The System: Civilian Shinobi

[The Second Exam!!]

[The Second Exam!!]

'Huh! They are headed straight towards us...hmmm, I know these chakra signatures… a leaf team...'     

"Guys, it's a Konoha team, non-lethal attacks..." Instead of going for my sword, I drew two kunai's, out one for each hand...     

"ETA 5 Seconds..." I warn my team even though I knew that they are already on our radar… Shino has already deployed his bugs and Hinata was tracking them with her byakugan… I on the other hand dashed forward with two kunai in hand… I didn't use my full speed because that would be overkill, upon seeing me closing upon them at a very high speed, the other team scrambled to scatter and reduce my chances of taking out everyone quickly, and also giving themselves a chance to help their teammate, who upon seeing that he was the target dashed forward to gain my attention...     

'Heh! Looks like your teaching do stick around, Iruka-Sensei! This selfless sacrifice, done to provide time for your teammates to bad we are from Konoha too!'     

I could sense Shino's bugs jumping from their hidden spot on one of the unsuspecting genin while Hinata quickly closed down the distance between her and the last remaining genin, Shino, kunai in hand, was running behind her for support…     


Shino's bugs started leeching the second genin's blood, Hinata's Junken strike destabilized the chakra network of the third genin, and I used some footwork to do a spin move and slam the back of my kunai in the back of the first genin's head…     

He slumped down on the ground, and as he was dashing forward earlier, he continued to slide past me… the second and third genins weren't having a good time as the second one was immobilized at getting his blood forcibly sucked out and the third one had a kunai to the throat courtesy of Shino…     

"Shino stop the bugs...Now then, let's be peaceful and do the exchange quickly ...your scroll for the chance to continue the exams..."     

Both his teammates were indecisive so I asked Shino "which one has the scroll?"     

"The one out for the count..."     

'Huh! That was convenient...' I walk up to the slumped form of attacker #1 and pull out a scroll from his kunai pouch… realizing it is another heaven scroll I threw it to Shino and started to heal the fallen genin…     

'Mythical Palm Technique'     

'That should get rid of his concussion...'     

"Let's go Shino, Hinata…Shino, closest team?"     

"3 km North-West..."     

Hearing the same monotonous reply even when holding the life of someone at the back of his hand made me chuckle a little bit which probably further creeped out the other leaf team…     

"Stay safe out there… tell the one on the ground to bend his knees a little so he can react quicker… see ya later!"     

'Hehe, I love messing with their minds...'     

With that, we dashed towards our next target…     

'...wonder how the other teams are doing...'     


'Finally...' I pick up an Earth scroll from the beaten form of a sand genin… His teammates were lying in a similar state around him while Hinata had some bruises from the brief taijutsu battle before she was able to win…     

I started healing Hinata and said, "Any injuries Shino?"     

"No, that's because I am a long-range fighter so I don't need to do battle directly..."     

'A simple no would have sufficed...' I look back at the bugs still sucking the blood and chakra of the sand genin's and tell Shino…     

"Leave them for now…They are allies, after all, we don't need to take them out of the competition..."     

Shino nodded and the bugs dispersed again in our surroundings, waiting for their next prey… we leave the clearing and I sense some leaf-nin a little further than us… 'Hmm… It's the Hyuga… Neji if I remember correctly… but why is there only one person with him...'     

"Ano… Tobi-kun, why are you leaving our enemies in a state to continue the exams?"     

I look at Hinata, she has gotten pretty confident in the last few months, actually asking questions and speaking her mind…     

"Because they can still fight and are not a threat to our team… if I wasn't a sensor or didn't have Shino's bugs setting up a perimeter, I wouldn't dare to leave anyone as there was a chance for them to follow our tracks and do a sneak attack, but like this, I don't really consider them a threat, so they might as well prove useful and thin out more competition that pass through the second test...wait!"     

'Why are there so many people gathered 7, team 10...huh the sound genin's… this should be good...'     

"Interesting… let's check this out… Shino, send your bugs to make a perimeter around a cave 450m at 1 O'clock..."     

'...Sasuke and the Baka are way sound nin managed to do that… somethings up...'     

"Let's increase our speed, Sasuke and Naruto are injured..."     

'...I know you are worried Hinata but no need to rush that fast and get winded when we get there...'     

"Hinata slow down! Don't worry I am monitoring their situation… they will be fine..."     

Her agitation calmed down but she still was ready to rush forward at a moment's notice with her Byakugan burning…     

'She is channeling excess amount of chakra into her eyes, there is no damage now but it can be dangerous if continued...'     

"Hinata! CALM DOWN!! I need you to focus… as soon as we reach the clearing I need you to check on Naruto and Sasuke and tell me their condition..."     

"Yes, I am sorry Tobi-kun..." her spirits further went down and I don't even know what to do anymore…     

'Man! I'll take Shika on my team if I can...looks like team 10 is going to engage…Chouji seems pissed… nice Shika! good teamwork...Oooo, So that's how you used that jutsu to take control of me, that's a nasty little jutsu… Shit, they are not leaf ninjas you Idiot's...'     

I could feel the one with the spiky hair aiming his jutsu at his teammate/Ino-chan…     

'Make it in time...'     

I dash forward and pick up Ino-chan before dashing away from the approaching jutsu...In the cover of the dust cloud, I whisper to Ino, "Get back in your body now! Ino!!"     

I got a shaky 'Yes' before I could feel her chakra/spirit, leave this body, and merge back with her body in Shika's arms…     

'Well, it turned out okay...'     

"I told you guys not to walk around like this is your backyard didn't I..."     

While the sound genins were realizing who they are up against now, I take out a kunai and swiftly insert it through the back of the girl's head and let her fall down…     


"Now which one of you will give me a reason not to kill you..."     


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