Boss, Your Babies Are Raising Hell

C5 He Met His Father Did He

C5 He Met His Father Did He

In his eyes, in his mind, there was only room for handsome men. He was referring to Su Mumu.    


The six little bunnies were left behind by the only adult. They stood in a row by the roadside and became a beautiful scenery.    


People who passed by would stop and admire them for a few seconds.    


The three treasures were worth millions. The monk was at a loss. "Auntie Mumu doesn't want us anymore?"    


Dabao, Qianqian, frowned. "She said she brought us here to report that she ran away when she saw the man."    


Sixth baby looked up with infatuation. "Long-legged Uncle Shu, take a good look..."    


Not good! Which boy would want to kidnap their family's most favoured little sister?    


The five little brothers raised their little heads in unison and looked towards their little sister's line of sight.    


"Putong!" The beautiful uncle who was being watched walked to their side, and his legs went soft, and he fell straight down.    


The six little balls were so scared that they all stepped back.    


The six little heads lowered their heads in unison and stared at the unconscious long-legged uncles in front of them.    


Sixth baby covered her mouth. "Did he poop?"    


Dabao Qianqian scratched his head seriously and seriously. "He should be sick."    


Erbao Junjun opened his mouth wide. He seemed to have found a new continent. "Wow, Uncle Jie looks like Qianqian."    


Third Treasure said, "Yes, like Qianqian and Junjun."    


Four Treasures Mama smiled. "Is he our daddy? Let's take him home."    


Five Treasures Lele stared blankly at his uncle who was sleeping on the ground. Where did this uncle come from and where am I?    


Dabao Qianqian was the most sensible. He promised to take care of his brother and sister. Fatty waved his hands like a commander. "Everyone, step back. Mommy said not to get close to unfamiliar silver."    


"But we don't have a daddy. Let's take him with us and make him our daddy." Mama, the Four Treasures, was the most mischievous, and his thoughts were also the most active. He dared to think of anything.    


The Four Treasures Junjun raised both hands in agreement. "I agree."    


Sanbao agreed with him. "I agree."    


Sixth baby was such a good-looking boy with rice gruel. She also raised both hands, "Bring a fat family."    


After that, the few round faces that voted for it turned to Lele and asked for his opinion.    


Lele felt embarrassed from being looked at and nodded weakly.    


The Dabao Qianqian sighed and seemed to have no choice but to agree. "Alright then."    


The minority would obey the majority.    


Qianqian would carry out the wishes of his brothers and sisters.    


He pressed the phone watch on his wrist and picked up the phone. "Police Uncle Shu, my dad fainted. We are lost. My phone is wide enough to locate... "    


It was time for work. There were fewer people on the road and fewer cars, so no one noticed that the man who was surrounded by the six little babies had fainted.    


Three minutes later, the police car arrived.    


Five minutes later, the police helped the group send their "Papa" home.    


"The doctor just checked and your father just fell asleep. It's not a big deal. He'll be fine after a nap. You don't have to worry." The police uncle was worried that the children would be scared, so he explained to him and gave them a calming pill.    


When the police saw the six delicate and cute little babies, they sighed in their hearts. This family was really happy.    


"Thank you, Uncle Shu. My mother's room is big. Put Papa in my mother's room and sleep." Dabao Qianqian had been very experienced since he was young. He was the most mature of the six babies.    


The two police officers carried Zhan Yeling into the room and placed him on the bed.    


Worried that the children would not be safe at home, the police squatted down and looked at Qianqian. "Do you have your mother's phone number? If you do, call her and ask her to come back to take care of you. Otherwise, it will not be safe for you to be at home."    


"I will take good care of my brother and sister. Don't worry, police uncle. Our mother will be fat soon." Qianqian patted his chest and promised.    


This cute look made the police smile.    


The children were so sensible. It seemed like they were often left at home to take care of themselves.    


After the police left, the babies surrounded the bed and looked curiously at the good-looking uncles.    


Sixth baby's little hands pinched his nose. "His nose is so high, and his mouth is also pretty."    


Erbao Junjun took a mirror and looked at himself. He looked at the male silver hair lying on the bed and sighed at his young age. "He is as handsome as me."    


"Bang! The door was knocked open in a hurry.    


Qianqian Da Bao gasped for air. "Ma, Mama's fat is coming."    


"Let's go."    


There was chaos in the battlefield.    


The six of them stood obediently in the living room, and the door was closed.    


Xiong Miao entered and saw the six bunnies of short and small standing in a neat row. Their black eyes kept wandering around as if they were thinking of something.    


"What are you guys doing?" Xiong Miao covered her face with one hand and hung her backpack at the door with the other.    


The sharp-eyed Dabao Qianqian still saw the bruises on her face. "Mommy, you fought with someone. Are you hurt?"    


The corner of Xiong Miao's mouth twitched. She thought that what she should know could not be hidden, so she took her hand off and did not hide it anymore.    


"See, see. Mommy has already become a real panda."    


Not only was the corner of her mouth purple, even the surroundings of her eyes were black.    


Obviously she was beaten up.    


"Mommy, I'll get you some water." Dabao's heart ached.    


"Mommy, I'll help you touch it." sixth baby came to her feet and raised her head. She stretched out her little hand, afraid that her mother would hurt.    


"Mommy, I'll get some medicine for you to wipe. Mommy won't cry." Second Baby Junjun strode with his short legs and quickly pulled open the fridge.    


But the medicine box was too high. He stood on his tiptoes and could not even reach it with his little hands.    


"Thank you, babies. Mommy is fine. She doesn't need to wipe the medicine. You guys go to the toy room and play for a while. I feel dizzy and want to lie down for a while." The children's concerned eyes seemed to be filled with sugar in her heart. Squeeze. She walked away with a pile of bitterness, leaving behind sweetness.    


She had just finished her interview at a design company. When she reached the neighborhood, she got out of the taxi and was stopped by Xiong Jingxi. She called.    


It was clearly Su Hongyi who wanted to keep her as his mistress, but she rejected him. Su Hongyi, that scum, actually complained first.    


Xiong Jingxi was also a ruthless person. If she did not find out the truth, she would say that she seduced Su Hongyi.    


Without distinguishing between right and wrong, she beat her up when she was unprepared.    


Pah, two lowly men and women, they really are birds of the same feather, a natural match!    


Xiong Miao's head was buzzing right now, could it be that she had a concussion?    


She had to quickly sleep for a while.    


Xiong Miao pushed open the door and laid on the bed without caring about anything.    


Zhan Yeling was placed in the bed by the police. sixth baby was afraid that she would freeze him, so she covered him with a blanket, only revealing his face.    


Xiong Miao did not look carefully and naturally did not know that there was a living person lying beside her.    


Her eyelids were heavy, and she fell asleep in a few seconds.    


Ten minutes later.    


The door of Xiong Miao's house was knocked open from the outside.    


Xiong Jingxi was leading a large group of people. Some were carrying cameras, some were holding microphones, and some were holding books and pens. They were a group of reporters.    


Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Xiong was pleasantly surprised and commanded, "That vixen must be living here. Let's quickly find her. Once we find her, we can take photos of her and let everyone take a look at her seductive face!"    


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