily. "Thank you, Mr. Toms, for your help."    


Toms's smile froze. "What do you mean?"    


"Without your cooperation, I wouldn't have completed my mission so easily. After all, Toms is different from other idiots. It is very difficult to kill you, Mr. Toms." Hee Yining suddenly smiled at Toms. "Now, it's time to say goodbye. Ah, no, goodbye forever!"    


As soon as Hee Yining finished speaking, Before Toms could react, the bead in the eight directions suddenly exploded and wrapped around the altar.    


Toms saw the situation in front of him. No matter how stupid he was, he could still react.    


He took out his spear and started shooting crazily at Hee Yining.    


But it was too late.    


Everyone on the altar disappeared into thin air.    


In the next second, a huge hole appeared where the altar was originally located!    


At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, that coffin is fake!"    


What? Fake!    


At this moment, the sound of water suddenly came from behind the originally calm door.    


Toms turned around and looked. He was completely dumbfounded!    


A huge wave of water swept towards everyone in the room.    


"Run..." Toms only had time to say these two words and was instantly drowned by the water.    


The others tried to jump into the hole, but when they jumped down, they only had time to let out a scream and then disappeared without a trace.    


The water came too fast.    


The people in the room didn't have enough time to react before they were instantly devoured.    


On the other side, Shen Qi and the others suddenly opened the altar under their feet the moment the eight pearls lit up.    


Everyone was caught off guard and fell into the huge pit.    


However, after Shen Qi fell, she immediately felt that she fell onto a huge air bag.    


When everyone fell, someone cut off the air bag with a knife.    


The air bag was like a big dumpling, wrapping everyone up and falling heavily.    


Shen Qi resisted any screams and hugged Shen Ziyao tightly. She endured the weightlessness of the free fall and fell down fiercely.    


She did not know how long she fell. When Shen Qi was about to endure to the limit of the human body, she finally felt the entire air bag being bounced into the water. Everyone calmed down.    


The air bag floated in the water for a long time. Finally, it followed the rapid flow of water to the gentle area.    


When the surrounding environment was completely stable, someone opened the air sac.    


When the fresh air outside rushed in, Shen Qi almost cried out in excitement.    




She actually saw the real sun!    


It was the real morning sun!    


The others also heaved a sigh of relief. They awkwardly crawled out of their airbags onto the shore and cheered excitedly.    


Celebrating that everyone had finally come out alive!    


Shen Qi immediately hugged Shen Ziyao and Ella, "We are back. We are back alive!"    


Shen Ziyao and Ella also nodded vigorously and hugged Shen Qi.    


The others also hugged each other excitedly and comforted and encouraged each other.    


When the sun completely jumped out of the horizon, everyone's excited mood slowly calmed down.    


Fong Manlun, who hadn't spoken much last night, finally couldn't help but ask Hee Yining, "What's going on? "Why did you put the air bag here?"    


Hee Yining looked at the others with a smile and said calmly, "Do you think I let aunt and Xiao Chun bring people in to blow up that tunnel?"    


"Isn't it?" The others couldn't help but ask curiously.    


Hee Yining said calmly, "How could I let him touch the central tomb? "That's why I asked Aunt and Little Chun to create a fake scene. Aunt had seen that coffin before. "Therefore, she made a fake one in advance, placed it in advance, and made a fake altar."    


"But how could Toms fall for it so easily?" Wen Yibo couldn't help but ask.    


"Because it's a one-to-one copy! Do you still remember the map I told you about? Do the others have it too? There's one more thing I haven't said, and that is... " I got a more detailed blueprint, but they didn't. " Hee Yining smiled confidently. "They provide blueprints. The National Geological Bureau and the Cultural Relics Bureau. I have the advantage in this aspect. "    


The surrounding people instantly opened their mouths wide!    


I let Little Chun and Aunt blow up one side of the side hall in order to attract Toms to the other side of the side hall. " Lead him to that place. " Hee Yining continued, "Including Little Chun's injury and capture, it was actually a scene that we decided on a long time ago. However, in order to make it look more realistic, Xiao Chun really suffered! Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Chun."    


Little Chun smiled and replied," This is my duty. "    


Toms can put people in my team, so my men will naturally be placed by Toms's side. " My men have been hinting to Toms that the place where Little Chun and Ella blew up must be the real place that leads to the central tomb. That's why they went ahead to destroy it. Therefore, Toms has no doubt about it. "    


"Toms thought he knew me well, so he believed the tomb was here." Hee Yining smiled. "The eight pearls are actually here. I had them put in the funeral room on purpose, too. It was all because of my aunt. She told them on purpose. If they wanted to obtain the secret of eternal life, they had to open the altar. And my people were fanning the flames. It's hard for Toms not to fall for it. "    


"This is amazing. So, is the central tomb really there?" Someone couldn't help but ask.    


"Of course not." Hee Yining smiled. "From the beginning to the end, we have been circling around the perimeter."    


Everyone present sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.    


When these people looked at Hee Yining again, there was a lot of content in their eyes.    


This man, how many things did he plan?    


On the surface, he did not do anything, but in reality, he did everything!    


Everyone had been busy for a day and night, but they hadn't even touched the central tomb!    


Ella nodded and said, "Luckily we moved quickly, otherwise, we would really be exposed!"    


Shen Qi's mouth was wide open.    


She felt that everything was too mysterious.    


Why was it that other people stealing a tomb was a mystery horror film and her own tomb stealing was a combination of the spy scheme in the disc and the chaotic battle in Hong Kong?    


So everyone was the film queen!    


Only he himself was a fool!    


"Alright, since we have already escaped, let's have a good rest." Hee Yining ordered.    


There were some things that he didn't want to explain too clearly.    


When they returned to the town, Shen Qi finally came back to her senses. She could not help but ask Hee Yining, " Is everything inside your calculations?"    


Hee Yining smiled bitterly. "How is that possible? I was surprised that Mom was kidnapped. Luckily, I didn't get out of control later. Otherwise, I would have committed a grave crime. I didn't expect Toms to be so insane. "    


Shen Qi felt a lingering fear. She stretched her limbs and basked in the sun.    


A day and a night under the ground was like a year.    


This warm sun was still the safest!    


"Then when did you start?" Shen Qi could not help but ask curiously.    


"It has been a while." Hee Yining answered vaguely.    


"What about aunt?" Shen Qi continued to ask.    


"Of course I contacted her in advance." Hee Yining continued to smile and said, "It's just that this matter must be hidden from all of you. " I have nails by my side. It's not safe. Even so, There was still news that leaked out. For example, about the mural. Actually, during this trip to the cemetery, There were indeed a lot of unsolved mysteries. I also don't understand why that mysterious man is exactly the same as me. "Why do you look exactly the same as the woman in the mural?"    


"However, I don't intend to understand these things. All I need to know is that you're by my side. That's enough. " Hee Yining looked at Shen Qi with deep affection. "Qi, what you said in there before, is it still effective now?"    


Shen Qi was moved. Her ears turned red and she nodded vigorously.    


The two of them had experienced life and death together. What was there that could not be overcome?    


"That's enough." Hee Yining grabbed Shen Qi's finger and placed it on his lips. He kissed it hard. "This world is always full of mysteries. I don't care. I only care about our future!"    


Shen Qi nodded lightly.    


She turned back to look at the tomb. The road over there had already been destroyed.    


If the others wanted to go in, it would probably be difficult as well.    


Let this tomb be sealed in this place forever, forever protecting this area of Feng Shui and land.    


And that dream at the bottom of the water, did it really exist, or was it an illusion?    


However, that was no longer important.    


What was important was that he was a living human.    


His name was Shen Qi.    


That was enough.    


When they reached the town, they heard people say that there was an earthquake in the morning. Although the earthquake was not big, it broke the earth layer.    


The people who came back had a number in their hearts. They guessed that the tomb had been completely sealed up.    


The water that they brought was enough to drown a town.    


It was just enough to drown a tomb.    


Everyone was shocked and shocked for a day and a night. When they came back, no one had the strength to talk. They fell asleep and rested for two days before returning to normal.    


Those who did not want to do anything took their leave. In the end, only these few key people were left.    


Fann Sheng and Fan Li always said emotionally, "This experience is simply too exciting! I will never forget it in this lifetime."    


"Me too." Wen Yibo came over with his hands on his cheeks.    


"What's wrong with you?" Fann Sheng couldn't help but ask.    


"Don't mention it." Wen Yibo sighed. "I think I will lose this time."    


Fann Sheng smiled happily for a long time.    


In another place, Fong Manlun looked straight at Hee Yining and asked straightforwardly, "Are you going to push all the credit to Qi?"    


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