Boss, Your Babies Are Raising Hell

C13 A Thrilling Meeting

C13 A Thrilling Meeting

Xiong Miao sneered, "Of course I know how to design. However, as employees of the company, you should help your superiors to complete the corresponding work! On the day of the new product launch, I will use my design to make all of you shut up! "    


" If you want us to assist you in your work, that's fine. However, if your design is unable to make the new product launch a perfect success, then... Then you'll have to personally send a video to admit that you're Mo's man. Selling out your sex appeal depends on your body to get to the top!" Chen was a distant relative of Ling Xiaoxiao. This was her job. It was also because of Ling Xiaoxiao's relationship that she found it.    


At this moment, naturally, she was standing on Ling Xiaoxiao's side. Xiong Miao, this woman of unknown origin, actually wanted to be ranked on Zhan Yeling's list! She would not give her a good ending.    


"What if I succeed?" Xiong Miao was not afraid. In terms of design, she had never admitted defeat before.    


Not only was her graduation work the number one in the whole school, but it was also chosen by overseas companies and bought the copyright.    


Although it was only a small copyright, she was not famous and the company did not give much money.    


But that could also prove her strength.    


"If you succeed, we will all obey you, the manager. From now on, ... We will follow your orders and not say a single word. " Chen had some dignity among her colleagues. Her relationship with others was good too. Everyone listened to her.    


At this moment, she represented everyone.    


"Okay, then it's settled. In this half a month's time, you guys have to cooperate with my work. Now, make this fabric report. " Xiong Miao placed the document on Chen's table, turned around, and stepped on her high heels. She returned to the office.    


Since then, everyone had their own duties. Although they still did not treat Xiong Miao well, they did not push the responsibility away.    


As for Xiong Miao, not only did she need to understand the direction and information of the design, she also needed to do designing work day and night.    


In the blink of an eye, a week had passed.    


Today was the day Zhan Yeling came to the Design Department for an inspection and a meeting.    


For some reason, Zhan Yeling was especially interested in this new product launch.    


The meeting room had been prepared for a long time. The leaders of the various departments had also taken their seats.    


As the manager of Design Department, Xiong Miao naturally had to wait for the higher ups to come.    


She held a stack of documents and stood at the door of the meeting room, waiting for the CEO to arrive. She wore a black professional suit today. The one-armed skirt was a little short and she would pull it down with her hands from time to time.    


Just as she lowered her head to pull the skirt, steady and powerful footsteps came from not far away. She looked up and saw that the man was wearing a black suit. He was tall and strong, and his aura was strong. He was walking steadily towards her.    


Xiong Miao immediately tensed up and stood up straight. She watched the man approach her and her breathing also became tense.    


Zhan Yeling's majestic figure approached and the moment he stood beside her, the black shadow covered her petite body. It was full of momentum and it made it difficult for her to breathe.    


She lowered her head and avoided his gaze. She was so nervous that she forgot the greeting lines that she had prepared beforehand.    


The door of the meeting room was open. Zhan Yeling only glanced at her casually before entering the meeting room.    


However, because of that glance, Xiong Miao's heartbeat accelerated and every pore opened up.    


"Manager Xiong, come in." Gu Yi's words came over.    


Only then did Xiong Miao recover from her shock. She remembered that she had an important mission today. Because of Zhan Yeling's arrival, her heartbeat accelerated and she forgot to react. She could not help but blush.    


In the meeting room, the others were all sitting upright, except for Zhan Yeling, who was sitting at the top of the rectangular meeting room. He casually crossed his legs, his slender fingers casually tapping on the table. He was lazy and casual, but his dignity did not diminish. His eyes were indifferent. It also carried a powerful deterrent force.    


Gu Yi followed Xiong Miao in and sat in Zhan Yeling's hands. "Manager Xiong, the proposal for the design can begin now."    


Xiong Miao took a deep breath and suppressed the tension brought by Zhan Yeling's powerful aura. She held her head high and walked towards the projector.    


Because those designs were all completed by her alone, all the explanations had to be personally explained by her.    


When she walked to the top of the rectangular conference table, Xiong Miao suddenly panicked and sped up. She felt dizzy and her vision went black. She staggered and fell down.    


"Hua..." Following the movement of her falling down, the entire audience burst into an uproar but did not dare to make a sound.    


Xiong Miao only felt that she had fallen onto someone's body. Above her head, there was a sharp aura and even the breathing above was cold.    


She only fainted for a short while before she woke up. She felt a chill on her back. She looked up and saw the man's eyes that were as black as stone. It was cold and dignified.    


Xiong Miao's heart trembled and she quickly wanted to get up from his body, "Sorry, I did not do it on purpose..."    


Xiong Miao quickly stood up but because of the dizziness, when she stood up, her body staggered and touched the man beside her.    


She tried to stand up but when she turned around, she saw that man's handsome face was so cold that ice could fall off.    


Xiong Miao widened her eyes.    


The man's handsome face was so dark that ink could drip out, and his deep gaze was sharp and cold.    


It was as if he could tear her apart on the spot.    


Xiong Miao nodded in panic and apologized, "Sorry, Director Zhan. I did not do it on purpose."    


Zhan Yeling gritted his teeth.    


Damn woman, didn't she know what kind of occasion this was?    


She actually dared to play some tricks in public. Did she think that just because of this, he would be able to take another look at her?    


He was so naive!    


Gu Yi sat beside Zhan Yeling. He had witnessed the entire process of Xiong Miao falling onto Zhan Yeling's body.    


He had been by Zhan Yeling's side all year round, so of course he had some understanding of him.    


The coldness in his eyes gradually changed, and he naturally understood what was going on.    


They had always been calm and collected, and had never been moved by anyone. But now, Director Zhan, who had always been calm and collected, had unexpectedly fallen down and touched a woman by accident again, and showed such an angry and gnashing expression.    


Could it be that Director Zhan had feelings other than coldness towards this woman?    


It was really strange.    


Their ice-cold Director Zhan had a feeling of anger.    


However, now was not the time to be curious.    


"Cough, Manager Xiong, be careful when you walk. You can start now." Gu Yi spoke at the right time, breaking the awkward atmosphere.    


Xiong Miao was still somewhat grateful for Gu Yi's timely rescue.    


She took a few deep breaths and calmed down a little. She walked to the projector, turned on the computer, projected the contents of her USB drive onto the big screen and began to explain her design.    


"The release of the new product this time is mainly targeted at young women. I want to use spring as the main body to show the vitality and youth of young women..."    


Because of the small episode just now, Xiong Miao's heart was somewhat chaotic. She could not remember the organized language and could only perform on the spot.    


As she spoke, she could not help but watch Zhan Yeling's reaction. As for the man, he did not move. He was lazy and his eyes were dark. He did not look at the projector but at her.    


Xiong Miao panicked in her heart and was at a loss.    


Why did he look at her?    


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