A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C242 A Thousand-year Contract

C242 A Thousand-year Contract

He looked down and saw that his clothes were already dry. How long had he been in the sun?    


Shen Qi ran forward in big strides and kept shouting the names of the others.    


But the surroundings were very empty. Except for the breeze and the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, there was nothing else.    


Shen Qi did not know how long she ran. She only knew that no matter how she ran or shouted, no one responded to her.    


Just when Shen Qi was in despair, a light song drifted over along with the breeze.    


Shen Qi immediately followed the direction of the sound and turned around to look.    


A girl in a long white dress was holding a flower basket and singing while picking flowers. The song was crisp and melodious, as if she was in a good mood.    


Shen Qi was overjoyed when she saw someone. She ran towards the girl in big strides.    


But she did not run for long. Shen Qi was shocked to find that no matter how she ran, the distance between her and that girl did not seem to have shrunk at all!    


This... What is going on?    


What the hell!    


Right here, a person appeared!    


A man wearing a long black robe suddenly appeared in front of the young girl. The man lifted the young girl's chin. "Why didn't you agree to my request?"    


The young girl lowered her eyes and replied, "I originally did it for you. This land was born, Naturally, I will die for this land as well. "You have endless divine power, why make things difficult for me?"    


This piece of land is just that important in your eyes? " The man's red eyes slanted, but he was looking at Shen Qi's position.    


Shen Qi saw the man's face clearly and was shocked.    


It was him!    


The man in the silver white coffin!    


The man who appeared in his dreams!    


The man who looked exactly like Hee Yining but had silver hair and red eyes!    


The girl's back was facing Shen Qi. She did not seem to notice the man's unusual behavior. Her voice was still calm as she replied, "I was born under the orders of Great God Flame Emperor. My duty is to protect the creatures on this side."    


"The country that wants to marry you is to obtain your protection. If I build an empire for you, are you willing to protect my empire?" The man's red eyes were fixed on Shen Qi, but his words were to the young girl.    


Shen Qi's entire body turned cold when she was looked at.    


What was going on?    


That man was clearly talking to that girl. Why did she feel guilty?    


"As long as they are the people of the Flame Emperor, they are all existences that I want to protect." The girl replied gently.    


"Alright then, I promise you that I will protect your descendants for a thousand years. You owe me a lifetime to accompany you." After the man said this, he gave Shen Qi a strange smile. His body fluctuated and actually disappeared in an instant!    


The moment the man disappeared, Shen Qi suddenly felt the distance between her and the girl disappear in an instant.    


In the next second, she was already standing beside the girl.    


Shen Qi did not have time to cry out for this unforeseen event. The girl had already noticed her and slowly turned around to look at her.    


Shen Qi immediately opened her mouth. "I'm sorry, I..."    


The following words, Shen Qi could not say it all at once!    


Shen Qi's mouth was wide open and her tongue was hard. She could not say a single word.    


What did she see?    


Oh my god! What was going on?    


Someone, quickly explain. What the hell is going on!    


Shen Qi saw that the girl standing in front of her was actually herself!    


Even though the two of them were dressed differently, their facial features were exactly the same!    


Shen Qi's eyes were about to pop out of her eyes. She really could not control her expression!    


This kind of situation was really scary, okay?    


She really had the feeling of looking at herself in the mirror!    


"You're here." The girl looked at Shen Qi.    


Shen Qi's tongue was hard and her neck was hard. She could not do anything.    


Other than looking at her in shock, Shen Qi really could not do anything else.    


"This is fate." The young girl smiled and looked at Shen Qi. "However, you are luckier than me."    


Shen Qi opened and closed her mouth for a long time before she finally had the strength to lift her chin and return to her original state.    


"I owe him so much. The rest will be returned to you." The young girl looked at Shen Qi with a smile.    


"Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute!" Shen Qi could finally speak. "Who are you? Why should I return it for you?"    


"After thousands of years of protection, this love... Take it." The young girl did not answer Shen Qi's question. She just said, "There is a reason. There is a reason. There must be a reason. After a thousand years of entanglement, there must be a result. Go. Go and endure the emotions, happiness, and pain that are added to your body, reuniting and parting. After tasting the seven emotions, "Give him back his six desires."    


"Hey, hey, hey, please don't talk to yourself, okay? May I ask who you are?" Shen Qi could not help reaching out to grab the girl.    


But Shen Qi strangely discovered that her fingers actually penetrated her body and only grabbed a lump of air!    




Too strange!    


Did he see a ghost in broad daylight?    


The girl's body suddenly drifted backwards. Her white dress fluttered in the wind and her dress fluttered in the wind.    


The girl's eyes were filled with love, and she had a smile on her lips.    


"You did better than me. Thank you for everything." After saying this, the young girl turned around and disappeared in an instant!    


Shen Qi walked a few steps and wanted to leave her. "Hey, wait! What are you talking about?! I don't understand you at all!"    


Shen Qi had just run two steps when a figure flashed. Shen Qi was caught off guard and immediately crashed into the other party's embrace!    


This time, it was actually a physical body!    


It was not an illusion!    


"Oh, you took the initiative to throw yourself into my arms. This sovereign is very gratified." The man spoke mockingly.    


Shen Qi looked up and instantly met the bewitching man's eyes.    


Shen Qi's eyes flashed.    


The face of this man in front of her and Hee Yining actually gradually overlapped.    


Her long silver hair gradually turned black.    


His scarlet eyes gradually turned black.    


His long black robe instantly turned into a suit.    


Shen Qi blinked and could not help but say, "Yining, there was a girl who flew away just now! She is exactly the same as me! She..."    


The man suddenly lifted Shen Qi's chin and looked at her.    


Shen Qi's words stopped abruptly.    


"After a thousand years, you actually became like this." The man's domineering phoenix eyes were raised high. The coldness on his body that could repel people thousands of miles away was not restrained at all.    


He was not Hee Yining!    


Shen Qi could tell!    


His eyes were different from Hee Yining's.    


In reality In reality, very few people could have such perfect phoenix eyes.    


However, this man had them.    


Even Hee Yining would not give his domineering side to his family when he was facing his family.    


Therefore, when Shen Qi and Hee Yining were together, Hee Yining had never been so arrogant.    


And this man in front of him had very high eyes.    


This was the dignity of an emperor.    


Therefore, he was not Hee Yining!    


Shen Qi reached out and brushed away the man's hand. She subconsciously took a step back and looked at him warily. "Who are you?"    


The man laughed softly. His laughter was pleasant to hear, like the gurgling of a clear spring.    


"A person who asked you to fulfill the thousand-year promise." The man raised his eyes. The curve of the tail of his phoenix eyes was perfect to the point of perfection.    


"I don't know." Shen Qi looked around and asked, "Where is Hee Yining? Where are the others?"    


"He is me, I am him." The man lowered his eyes. "Changing the world might not be too bad."    


"Unbelievable" Shen Qi did not understand what he was talking about and turned to leave.    


The man did not stop Shen Qi. He just watched Shen Qi leave.    


Shen Qi was about to call for the others when the ground under her feet suddenly fell!    


Shen Qi screamed and waved her hand subconsciously, trying to grab something that she could cling to.    


But her hands only grabbed empty air!    


"Qi! Qi!" A familiar voice suddenly sounded by his ear!    


"Qi, wake up! Wake up!" The voice was getting more and more urgent. Shen Qi's mind went blank for a moment and she immediately reacted. This was Liu Yi's voice!    


"Yi!" Shen Qi called Liu Yi's name as she shivered and immediately opened her eyes.    


Her vision blurred for a moment and quickly returned to clarity.    


Wait, open your eyes?    


Shen Qi blinked her eyes and immediately looked in Liu Yi's direction.    


Everyone was here!    


Shen Qi looked at the others in a daze and could not help but ask, "Did you guys see two strange people just now?"    


The others all looked at Shen Qi with a strange expression.    


Liu Yi could not help but ask, "What are you talking about? We were knocked over by that monster and all of us fell into the water. We just fished them up one by one! What strange people? Just us! "Don't scare me!"    


Shen Qi immediately looked for Hee Yining. "Where is Yining?"    


Hee Yining's voice came from behind the crowd. "I'm here."    


Shen Qi immediately got up from the ground and squeezed through the crowd. She just happened to see Hee Yining. Get the last man out of the water.    


Shen Qi could not care less about Hee Yining. Dressed in water, she rushed over. Ignoring the crowd, she hugged Hee Yining.    


Yes, this was her Yining!    


This was her husband!    


When Hee Yining saw Shen Qi wake up, the first person he looked for was him. When he saw Shen Qi throw herself into his arms, he immediately flew up happily.    


"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly?" Hee Yining pinched Shen Qi's face. "It's okay. It was just a false alarm."    


Shen Qi pressed her face against Hee Yining's chest.    


What happened to those two people just now?    


Was it just a dream?    


Why was that dream so real?    


Why did he have such a dream?    


Could it be that something was wrong here, causing him to create an illusion?    


That must be it.    


It was said that under the grave... There's always something poisonous that makes people hallucinate for no reason.    


It must have been an illusion just now!    


Shen Qi shook her head, "Don't leave me alone next time."    


"Okay." Hee Yining patted Shen Qi's back gently. "Let's light a fire and dry our clothes first. Be careful not to catch a cold."    


Shen Qi nodded and gently let go.    


The fire quickly lit up.    


Shen Qi felt her entire body warming up.    


Thinking about the dream just now, Shen Qi could not help but sigh with emotion in her heart.    


I must have read too many novels recently and really had hallucinations or dreams.    


How could that kind of thing be true?    


I'm really stupid.    


Hee Yining was discussing with the others on the way.    


The four of them continued to calculate the direction they were going in. The others rested on the spot.    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard from afar.    


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