A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C240 The Attack Failed!

C240 The Attack Failed!

Go in, go in, go in!    


Shen Qi's words inexplicably broke the tense atmosphere.    


The others could not help but laugh.    


Hee Yining was stunned but quickly looked at Shen Qi. "Qi, what did you say just now?"    


Fong Manlun and Wen Yibo reacted at the same time when Hee Yining said that. "Qi, what did you just say?"    


Shen Qi was at a loss. "Ah? I was joking!"    


Fann Sheng, Fan Li, and Hee Yining played together and knew that Hee Yining would not ask this question easily. He immediately said to Shen Qi, "Qi, just repeat what you said just now."    


Shen Qi said helplessly, "I say, even such a strong attack can't beat it. It can't be that it is a dark type evil creature that needs a priest to recite scriptures to exorcise evil, right?"    


"Read scriptures? Exorcise evil?" Hee Yining raised his eyebrows. His beautiful eyes were glowing. "Yeah, why did I forget to try using sound wave attacks? "Didn't we bring a sound wave transmitter?"    


The sound wave device was mainly used for testing the quality of the rock construction, such as the undamaged test of the foundation, the speed of the rock construction, and the undamaged test of the concrete structure.    


Hee Yining brought this thing with him to open a hole.    


However, this thing had a frequency.    


If he adjusted the frequency slightly, could he try this strange wall?    


Immediately, someone brought the sound wave device over. They kept a certain distance from the strange wall and turned on the device.    


The person who was monitoring the device saw the scene and immediately cried out, "Director Hee, look! This is too strange!"    


Hee Yining quickly went over, and Shen Qi also ran over.    


Frankly speaking, Shen Qi did not recognize any of the symbols on it.    


But the expression of that person and Hee Yining was very common.    


Could it be that it was really effective?    


This thing was not afraid of shooting or burning, but it was afraid of sound waves?    


"Interesting." Hee Yining smiled gently. "It seems that I really did it by accident this time. Qi, you are lucky."    


Shen Qi looked confused and did not know what had happened.    


Hee Yining continued," These disgusting lips are some rapidly growing fungus. They survive by absorbing nutrients from the rocks."    


Shen Qi could not help but ask, "Then why aren't you afraid of bullets and burning?"    


"Because the stone wall is too thick." Hee Yining raised his eyes and looked at the gradually bewitching wall. His eyes narrowed slightly. "This wall is hundreds of meters thick. Of course, bullets cannot penetrate it."    


That's more or less!    


The surrounding people suddenly understood.    


"Then what should we do?" Wen Yibo couldn't help but ask.    


"Take a detour." Hee Yining said, "I remember there was a small road next to us when we ran here. We might as well try to pass through it. This beautiful wall is too disgusting. If the fungus inside is endless, we won't be able to pass through it. "We don't have that much time to waste!"    


The others all nodded.    


Everyone put away their things and turned around to look for the path.    


At this moment, someone cried out: "What's wrong with our numbers?"    


Hmm? The number of people was not right?    


Everyone's nerves instantly tensed up.    


Countless scenes flashed through Shen Qi's mind in an instant, replaying all the Tomb Robbing novels she had read in her mind.    


This, what would happen after this situation where the number of people was not right?    


Fong Manlun, who was beside her, said, "It seems that there is a spy among us."    


Shen Qi was stunned. What did the lack of people have to do with the presence of a spy?    


Hee Yining immediately ordered, "Call the names on the spot! Those who are not on the list, if you see them again, kill them without question!"    


Hee Yining's words were domineering and decisive.    


"What does that mean?" Liu Yi could not help but look at Fong Manlun.    


"We planted people in Toms's team. He also planted people in our team." Fong Manlun explained, "A lot of people do it for money. This time, we hired mercenaries to protect us. So it's not surprising that someone is bribed. "    


Hee Yining nodded and said, This kind of thing is common, so there's no need to fuss about it. That person probably saw our combat strength and went over to report the situation. After all, this is the signal jamming area, the radio signal can only transmit about five meters."    


Shen Qi had a look of realization. So that's how it is. It scared me to death."    


The others looked at Shen Qi one after another. One look at Shen Qi's green expression showed that she was thinking too much.    


Sure enough, reading too many novels made it easy for her to let her imagination run wild.    


After counting the number of people, everyone continued to walk forward.    


That small road was actually not small. It was just that everyone had run too fast just now and did not notice the existence of that small road at all.    


If one looked carefully now, one would be able to easily allow an adult muscular man to pass through.    


Someone first tested the path by throwing a light stick into the tunnel. After lighting up the tunnel, they confirmed that there was no danger before slowly walking forward.    


Shen Qi walked in the middle of the team and squeezed in bit by bit.    


Shen Qi looked up and saw that the surroundings were dark. There was only the light from the flashlight in everyone's hands.    


This light was so insignificant compared to this huge black curtain.    


Hee Yining had been holding Shen Qi's hand all this time, so Shen Qi was not very nervous.    


Everyone walked forward quietly. The entire process did not make any noise.    


This passage took about ten minutes to finish.    


When Shen Qi followed Hee Yining and took the last step, the view in front of her suddenly became clear.    


An oval tomb appeared in front of everyone in an instant.    


"Huh? This is the first time I've seen a tomb in this shape." Liu Yi could not help but ask, "Is this really a tomb?"    


Shen Qi looked around and found that this room was very neat. There was nothing but a few small doors leading to an unknown world.    


"This oval is actually in accordance with the theory of mechanics." "The arched bridge that everyone is familiar with uses this principle."    


The others nodded.    


"Now we need to trouble those four friends to determine the direction for us." Hee Yining turned his head to look at the four people who had just surrendered.    


These four people seemed to be dressed slovenly, but the light in their eyes made it impossible for people to see them as a group of beggars.    


The people who had placed the compass at the entrance of the cave were Hee Yining's people.    


It was also him who told Hee Yining that these four people were experts.    


Just because he did not test them just now did not mean that he trusted them now.    


The four of them looked at Hee Yining and the others.    


Other than Shen Qi, the rest of the people present were not to be trifled with.    


Oh, right, they also firmly placed Liu Yi in the ranks of men.    


Especially on the stone bridge, Liu Yi's right hook fist instantly broke that person's chin.    


How could a person with this kind of attack be a woman?    


Their eyes finally fell on Hee Yining.    


The man in the lead stepped forward and said, "Director Hee, we have no intention of making an enemy of you. We just want to know who you are working for."    


Hee Yining smiled. "For the people of China."    


The man smiled bitterly. "Okay. I think I understand."    


He exchanged a look with the other three members and immediately said to Hee Yining, "We have been keeping an eye on this tomb for a long time. We are here to do something big. But we also know that we cannot twist our arms over our legs. If you are working for the Black Rabbits, we are willing to give up everything this time, but we beg Director Hee to let us go."    


Hee Yining narrowed his eyes. The corner of his long and narrow eyes twitched, and the corner of his mouth curled up. "No problem, no problem."    


Shen Qi could not help but ask Liu Yi, "Who is the black belly rabbit?"    


Liu Yi blankly shook her head. "I don't know either."    


Fann Sheng, Fan Li, lowered his voice and said, "Shh, you will know in the future."    


Hearing Hee Yining's answer, the four of them stopped hiding and started to use their skills to confirm the correct path.    


Shen Qi had always been watching the show from novels and movies. Now, it was her first time standing by the side and watching them work.    


She felt that although their movements were not as fancy as those of the film dramas, they seemed very practical.    


The four of them busied themselves for a long time. Finally, they pointed at the door of a seat and said, "Let's go from here."    


Shen Qi could not help but ask, "Why are you so sure?"    


"This tomb is arranged according to the eight trigrams position. Only this door is the Gate of Life." The leading man did not look down on Shen Qi because she was a woman. On the contrary, along the way, he keenly sensed that this woman's position in this group was very important. She could be said to be a soul figure.    


If Hee Yining was the leader of this team, Then this woman was Hee Yining's soul.    


Shen Qi nodded and said, "What if we go through another door?"    


"If it's light, it's a trap. If it's heavy, it's..." He did not continue and Shen Qi already understood.    


"Let's go." Hee Yining made a tactical gesture and led the way.    


The four of them walked in front of Hee Yining and kept exploring.    


Shen Qi followed him and walked forward. Someone reminded her. "Don't touch anything here."    


Shen Qi nodded. Oh, she knew that.    


Tomb robbing novels had mentioned it before!    


This door was quite long, a bit similar to that kind of palace gate in ancient times, especially thick. It actually took three minutes to pass through this door.    


There was a sound of water in front of them. Shen Qi noticed that the light in front of them had magically lit up. She quickly walked a few steps and caught up with Hee Yining's footsteps. She could see a river about ten meters wide in her line of sight.    


A small boat quietly docked on the shore.    


A small boat?    


Where did this small boat come from?    


Hee Yining and the others also stopped and turned to look at the four people.    


"If there is no mistake, the direction of the current should be in the center of the tomb." The person who had been looking at the compass said, "But there are so many of us, and there is only one ship. It is obviously not enough. "    


"Moreover, the river might not be safe. We cannot split up too much." Someone added.    


Hee Yining said, "We prepared our own ship, but we can't take too many people."    


Shen Qi turned back and counted. Including her own group and four grave robbers, There were about thirty men with a compass, plus mercenaries.    


There were a lot of people, and one ship was not enough.    


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